Shocking, hidden agenda behind border crisis Top Cold War - TopicsExpress


Shocking, hidden agenda behind border crisis Top Cold War defector explains devious reason for mass immigration. Virtually all of the 1,087 comments on a recent Wall Street Journal op-ed titled “Immigration Reform Can’t Wait,” by Rupert Murdoch, who owns that prestigious newspaper, disagreed with the article’s call for an immediate “path to citizenship” for our millions of illegal immigrants. This disagreement is historically significant: America is beginning to see through the thick veil of disinformation designed to conceal the secret intelligence weapon of mass immigration under a mask of humanitarianism. “This is not a humanitarian crisis,” stated the National Association of Former Border Patrol Officers. “It is a predictable, orchestrated and contrived assault on the compassionate side of Americans.” Two congressmen avowed that the flooding of America’s Southern borders with illegal-alien children might derive from a secret strategy to transform the U.S. into a socialist state. Lt. Gen. Ion Mihai Pacepa Lt. Gen. Ion Mihai Pacepa Do not take me wrong. I am a conservative who appreciates Fox News, I have often been published in the Wall Street Journal, and I am myself an immigrant – in fact, I paid with two death sentences (from my native Romania) for the privilege of becoming a citizen of this great country. But in my other life, as one of the top members of the KGB’s intelligence community, I was involved in a super-secret operation tasked to switch the allegiance of Western Europe and Israel away from the United States and capitalism over to the Soviet bloc and socialism by flooding the Western world with various immigrants, while hiding this assault under the disinformation mask of “humanitarianism.” After I defected, I exposed that anti-American mass immigration offensive in a memo to President Carter – who wrote on it, “All new to me” – and in my book “Red Horizons,” whose motto was Gutta cavat lapidem, non vi sed saepe cadendo (A drop makes a hole in a stone not by force but by constant dripping). That was the KGB dictum suggesting how mass immigration would move Western Europe and Israel over to our side: drop by drop by drop. It would take time, but wherever you could not use a drill, that was the best way to make a hole. Last year I exposed that old offensive again in “Disinformation,” a book I co-authored with Professor Ronald Rychlak, because Russia has now become a dictatorship of the KGB (renamed FSB). And just as with all the other disinformation campaigns past and present I reveal in that book, today mass immigration has become a weapon of the emotions used against the U.S. itself. Here is the KGB’s mass-immigration disinformation scenario in a nutshell: After Stalin died, his “immutable” theory of the world proletarian revolution was replaced with Khrushchev’s “parliamentary road to power.” Communist insurgencies were out. Mass immigrations – of Soviet bloc propagandists – were in. It worked. By the mid-1950s, some 30 million people in Western Europe were voting the Communist Party ticket. Communism had not been imposed on them by force, as it had been in Eastern Europe, but that was not the whole story. Our mass immigration plot, supported by the numerous émigré organizations we financed in the West, was so successful that we even started selling some of our own citizens to capitalist countries for hard currency. Stalin Joseph Stalin West Germany became my personal target in 1956, when I was appointed chief of Romania’s espionage station in that country. My operational directive, written by KGB advisers, looked like a five-year plan for transforming West Germany into a socialist country by inundating it with immigrants of German origin. Moscow believed that a mass influx of immigrants from Soviet bloc countries would not only spread the miracles of socialism to West Germany, but it would also overwhelm its governmental bureaucracy, squeeze the country’s treasury, provoke economic chaos and sway the West Germans into voting the socialist ticket. The KGB community was not able to change West Germany into a socialist country, but that was not for lack of trying. During the rest of my time in Romania, West Germany was inundated with immigrants from the Soviet bloc. Of course, the East German Stasi (secret police) enjoyed a unique advantage, but Romania followed in second place, for it had a large German minority. In the late 1960s, the Romanian contribution to this immense flow of émigrés received a special boost when the Bonn government quietly let it be known it was prepared to pay Bucharest cash dollars for every Romanian of German heritage allowed to emigrate to West Germany. According to a book published by a West German ambassador to Romania, who kept track of this human traffic, Bucharest had sold off 200,000 Volksdeutsche (ethnic Germans living outside of the Reich) up until 1989, when the Soviet bloc collapsed.