Should Medicine be set aside in favor of Religion? This is a - TopicsExpress


Should Medicine be set aside in favor of Religion? This is a highly controversial subject and I have felt the need to write about this for many years now. I am not going to choose one side over the other. I am simply going to present the facts to you as best I can because I am very interested on where many of you stand in regards to this. Nearly ten years ago I heard a news report on the Associated Press news service that dealt with a parents right to refuse medical treatment for their child if the proposed treatment violated their religious beliefs. In the case that had been cited, the child had no chance of survival if the surgery was not performed. The parents belief system would not allow the childs body to be opened in such a manner. The child did die a number of months later and there was an outcry from the public at large to prosecute for parental neglect. Since the couple were not residents of this country they were allowed to return to their country. I do not feel that it is neccessary to put the spotlight upon the religion in question but I am extremely curious on what position you support here. This is certainly a difficult choice. Let us look at the situation from this point of view. It is not known if the child would have embraced her parents views had she lived, so if that had been the case would it have been proper to allow her to die for views that may not have been her own. Of course, this is only speculation on my part. On the other side of the coin, would we have had the right to impose our moral beliefs upon someone simply because we did not share their point of view in the grand scheme of the universe? This article will accomplish very little because the child has been dead now for many years but perhaps we can debate the issue a bit and maybe learn a bit about ourselves in the process. Sandman
Posted on: Sun, 23 Nov 2014 23:25:00 +0000

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