Shiro: Imagine in an au. --- Ayano and her family is struggling - TopicsExpress


Shiro: Imagine in an au. --- Ayano and her family is struggling to keep Seto alive. Who is suffering from a phenomena wherein he sleeps for too long and now he wont wake up. its like his spirit is wondering around. More like insidious but no horror intended. Ayano., who is 13 then., found out setos drawings and scribblings wherein he narrates everything he sees when he goes to sleep. first drawing in the sketchpad is dated 3 months ago. its a drawing of a lil kid wearing a school uniform. he is with his mom as they hold hands tightly. they look happy. last night...i dreamt of a child going to school with his mom by his side... i felt sad remembering i never knew who my real mom is...but ayaka-okasan is here! hehehe! im not sad! the next drawing is a child with his dad. they look like they are on a game. the father is cheering up his child as the child is involved in a soccer game. it is poorly drawn that it made ayano giggle but shes with a sad face as she stares at seto. who is being kept alive by a machine only. ayano then read the note attached to it. dated 2 and a half months ago. last night in my dream...i saw a child being supported by his dad! the dad seemed so proud! so the child is inspired to win the game...i smiled but i my real dad like that? does he think of me? will he support me for my likes? but i dont really mind. because i have kenji-tousan! hes very cool and supportive! Ayano takes a deep breath as she turned to the next page. It has a picture of a child with someone like his sister. same age as him as how it was drawn. it was dated 2 months ago. I dreamt again! I dreamed of a child with his sister! the sister is shooing away the bullies of her brother! how ironic! but she looked very calm towards her brother when she turns back to her. I i have a real sister ? is she with my real mom and real dad? are they happy? will she protect me? but i shouldnt think that way! I have tsubomi! shes so cool! much cooler than the boys in the neighborhood! Ayanos tears fel in the sketchpad as she stares at Seto again. She tried to smile as she turns it to another page. Its dated 1 month ago. Boy! i dreamt of a child again! why do i always dream of that kid? is he somehow related to me?! awesome! anyway i saw this child playing games with his brother. the child cries as his brother beats him up in the game again. i laughed because i remembered shuuya-kun! he and i play this game and i always lose! he always mocks me! geez! but its fine! he lets me win sometimes. such a cool brother! though i wonder if my real brother will do the same? but no! shuuya is enough as my brother! Ayano hesitates to turn another page. But she did so. Its a picture of a hero wearing a red scarf. Ayano is shocked. It looked very much like her and unlike the other drawings., its much detailed. It was dated 3 weeks ago. i dreamt again last night. Its a child being saved by a man wearing a bright red scarf. It reminded me of someone who really did changed my life., shuuya and tsubomis too! Im sure of it... Its my ayano-oneechan! shes is my hero! shes a girl but she saved me and shuuya and tsubomi! col isnt it?! she never lets us be sad...she hero...and my big sister...i love her as much as i do with my family...i wont imagine what my real big sister is like...for ayano-oneechan is like someone from a book and into reality. Ayanos tears fell one by one as shes shaking. She stood up and hugged seto whos still unconscious. she caresses her younger brother with her trembling hands. while her eyes are full of tears. kousuke! kousuke! kousuke! wake up! pls wake up... you have been gone for more than 2 weeks now! i miss you so much! mom and dad too! shuuya and tsubomi too! pls wake up!!! come on! the other members of the family heard ayanos crying and went into setos room. Tsubomi pulls ayano away from seto and hugs her as shes crying herself. Ayaka cries too. Kenjiji comforts her by hugging her. Kano then stares at the sad scene. He then sees at his feet the book that ayano is reading... he took it and read it all he is shocked himself as he turns to the last page which ayano didnt see... he speaks... at this... they went closer to kano. they see a drawing. it is dated 2 weeks ago. Its a drawing of their family. holding hands and they are all smiling in the drawing it has a note... This is my family...and they are gifts from Someone up there...i treasure them...i love them! and im very lucky to have met them. I know that this dreams are getting me. This sleep is too long. i sleep for too long. i know it all...and i know if this keeps up...i might not he able to wake up one day...but its alright! i managed to meet ayano-oneechan., mom, dad, shuuya and tsubomi! and if i wont wake up anymore...maybe its another gift...i know my real parents didnt abandon me for no reason. maybe they went up there. so i will find them. will i dream of them? im not sure but i wish i that i could thank them...because id not for the things that happened...i might not be part of this amazing family... ... Ayaka went caresses setos forehead... son...If you are...if this is just too can...let go....Ayakas smile is immediately replaced by a crying face. Kenjiji and the others hugged Ayaka... Soon...seto passed away at age 11. ...
Posted on: Tue, 14 Oct 2014 15:09:34 +0000

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