[1] Some of the Volksdeutsche who emigrated to West Germany were intelligence agents who had been trained in planting the seed of anti-Americanism. The rest were just expected to popularize the cradle-to grave socialist concept of the welfare state. People everywhere love free lunches. In the early 1970s, when West Germany opened its borders to Yugoslav émigrés needed as guest workers, Tito’s foreign intelligence service joined the fray. According to Silvo Gorenc, my Yugoslav counterpart, almost a million Yugoslav émigrés were sent to West Germany. In the mid-1970s, when West Germany started importing guest workers from Turkey as well, the Romanian espionage service began recruiting Romanians of Turkish origin (Romania had a large Turkish community) and dispatching them to West Germany – directly or via Turkey. Here is not the place for me to describe the details of that gargantuan mass immigration endeavor. Let it suffice to say that the per-capita rate of immigration to Germany in the 1980s was substantially higher than that of the U.S., and that there are over 15 million people with immigrant background living in today’s Germany, whose population is 82 million. Just before I left Romania for good, the DIE (Romania’s foreign intelligence service, which I headed) received a letter signed by KGB chairman Yuri Andropov stating our immigration offensive on West Germany had played a substantial role in determining the government and the parliament of that country to adopt the policy of Ostpolitik (“an opening toward the East”). West German Chancellor Willy Brandt, foreground left, meets his East German counterpart for the first time. West German Chancellor Willy Brandt, foreground left, meets his East German counterpart for the first time. In April 1974 I had my last meeting with Willy Brandt, the chancellor who authored West Germany’s Ostpolitik. Brandt seemed distressed. He did not even raise his vaunted Ostpolitik with me, as he had usually done in the past. It was shortly after the arrest of Günther Guillaume as a Stasi illegal officer,[2] and Brandt could talk about nothing else. Guillaume, one of the immigrants from East Germany, had risen to become a staunch member of West Germany’s socialist party, the SPD, [3] and a trusted adviser to Chancellor Brandt himself. Guillaume had been instrumental in persuading the socialist Brandt to repeal West Germany’s Hallstein Doctrine, adopted under the conservative Chancellor Konrad Adenauer, which had declared West Germany the exclusive representative of the entire German nation. Guillaume also influenced Brandt to sign an agreement with the Soviet Union officially recognizing East Germany. Guillaume’s arrest as a Soviet bloc spy was simply shattering, and Brandt admitted to me that he felt betrayed. One month later Brandt would write to the West German president: “I accept political responsibility for negligence in connection with the Guillaume espionage affair and declare my resignation from the office of federal chancellor.”[4] Russian President Vladimir Putin and former German Chancellor Gerhard Schroeder Russian President Vladimir Putin and former German Chancellor Gerhard Schroeder In 1998, German Chancellor Gerhard Schroeder, another pro-Soviet socialist, was instrumental in granting mass citizenship to most German immigrants. This made those immigrants a powerful political force. During the same year of 1998, Joschka Fischer, whose parents had immigrated from Hungary, became vice chancellor of West Germany. Soon, the German media revealed that Fischer had been affiliated with the Revolutionärer Kampf, a terrorist organization financed by the KGB, and that he had once attended a 1969 PLO meeting in Algiers at which the PLO adopted a resolution to achieve final victory against Israel. German journalist Bettina Roehl, the daughter of the late Ulrike Meinhof, co-leader of the terrorist Baader-Meinhof, proved that Fischer had indeed been a terrorist during the 1970s. She provided pictures showing a helmeted Fischer beating a German police officer, Rainer Marx, during an April 7, 1973, violent demonstration in Frankfurt/Main’s Luisenplatz. In 2002, Joschka Fischer publicly apologized to Rainer Marx, the beaten police officer. The anti-Americanism sowed by Schroeder-Fischer mass immigration policies bore fruit. In June 2002, a documentary on “U.S. war crimes” in Afghanistan was shown in the Bundestag. And on Sept. 19, 2002, a German cabinet minister, Herta Dauebler-Gmelin, compared President George W. Bush to Adolf Hitler. West Germany subsequently rebelled against Schroeder’s mass immigration policy and in 2005 voted him out of power, in spite of the votes he got from the millions of immigrants just granted citizenship. Schroeder retired from political life, and Fischer moved to quiet, leafy Princeton University in the U.S. to write his memoirs and teach political science. Soon after, Germany was astounded to learn that Schroeder was holding a high position at the Russian