Short Story Missing piece by :Fhynn San Jose Gentle music plays - TopicsExpress


Short Story Missing piece by :Fhynn San Jose Gentle music plays and filled the huge living room as Katherine peers at the window and watch the sun set and scatter shades of orange and red in the sky. She turns her back and gaze at the house interiors that she and Brad had put together with such devotion and such care. She loved everything about this house; it was lovely, utterly peaceful and just the perfect home for a happy family. Tonight she was preparing a dinner for Brad’s parents, hers and some couple of good friends. She was looking forward to it and hoped Brad would get home in time before they arrived. Kath made sure that the table had been set properly and she placed the flowers that she had arranged herself on the table. She was impeccable about details and always wanted to create an atmosphere of warmth and comfort for all the people close to her heart. Satisfied with all the preparation she did, she took a shower and started to dress. She was done pulling her hair in a neat braid when Brad enterer their room. He smiled down at her and carefully planted a kiss on the top her head, set down his briefcase, hung his coat up in the closet and loosened his tie. “What have you been up to beautiful?” He asked as he glances at her image in the mirror. It struck her as she looked at him; her eyes were intently watching his graceful movements as he walks around the room. It was like seeing the same person 7 years later and realizing that he never changed at all. “I’ve been busy cleaning the house and preparing for the dinner” she smiled back. It warmed her heart just to see him and hear his voice. He was tall and handsome. His black hair was a little bit tousled but he still looks charming. She loves his dark brown eyes that seem to speak volumes whenever he stares at her and tonight she was amazed to realize that this man never fails to awe her in every way. Brad will be turning 30 this year, and growing older appears to fit him well, it gives him an air of authority and power. Katherine, in the other side, with all her soft features is also remarkable; her eyes were a soft brown, almost hazel, a well-proportioned slim figure and a gentle grace. They had been married for almost 5 years and seemed more in love than ever. “How was your day?” She asked warmly, still smiling. “Just fine, I got a new case” he shrugged and starts to undress Brad took good care of every expense they had after he let her quit her job two years after their marriage. He works at one of the country’s well paid law firm and earned a decent living for them. He loves his work and is extremely pleased in dealing with complicated cases. He had a bright mind on his shoulders and a good heart; the qualities that made Katherine love him more. Few years ago, they met in the University where Katherine is taking her masters while Brad is studying law. He had carefully mapped out his career long before, and when Katherine walked into his life. He knew within a matter of seconds he wanted this woman to be his wife and spend his long living days with her. He had been very successful over the years, thanks to her, to her efforts in supporting his dreams, for listening, understanding and just being there when things get rough in the office and in his cases. He never had any regrets in marrying her because she turned out to be everything he had expected her to be. She made things comfortable for him and going home and finding her there is like breathing a fresh air, soothing and simply relaxing, it makes him feel that he is really at ‘home’. But behind this perfection that Brad thinks they have, Katherine had been worrying of one thing and its eating her for quite some time. She tried to get rid of it but as days pass the feeling intensified and she never had a chance to talk about it with Brad knowing that he has a lot to think of. She fears that there might be problems that keep them from having a baby after long years of marriage. “You look distracted” Brad said quietly looking worried and started to walk towards her. “No I just ..she paused thinking of the right words to say. “I ’m just upset that for the last couple of years we had been trying to have a baby but got nothing. “ she smiled bitterly and tears begin to form at the corner of her eyes. She does not want to ruin this night by bringing the subject but she knew she has to let it out before it finally consumes her. Brad lovingly put her into his arms. “I’ve never been happy in my life Kath” he said softly “ I have to admit that I also wanted some cute things wandering around the house, but I guess that can wait” he smiled at her. “And besides were still young, there’s no need to worry on things like that Kath.” He added “I guess you’re right” she whispered and closed her eyes and hoping that Brad was right. “Get rid of those worries Kath, let’s not spoil the night by looking at things that we can’t have, let’s just enjoy this evening.” He said coolly and Katherine smiled at him. They heard the doorbell ring; Brad held her hand and led her downstairs to greet their guests. The night was perfect for an intimate dinner and everyone was in good spirits and having a good time. Kath looked better to Brad when she sat down and chatted with some friends. They are both enjoying the company they have, although Kath seemed quieter than usual throughout the dinner and she seemed tired and preoccupied. All the guest left by midnight and Kath was exhausted after cleaning and putting all things back in order. “You okay?” Brad asked as he put his arms around her and led her upstairs. “I’m fine,” she lied. It had been a long day but a good one except for the sting of emptiness on Kath’s part. Brad did not notice the tears that escaped Kath’s eyes as they went to bed. She just can’t stop feeling miserable with the possibility that something was wrong with her and this just keeps on playing on her mind until she finally drifts to sleep. The next day, Kath was determined to see a specialist and Brad volunteered to go with her. She was desperately nervous and was terrified of what they are going to do to her or what they would find but he was there to assure her that