Shock research shows statistics can give affirmation to beliefs - TopicsExpress


Shock research shows statistics can give affirmation to beliefs you already hold. Very little information is presented without the prejudice of the writer influencing the presentation of results. Even if they are truly unbiased fact, your mind will likely automatically discredit information that does not affirm your already held belief. Why the rant? Just fed up of bollocks being presented as absolute truth. Its not its just a declaration of your own prejudice. Be honest, say this. Were all human we all do the same. Our decision making process isnt necessarily rational. Accept it. Im non domicile so dont get a vote. In some ways Im glad as reading the info I can get, in my less than humble opinion, it is all bollocks. Yes cant give anything other than a dream of what theyd like. They cant give fact because until independence occurs there is no real way of telling. The system is too complex and unpredictable to allow meaningful modelling and therefore you cant give a definitive answer. So it really voting based on a gambling dream. No have made a truly bollocks attempt at putting forward a case for staying in the union. Itll be better in some completely in determinable way. Um yeah... The politicians on both sides are the worst type possible. Words flow forth in a deluge but not a single one holds substance. Most of the breath is spent in belittlement or berating. Pointing at flaws in oponents view isnt an answer to a direct question. Useless and dishonest. But then again what politician is honest... If I had a vote, Id vote no. Why? Because I believe in unity and that we should break boundaries not build more. Celebrate your history, celebrate your heritage, celebrate your identity, but I dont believe the best way for humanity is separatism, it unity. One people of one purpose. Why ? Because I have beliefs based on my own prejudice which may be irrational, but are rational to me. Im honest. Just Because. Good luck Scotland. Please dont leave and break my heart.
Posted on: Tue, 09 Sep 2014 19:44:25 +0000

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