Gazprom company. In an editorial headlined “Gerhard Schroeder’s Sellout,” the Washington Post noted: It is the sort of behavior we have – sadly – come to expect from some in Congress. But when Gerhard Schroeder, the former German chancellor, announced last week that he was going to work for Gazprom, the Russian energy behemoth, he catapulted himself into a different league. It’s one thing for a legislator to resign his job, leave his committee chairmanship and go to work for a company over whose industry he once had jurisdiction. It’s quite another thing when the chancellor of Germany – one of the world’s largest economies – leaves his job and goes to work for a company controlled by the Russian government that is helping to build a Baltic Sea gas pipeline that he championed while in office. To make the decision even more unpalatable, it turns out that the chief executive of the pipeline consortium is none other than a former East German secret police officer who was friendly with Vladimir Putin, the Russian president, back when Putin was a KGB agent in East Germany. If nothing else, Schroeder deserves opprobrium for his bad taste. In April 2006, Radoslaw Sikorski, then Poland’s defense minister, compared this pipeline project to the infamous 1939 Hitler-Stalin Pact that redrew the map of Europe.[5] Indeed, the current dependence on Russian gas has prevented Western Europe from acting decisively against Putin’s stealing of Crimea, and against his further efforts to rebuild the old Soviet Union, whose breakup, in Putin’s view, “was the greatest geopolitical catastrophe of the century.” I am no longer in the bear’s lair, and I of course do not have proof that the KGB/FSB has a hand in our current mass immigration crisis. One day, however, I saw on Fox News thousands of illegal immigrants who marched through Washington, D.C., chanting: “Today we walk, tomorrow we vote.” That was one of the slogans of the KGB’s old Gutta cavat lapidem. pacepa Romanian dictator Nicolae Ceausescu, second from right, with Lt. Gen. Ion Mihai Pacepa just behind his right shoulder I know I am not politically correct. But I also know that in 1978, when I broke with the Soviet bloc, the KGB was a state within a state and that now the KGB (by whatever name) is running the state. “There are no ex-KGB officers!” President Putin once told his subordinates. “A KGB officer leaves us only feet first!” Those were the same old KGB phrases I used to hear in my other life, at the top levels of the KGB community. In my other life, the KGB community was deeply involved in spreading anti-Americanism in South America, whose map has now become mostly red. KGB advisers and Russian military ships and bombers are back in Cuba – and newly in Venezuela – for the first time since the Cuban missile crisis. Nicaragua, Honduras and Argentina are shepherded into the Russian fold. Brazil, the world’s 10th largest economy, had even installed a former KGB-inspired guerrilla fighter, Dilma Rousseff, as the country’s president. All these things give me strong reason to suspect a KGB hand behind the current sudden mass immigration of children from South America being dropped at our Southern borders. During those years of my other life, the KGB community was busily spreading terrorism in South America, Western Europe and the Middle East with the help of mass immigration. The current mass immigration of ISIS terrorists in Iraq and Syria furthermore suggests that today’s Russia – now run by the intelligence apparatus – is successfully using the secret KGB weapon of mass immigration in that part of the world as well. I have strong reason to believe that a comprehensive policy for dealing with Russia, which is building a new anti-American axis, Moscow-Tehran-Beijing-Caracas, and the largest oil cartel in history, is a lot more important right now than granting citizenship to millions of illegal immigrants who have invaded our country. Becoming a citizen of this great country is, in my humble view, an honor, not an entitlement. For Nobel Peace Prize laureate Elie Wiesel, who was also born in Romania, America has always symbolized hope – not early citizenship and a free lunch. “Hope is a key word in the vocabulary of men and women like myself and so many others who discovered in America the strength to overcome cynicism and despair,” he said. Elie Wiesel knows better than any what real hope means. It was the hope that America would defeat the Nazis during World War II and eventually come to his rescue that kept him alive in the German death camp. There are millions of others who, like Wiesel and like me, are ready to start their lives from scratch for the privilege of living in this magnanimous land of freedom. I hope they will. But have them follow the American traditions and laws that made this country a beacon for the whole world. wnd/2014/06/shocking-hidden-agenda-behind-border-crisis/
Posted on: Wed, 25 Jun 2014 23:40:51 +0000

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