Shocking Exposé! (Final Part)- Doug Fortune actually names the - TopicsExpress


Shocking Exposé! (Final Part)- Doug Fortune actually names the NAME, exactly who Antichrist is: If you’re looking for a natural fulfillment of antichrist rising to power, you might find it recorded in history. Consider the natural fulfillment of antichrist personified and Revelation 13:16-18 in the following: “And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads: And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the MARK, or the NAME of the beast, or the number of his name. Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a MAN; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six.” (Revelation 13:16-18) The mark is the name of the beast, the name of the beast is the name of a man, and the numerical value is 666. The word ‘earth’ used in the book of Revelation is ghay, it means a REGION... the ‘earth’ envisioned by John was the Roman Earth or Empire, not the whole world. The Roman papal empire used Latin as it’s language and in the year A.D.666 Pope Vitallian decreed the exclusive use of Latin so that every person in Western Europe, as a member of the Catholic Church used Latin... thus the mark in the forehead (mind, thoughts) and the hand (written language). The Greek word (remember, the book of Revelation was written in Greek) for Latin is Lateinos, and it has the numeric value of 666. The word ‘Latin’ in the Latin language (Latinus) is a proper noun meaning ‘the Latin man’, hence the name of the Roman papal empire, the Latin empire is also the name of a man; this Latin empire in A.D.1178 by Pope Alexander III forbid trading with heretics (non-Catholics), and Pope Martin V after the Council of Constance commanded that the heretics (non-Catholics) could not have houses in their districts or enter into contracts, or carry on commerce. Thus we find a natural fulfillment of antichrist rising to power recorded in the pages of history. In the year 1520 Martin Luther wrote, “We are of the conviction that the papacy is the seat of the true and real Antichrist. Personally I declare that I owe the Pope no other obedience than that to Antichrist.” (from ‘The Prophetic Faith of Our Fathers’, vol.2, p.121) (My intention here is NOT to heap condemnation on any individual who is Catholic, but rather just to present the facts.) * There is a spiritual principle that you will find all through Scripture; first the NATURAL, then the SPIRITUAL (1Corinthians 15:46). I believe now we need to be looking to the spiritual fulfillment of antichrist- those substitutes for showing forth the coming of the Lord in our lives. Frankly, my concern is not for some man in the Middle East rising to power, for no power is greater than the Kingdom of God. Consider Daniel 7:13-14, “ like the Son of man came with the CLOUDS of heaven (I believe to be the great cloud of witnesses)... And there was given Him dominion, and glory, and a Kingdom, that ALL people, nations, and languages, should serve Him: His dominion is an everlasting dominion, which shall NOT pass away, and His Kingdom that which shall NOT be destroyed.” Hebrews 2:8 tells us the truth of the matter, “Thou hast put ALL things in subjection under His feet. For in that He put all in subjection under Him, he left NOTHING that is not put under Him. But now we SEE NOT YET all things put under Him.” All enemies have already been conquered, we are just in the process of seeing it manifest in the natural realm. The victory has already been secured, God is just looking for a people who will apprehend it! “For the eyes of the Lord run to and fro throughout the whole earth, to shew Himself strong in the behalf of them whose heart is perfect toward Him.” (2 Chronicles 16:9) Let US be that people who understand our destiny to reign in the earth. Let us not give it over to one who is already defeated, because we lack understanding. Let antichrist be revealed for what it is. Let us show forth the coming of the Lord in our lives... Jesus Christ IS COME in the flesh! * (Historical facts taken from the book ‘The Present Reign of Jesus Christ’ by Robert Caringola.)
Posted on: Mon, 30 Sep 2013 22:52:53 +0000

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