ShopRite - This one is for you to digest : How to Promote - TopicsExpress


ShopRite - This one is for you to digest : How to Promote appropriately - 1. Get to know all the wrong reasons for doing it. Sad to say, but theres no shortage of bad or misguided rationale for moving an employee into a more important position. Here are five ugly suspects: None of these reasons need further amplification. But theres more, according to Susan Kormis of Susan Kormis Associates, a human resources consulting concern. Dont forget the temptation to play white knight for a distraught employee. Someone may be dealing with some personal issues, so you think youll be the saving grace by promoting him, Kormis says. Thats really nothing more than promoting someone in hopes of getting rid of a problem. Its just one of many bad reasons for promoting someone. 2. Recognize that competence doesnt necessarily mean a promotion. Not only do many employers cite the wrong sorts of reasons in promoting someone, they also equate solid job skills in one role with continued success in a different role. Granted, its great that someones adept at their job, but that doesnt mean that hell flourish in another position with greater or different responsibilities. Instead, focus on those areas that the new position requires, be it personnel management, communication or other skills. Technical competency is often a far second to people skills, says Marilyn Lustgarten of the Star Makers Group, a management consulting firm. Promoting someone into a higher position because theyre good at what they did in their prior position is often the wrong reason. Many of those technical skills can be learned later. 3. Spell out why youd promote an employee. A series of bungled promotions often boils down to the fact that a company has never given any detailed thought to those attributes they look for in promotion-worthy personnel. So, take the time to delineate what you think is important in employees with promotion potential, be it leadership characteristics, an ability to foster teamwork, or other attributes that not only work where they are now but also jibe with other, more important positions within the company. 4. Let your people know what youre looking for. Concomitant to establishing parameters for promotion is making sure everyone in your firm knows whats on that list. Let your employees know. Then monitor how employees match up, be it in formal annual reviews or on an ongoing basis as the situation dictates. Encourage your people to suggest others in the company they think hit those guidelines. Employees should never really be surprised about any sort of promotion decision, Kormis says. Its important to have an open dialogue on an ongoing basis so that everyone knows where he or she stands pretty much all the time. 5. Look at weaknesses as well as strengths. Another common promotion snafu is turning a blind eye to problems that someone may confront in a new job.Dont ignore all their positives, but consider as well their struggles and challenges—be they technical or managerial in nature—and be prepared to offer after-the-fact support and, if necessary, supplementary training to address them. 6. Know the importance of detachment. Youve seen it in dozens of movies—a guy from the loading dock moves up to a supervisors job, only he cant stop acting as though hes still one of the boys. Moving from buddy to boss isnt a transition that everyone can make. So make it clear to any candidate for a promotion that he or she is going to have to adjust to a whole different set of professional and social demands. It can be very, very difficult, moving from being a friend to being their supervisor, Kormis says. For instance, before promoting someone, ask them if they think theyll be able to objectively critique somebody with whom they used to work. 7. Take a lesson if someone says no thanks. Lustgarten once knew a company which tried to promote a star salesperson. The star resigned immediately. She said she knew she was such a poor fit for the job that they would end up firing her in six months, Lustgarten said. Never lose sight of the fact that employees can turn down a promotion for all sorts of reasons, including necessary travel or family reasons. Respect their choice. If, however, someone bolts the company because he knows better than you that hes not cut out for the job, its probably a good idea to reevaluate your promotion methodology. That way, the next time you dangle the promotion carrot, a better-suited bunny will be ready to grab it.
Posted on: Wed, 30 Oct 2013 05:37:30 +0000

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