everything’s going to be fine. After running few tests, Kath and Brad sat down and she was trying to stay calm and silently praying for good results. “How did it work?” she asked nervously when the doctor came into the room. For a fraction of second, he didn’t answer. He didn’t have good news for her, she knew it! “It’s not good, is it?” Kath choked, it was almost a sob. “No, it isn’t.” he said quietly. “Both of your tubes are not in good condition, one appears to be fully blocked. I’m afraid you would never make it.” He said sadly The room seems to spin around her. She was trembling and grips the hand of the chair, trying to get hold of what is happening. She stared at him in disbelief, unable to believe and take in everything he was saying. There were tears streaming down her face and Brad reached out and held her hand as tightly as he could. But there was no way he could take away the pain of what she was feeling or erase the truth of what they’d found. All he could do was to watch the woman he loves and their dreams break into tiny pieces. He’s not even sure if they can piece back together the fragments and just try to start over again, he just hope that they’ll be strong enough to face the trials that had already come in their way. He wanted to tell Kath that nothing had changed between them, but he guessed that she’s not in the mood to hear him and he respects her grounds at this moment. All he could was to gently open the car door for her and she enters without blinking and stares blankly at the road. They drove home and never said anything. “It’s turning our life into mess, isn’t it?” Kath said miserably as they ate dinner in their kitchen that night. The house seemed too large for them now. There were too many rooms, a whole floor of bedrooms that will never have any use. The house that she used to love and adore is suffocating her now, it was a painful reminder that she doesn’t belong there, knowing that she is not capable of filling it. “We can’t let that happen.” Brad insisted boldly. “If something’s wrong, they can probably fix it in no time.” And he sounded hopeful. “And if they can’t?”she almost choke her words. “Then we have to live with it, can we? Maybe he’s wrong. Maybe the blockage is not that bad” he insisted sounding so positive about it. Kath didn’t smile, Brad’s assurance did not make her feel better, as much as she wants to make the mood lighter, she just couldn’t help it. That night, she dragged herself to bed looking devastated. Just thinking of the infertility problems made her cry again. He looked at her sympathetically and brushes the tears in her cheeks with his thumb. She was a mess, but he knew that she had every right to be. He kissed her goodnight and held her tight, silently praying that tomorrow will be different and a lot nicer than today. He just can’t stand seeing her like this; it breaks his heart to see her being hurt all over again. She looked like a zombie for the next couple of days and in spite of all his efforts, Brad could do nothing to console her. It was a constant agony and he had no idea how to convince her that their life wasn’t over. She was angry at life and how fate had been so cruel to her. Unlike before, the windows now were always closed and the entire house had an aura of unloved and as though someone had died and it is still in the state of mourning. Kath didn’t really care on what is happening around her, or how she looks and usually skips meals, she hadn’t really lived since that dreadful fact burst out and sometimes she wondered if she ever would again. All she could think was what the doctor told her, and why had life acted so unfair to her. On the weekend, Brad figured out that it’s a good opportunity for Kath to unwind, he tried his best to convince her and finally she said ‘yes’ to a lunch with her family. But things had gotten worse when Lizzie, Kath’s older sister announced that she was pregnant, everyone was thrilled with the news except Kath whose mind was drifting and seemed not interested until everyone turned their attention to her. They begin to bug her about having a baby and she looked as though she was about to explode with grief. She was obviously upset; it was like stabbing her wounded feelings and adding more damages. Brad was aware that Kath never told her family about the problems they had. Her family never intended to hurt her, they just didn’t know that she will never have a child of her own. Brad barge in and tried to convince them that they are working it out and everyone seemed to be contented and finally dropped the subject. It was a relief that the lunch was over and the couple drove home silently. Brad glanced at Kath and felt sorry for her, her eyes were dead, her face ashen and everyone just can’t stop giving her a hard time and now he wondered if forcing her for lunch with her family is a right move at all. As they walked towards the main door, Kath had a realization, she turned to him and her face was filled with pain. Just looking at Brad moved her into tears and she tried her best to avoid his puzzled eyes. It had been a terrible time for both of them. She thinks it’s better to let him go and find something better, rather than spending his life with her. “Bra--dd… she begun, her voice was breaking. “I c--an’t give you the life you wanted.. I failed you” –every word she spoke breaks her heart and soul. It was hard for her to say it, but right at this moment, she believed that Brad deserves someone better, someone who is not like ‘her’. Her shoulders shook softly, and she felt pity slice through her like a shaft of pain. “No.” he said, as tears filled his eyes. He looked hurt. He can’t believe what Kath had just said. She’s pushing him out of her life, for good, how can she do this to him? It was not fair. “I married you and I love you! Stop using that ‘problem’ of yours to ruin what we have right now, if we can’t have kids, then I guess we just have to accept it! I don’t care about that at all!” He’s shouting at her and he’s really furious at this moment, how can Kath be so stupid to say such words? “You know what’s your problem Kath? He said loudly, the pain evident in his tone. “You are weak, you run away from problems, you’re afraid to take and accept it, now you want to go away? Where does that leave me then? You’re selfish! You know that? for a just a damn problem, you are giving up.” Brad run his hand through his hair , his anger have risen to the surface. It was the first time he ever shouted at her. The sound of his voice making frightened her Kath cried even harder. Seeing her cry again softened Brad in a way. He grabbed her and forced her to the floor where he cradled her in his arms. “All we have to do is to try, and maybe, one of these days we’ll get there.’ Brad said softly as he regained his composure and tucks the strands of hair behind her ear. She raises her face, her eyes awash with tears and glance at the man she loved and realizes that there was no point of giving of their marriage for a stupid infertility results. He was right, maybe there was still hope, and maybe they would make it. For the next days, they both tried to pull themselves back to their normal routine. Brad was back at the law firm and Katherine keeps herself busy by doing household chores, the workload somehow keeps her from thinking about having children. The problem was that they were in every place she goes, in the streets, in the supermarkets, in the malls. These tiny little people with big eyes, holding their mother’s hand and being held in their father’s arms keeps on bringing little pain in her part. There were also pregnant women everywhere she turns her eyes, she look into their eyes and find that it is filled with hope and promise in a way Katherine would never know, never share and never feel in her heart. It wasn’t easy to give all that up, and it didn’t seem fair to her but she won’t put her marriage at stake again by thinking what is lacking with her and Brad. Months passed and everything was doing well. It was quarter to twelve when Brad asked her if she can make it for lunch at the Platter’s. She was not feeling well that day but she said that she’ll be there in ten minutes. Kath walk inside the restaurant and Brad noticed that she didn’t even bother to put on her makeup and looked ghostly pale to him. “You feeling okay?” He looked worried about her “I think I’ve got flu,” she complained. She looked like hell and he told her to call the doctor. “Don’t count at it”, she said, looking exhausted. Their food came a little later. They look delicious but today nothing appealed to her. She didn’t eat anything; she insisted that she was not hungry. Brad offered to drive her to the doctor but she absolutely refused to. It was almost a week but Kath’s not feeling better. She still had headaches at morning which makes her dizzy. She slept all day and refused to eat. She’s stubborn and rejected the idea of going the doctor, and insisted that she was okay though she looks worse as day passes. “Look,” Brad finally said to her. “You’ve been feeling lousy these days, now go do something about it. You’re probably anemic.” “I’m fine.’” She tried to brush him off, but he wasn’t that easy to get rid of. “You don’t look that fine to me, why don’t you go get a blood test?” he said, still pressing. “Okay, I’ll go” she sighed and finally gave in. An hour later, they were at Dr Rey’s office. He glanced at her as she explained what she had been feeling for the whole week. He asked her a few questions. He drew some blood and made notes, listened to her chest, and then palpated her stomach and lower abdomen. He smiled at the results after checking Kath; he finally knew why she had been feeling ill. “When was your last period?” he asked, and she tried to think. It had been a while but what difference would that make? “I think you’re pregnant” “Oh, come on.” She laughed at him and sat up. “Just a few months ago, we went to a doctor who said that I had a one in ten thousand chance of getting pregnant, or was it one in ten million? I can’t remember.” She shrugs uncomfortably. “I’d say he was mistaken.” he said directly She’s still not convince, she started to shake her head . “No I’m n--ot.. It c--an’t be..” she kept saying over and over again. If this doctor is making fun of her, she won’t buy it this time. She already had given up her hope of having a baby and finally accepted that it was not for her. If this is a joke, it is certainly not funny. Kath just want to scream at his face at tell him to shut up, she’s not pregnant; they both know she’s not. Dr Rey wanted to prove his claim by doing a pregnancy test, Kath was reluctant but Brad insisted that she has to. She didn’t want to raise her hopes again by doing the test but a part of whispers that there is a possibility. The pregnancy test results came in an hour and confirmed the diagnosis. Kath just couldn’t believe it for a moment and remained silent. It said that she is two months pregnant! There is a life in her womb, hers and Brad’s, their child, she couldn’t believe it. Dr Rey explained that the doctor who examined her before made a mistake, the test showed that she can have as much kids she wants. Kath was emotional after hearing it, it means a lot to her. They left his office and Katherine was feeling better than ever, she’s step seemed lighter and there’s a glow in her face. “Two months, do you believe that?” Brad looked at her and grinned. He was happy, for her, for both of them. Kath looked at him and smiled, she was still shaken and sat silently at her seat, looking at the view and thinking of what had happened with amazement. She closed her eyes and silently thanked God for the blessings, her ever loving husband, her family, and now her baby. There was so much to thank for, she just couldn’t tell what she had ever done to deserve all of this. For the first time in the last months, she felt at peace as he held her hand. The blessing was theirs, not as they expected it, or thought it would be. She is beaming as they drove off, and Brad sensed that something had changed in her, something deep inside had broken and almost ripped her apart, and now it had begun healing. There were things in their life that were disappointing but at least it was over, and now they already had a real life to look forward to. It was a life that offered them everything they wanted.
Posted on: Mon, 24 Mar 2014 01:37:07 +0000

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