Short-Story Meeting a Memory By Kendel Williams Eddie walked - TopicsExpress


Short-Story Meeting a Memory By Kendel Williams Eddie walked through the glass door of a local café, He had only been in the city for a day. The sun was setting, casting a warm orange tinted glow through the windows of the Café. Walking up to the counter he studied the scenery of the small business as he awaited his turn. The walls were a soft shade of brown, complimented by donated paintings that were placed modestly above each table. A moment had passed and Eddie found himself staring off, the people behind him made snide comments that snapped me out of my subtle trance. He made his way to the counter, but before he could place an order an arm had stretched out to reach across him. Im sorry I forgot my card the woman laughed in embarrassment as she glanced sheepishly in my direction. Eddie froze, Oddie? He breathed. The woman stopped and stared at him studying his face I havent been called that in years.. She paused Who are you? He took off his glasses and smiled at her, Her eyes widened with surprise. Eddie!? Its been awhile.. He laughed. Oddie looked up at him with an almost sad, yet loving expression 20 years.. Is awhile, isnt it. She agreed gently. He moved out of the way no longer interested in ordering, So what are you doing in the city? She asked Oh, I was just passing through. Im on my way out to California she looked at him in a way he had never seen before what? He questioned. Youve become quite the man, havent you Eddie.. He looked away We all have to grow up sometime.. Even you? She asked curiously, Memories of them as teenagers ran through her mind, His rebellious attitude, The day he asked her to run away with him. Yeah he sighed even me. She saw the ring on a chain around his neck, Is that the ring from all those years ago? Eddie looked down and touched the silver ring. Yeah, I didnt want to just throw it away. Oddie smiled to herself I dont know why I didnt say yes.. She whispered. You did. She looked up at him, studying his face, seeing the man he had become. I thought I did.. She looked down, Eddie shrugged you did what you felt was right, I didnt doubt your choice he started to walk away I gotta get on the road again, It was nice seeing ya, Odette She watched him as he walked out the door, flashbacks of him leaving her house came to her in a rush. Goodbye, Edward. She said, barely audible. He turned to look back at her one last time, just like he had all those years ago.
Posted on: Wed, 16 Jul 2014 12:52:14 +0000

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