Shortati bancile centrale, daca puteti, e o idee minunata la ce - TopicsExpress


Shortati bancile centrale, daca puteti, e o idee minunata la ce matrapazlicuri au facut. For those familiar with the work of Marc Faber, it shouldnt be surprising that his best trade idea is on the short side. But what is interesting is precisely what Faber is looking to short. I think people will wake up finally and say, if they can short central banks, that is the trade of the century, Faber said Tuesday on CNBCs Futures Now. Eventually, the editor of the Gloom, Boom & Doom Report continued, The central banks will be exposed for all the fraud they commit. Faber holds that the actions of the central banks have enriched the already-wealthy at the expensive of the middle class and poor, because their stimulative policies have boosted financial assets and not the real economy. Additionally, Faber said that central bank actions are highly unpredictable—a contention that gained more heft in the prior week, when the Swiss National Bank shocked the world and rocked currencies by removing the Swiss franc peg against the euro. You never know—thats the problem with central banks, he said. Theyre professors who never worked a day in their lives.
Posted on: Tue, 20 Jan 2015 19:55:44 +0000

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