Shoes tied tight enough to never fall off when sprinting, - TopicsExpress


Shoes tied tight enough to never fall off when sprinting, climbing, swimming, and working walls. Synthetic underwear and socks that dry quickly. Synthetic pants to be able to swim in and move freely in the rain. Earthy colored clothing to blend in better. Always a belt or drawstring to tighten to be able to dive and maneuver in water without too much drag or losing anything. Durable, well made pocket knife hidden on the hip. Synthetic sweatshirt to insulate even when wet. A body well adapted to the cold. A strong heart to spread the heat. Strong legs to be able to make it there even if your tires fall apart. Strong everything to be able to carry your friend if he falls apart. An awareness that allows you to notice things, even far away things out of the corner of your eye. A sure grip and climbing ability to be able to make it all the way up or across. Big lungs and a strong mammalian dive reflex to keep you alive and focused when submerged. Strong feet and thick soles to be able to keep moving, even if you lose your shoes. Developed innate navigation skills to know which way to go, even at night. A sincere smile and a genuine good attitude, no matter what happens. Courage to do the right thing, even if it makes you look uncool to the people you admire the most. A trained appetite and system to be able to enjoy and use any food, however old, dirty, mixed, foreign, stale, or burnt. Enough combative experience to be able to defend somebody from an attacker, man or animal. Good enough swimmer to rescue a drowning person, or be able to swim back to land when your boat sinks in the middle of the lake. Kind enough and experienced enough in self mastery through devotion to meditation to not get offended and react in a negative way, but strive to understand and respond in a constructive, positive, uplifting manner. Strong-hearted enough to make people smile and laugh, even though you might feel like giving up and crying. Prepared enough to make people warm when its too cold. Always doing good without need of recognition or payback. Smart enough to say no, when everything and everyone but your quiet quiet instinct screams yes. Loyal, compassionate, persistent, determined, respectful, and sincere enough to keep your word. Strong enough to put effort in to make a difference in another persons life, even when its hard because youre tired, or insecure, or busy, or broke. At peace and in love with the right things to be able to give away valued possessions without a second thought. In tune enough to get the most out of life, out of every meal, every conversation, every movie, every song, every animal sighting, every smell, every view, every lesson, every interaction. Trustworthy. Alive. Passionate. Strong willed. Joyful. Inspired. Inspiring. Capable. Aware. Kind hearted. Courageous. Courteous. Responsible. Reliable. Prepared. Devoted. Determined. Free.
Posted on: Sat, 17 Jan 2015 07:59:16 +0000

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