***Shopping small is truly the most patriotic thing you can do, - TopicsExpress


***Shopping small is truly the most patriotic thing you can do, while shopping for your relatives and friends.*** Small Business Saturday (November 29) is upon us. This year, its imperative that We the People remember that small business isnt a political slogan or a passing fad in the American economy. It is the fabric that bonds together our values of liberty, freedom, and the spirited independence that inspires millions of people to do anything and everything to immigrate to this great land of ours. So, this weekend, if you are looking for a better deal, reconsider your support of the big box store and give your local small businesses a second look, a second chance. Why? Because shopping small is truly the most patriotic thing you can do, while shopping for your relatives and friends. Here are the top five reasons why Ill be staying local and shopping small this weekend: 1. Small businesses is more likely to get its supplies and goods from manufacturers that are making things in America. By supporting goods that are made in America, you are supporting good jobs in small towns across this country. 2. Small business owners are the job creators that create the real opportunities for advancement in our society. If Small business dies, so does the American entrepreneurial spirit of reinvention and progressions. Government doesnt and cannot create jobs (other than regulators and compliance enforcers for more regulations). We need to reward the heroes that take their time to add jobs in the local community, especially at a time where they are taxed to extreme. 3. Small business is the heart and soul of your community. They are the people in your local congregation so your money stays local and get reinvested in the community that makes it work. If your shopping at the big box stores, your high school football team may not have the support of the local attorney, dentist, baker, and home renovator. 4. Small business is the realization of the American Dream and proof positive that every time government tries to kill it with more regulations, it still rises to the top and wins. If you believe in the vitality of the American Dream, you must embrace small business and appreciate what they do for you, just by simply living the dream. 5. Small business creates training opportunities for the next generation of entrepreneurs in America. When was the last time youve heard of a Walmart employee who became an entrepreneur while bagging groceries? But there are plenty of stories of young men and women that identified a market need and created businesses because they worked and were mentored in a small business. Not only that, but now, more then ever, if you want to support good jobs for our returning heroes from Iraq and Afghanistan, small business is where they are going to earn their right to transform their military leadership unto spirited freedom to do good business. --Gal S. Borenstein, is author of the book What Really Counts for CEOs, and CEO of The Borenstein Group, an integrated marketing communications firm that specializes in technology branding and marketing services.
Posted on: Sat, 29 Nov 2014 06:08:53 +0000

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