******* Short Story of my Bogra Zilla School and My friendship - TopicsExpress


******* Short Story of my Bogra Zilla School and My friendship ******** When I was a child of age maybe 4 or 5, I was passing by street. All on a sudden I saw a truck hit and broke the branch of tree [ one of the outer one near the entrance]. I told my father, This is my school! I will kill the truck driver; he broke the tree of my school. That was the action from my side. The reaction from my father who was sitting beside me in Rickshaw was This is one of the best schools in the country. You have to get in their with your merit. I hope you have the quality to achieve the goal. The initial goal of my was set from then. I worked hard, studied hard. I still remember the contents of Bengali book of my class 2s Bengali book and some of the math problems. My mother was the person who also worked hard with me. She used to wake me up in the morning to take me to her school, wrote lots of practice questions for me despite of her works at school. I tried to finish all of them. Sometimes I tried to skip some of the works and my mother used to beat me up with random stuffs at home [idiomatic use]. I used to cry but I knew something good will come as its outcome. At edge of my admission test exam she sent me to one of the best teachers at Bogra Zilla School during that time [ I dont want to mention the name since I am not sure about the spelling]. I did not do well on her tests however I was at my best in the coaching center. My mother was really worry about my grades since she wanted to see me playing with the badges and name plates of the BZSB in the field. Getting into that place was also a tough challenge since its not only a competition for Bogra but also a competition for the whole North Bengal because students from outer districts also take the test. The admission process is very strange and unique. One had to be 4 feet 6 inches or less to participate in the admission test. The headmaster set a scale to measure the height first then to give out the form. I was exactly 4 feet 6 inches in measure. I still could remember my father measuring me vertically then horizontally [ means lay down on the bed] to check my height. I did pass the height test. The admission test would be at January 5, 2006. This is the story of the day before my admission test. I was playing cricket on my bed with a comb in my left hand and robber as the ball in my right hand. I did not want to study that night; I was just having awesome time without any tension for the exam. Then the day of the admission test arrived. I took the exam. My lacking of English knowledge did kill me- I did not know what fowl and tub mean. The exam ended. Oh! I forgot to mention one thing- my father told me that he will buy me computer if I get into BZSB. After the exam I went to play cricket, had lots of fun with everyone and wanted to know the result. I was calling my father at 10 O clock and he told me there were many parents waiting at the front door of the school to know the result. My father came home and and told me that he would go to school in the morning to get the result. But at the mid- night, around 1 O clock my fathers phone rang. One of the parents who was my fathers colleague told my father over the phone that I placed second in the merit list of the admission test. He and my mother said almahdulillah and could not believe the news. They called to my teacher and she also said this was a surprising result. I heard the news too and could not wait till the admission day, January 7, 2014 perhaps. I admitted in the C section of day shift. I felt sort of isolated from my friend circle at the initial stage, but once I got into class I have found lots of friends. my journey to the Zilla School began. I was always the worst in Bangla, Social Science however I was good in Math, Science, Islamic Studies. I have always been in top 20 of day shifts merit list. My roll numbers were 2,6,13,8,7,4 for the section C. This is the academic performance. Unfortunately I had to stop at the middle of my class 8 for coming to the USA. It was the most emotional moment in my life to tell my teacher to cut down my name from the registration form of JSC- 2011. My story of Zilla School ends there. This place is always giving me everything. With the knowledge I have gained from the school I am dominating my academic career as well as extra curricular activities in the USA. I find my spirit in the name of the legends- President #ZiaurRahman, soldier of mother language movement #GazeulHaque, Freedom fighters #Hitlu, #Khokon, #AminulHaqueDulal ( the auditorium is named after his name), Writers #HumayunAhmed, #MuhammadZafarIqbal, cricketer and the best captain ever of the national cricket team #MushfiqurRahim and many more notable names. I feel proud to call myself a student of #BograZillaSchoolBogra I have found lots of friends, true friends who will always be with me through the end. I did not see some of them for 5 years, for most of them 3 years. I feel complete with those friends. When I talk with my buddies from #BZSB I can feel the spirit, the bond insdie me. Some of them I have to mention because those crazies will dominate todays world. Dont left me behind, take me with you to the adventures, Love you my friends!!! You guys are the best!!! Happy Friendship day!!! some of the names of my friends: #Sir #RuhanIsalm - my best and unique buddy in my life #Momit #Terry #Zimmy #SamsuOrGamsu - i would say he is all rounder #MyDada - Dadagiri #CadetIftekharChisty #Dipika - mone ase go tomar oi maar er kotha akhono jeda mone thubar koslam, vulmuo nah #TQ #MyBro - we have been together from class 5 to 6 perhaps #HaziMotin #Hish - ashol naamda prokash korlam na... #AnikDa #Ammu #Artist #everyone.......
Posted on: Mon, 04 Aug 2014 03:43:55 +0000

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