Should Peter Mutharika take charge, Joyce Banda faces the very - TopicsExpress


Should Peter Mutharika take charge, Joyce Banda faces the very real prospect of prosecution and a lengthy jail doubt about that.. Cashgate ..Jetgate..MaizeGate , MudziFundGate...This, perhaps, is what Joyce Banda wants to avoid. By annulling the vote, she wasn’t trying to stay in power; rather, she would have wanted to negotiate an endorsement deal with one of the other candidates – Chakwera, most probably – she might be able to get a more friendly face in State House, and get herself off the hook. .. So here’s the status quo, as far as we can make it out: Malawi’s outgoing president is unhappy with the election, and wants to annul it but can’t; the MEC is also concerned, and wants to do a recount but can’t, yet; and the likely winner of the election is perfectly happy with the outcome and already indicated that they probably won’t accept a recount, or a new vote. At the moment, things are calm, with the main players and their legal teams tussling with each other in court, obtaining injunctions and stay orders,...Calm is good, but the legal battles could take months. It’s a stalemate; a stalemate from which an already-stagnant Malawi is unlikely to benefit. Whatever happens, it seems that Joyce Banda’s political career is effectively over. She was never the saint that some thought she was when she assumed office, conveniently forgetting that she was Bingu’s deputy for a reason. Nor though is she a wannabe president-for-life – otherwise she would never have offered to step down before new elections. She’s not fighting any more for her political future, but to save her own skin. The fact that she’s prepared to ride roughshod over Malawi’s constitution to do so is, however, an indication that the country will be better off without her..Vidah Mpaso Balewa MwalwandaKwangu Wa Liwewe Prisca Juma-Phiri JereMedson Roka Zacc Kawalala Tina Mathotho Edgar Kachere Doris SalambaMichael Gladstone Michael Khumalo Edith Parker Foster F. FundiAlex Chanthunya Justin Dimbakhuni Kaunda Trevor Ronaldson Ivan Macadam Linda Gombwa Makuta Martin ChimimbaSirBonzo AminMbane Ngwira Mike Arnold Mbalale Jama Mseteka Keith Gomes
Posted on: Mon, 26 May 2014 13:54:27 +0000

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