Should be no surprise that the Spygaters are still out there - TopicsExpress


Should be no surprise that the Spygaters are still out there accusing the Patriots of being cheaters. Problem is ...Spygaters are the cheaters. They refuse to actually do the research. They dont care about facts or the truth. They refuse to be reasonable, logical or accountable for their accusations based on fiction. They hate the Patriots pure and simple and they call the Patriots cheaters even though they cannot back up these claims. Which means ... they cheat. If any Spygater wants to know why am I saying this when everyone knows the Patriots cheat ... they have the ability to know what every team is going to do on any given defensive play in any game. Well, I thought Id issue a challenge. To see if any Spygater can read about the actual events and be able to refute the facts. Here we go: 1) The rule that the Patriots broke was specified in a memo the NFL sent out at the end of the 2006 season. It came into effect, game one of the 2007 regular season. And that is precisely when the Pats were nabbed for the infraction. Thus ... it is completely impossible for the Patriots to have broken the rule in the 2001, 2003, 2004 seasons when they won their Super Bowls. It didnt exist. If the Pats ever videotaped from the sidelines *prior* to 2007, it doesnt matter. There was no rule for it. And ... now is the time when we have to educate the Spygaters as to what the whole stealing signals part of the game is all about. 2) Stealing signals has always been a part of the game. And it still is. Stealing signals is still within the rules. Taping signals IS STILL allowed. You can only shoot from specific locations where no coaching staff is present. The location of taping is specific because while taping and stealing signals has always been a part of the game, the main rule is that, yeah, you can film for the purposes of recording signals, but you are not allowed to use any information DURING THE GAME that you might gain from the videos you shot in the same game. Teams dont try to use their videos during a game because there isnt the time available to analyze the signals and decipher them. They are simply to be used for subsequent games against that opponent. And its not really even about decoding the signals to know what defensive play the opponent is going to call. Because teams change their signals. The benefit of stealing defensive signals is to try and learn the PATTERN of defensive play calling. To learn the *tendencies* of that teams play calling. Again, as you might imagine, teams also tend to change their pattern of play calling, because if they dont, no one will need any video tape of signals. Everyone will see the patterns if they stick to them over and over. Just to be sure you understand what this means ... the Patriots were never accused of using the video in the actual game they shot it. They were tagged with the infraction of shooting from the sidelines. It was never about the Patriots figuring out signals and using them in the game. It never happened. They were never accused of it. 3) And before you jump out of your chair and start screaming about the Patriots filming the Rams walk-through practice before the Super Bowl ... you should know the truth. It didnt happen. I know you read about it on ESPN, it was a Boston Herald column that broke the story, every single Patriots Hater you know screams about filming the walk-through. Low down cheaters! But like I said, it didnt happen. Turns out the whole thing was started by an ex-member of the Patriots video crew. Matt Walsh. Matt said the Patriots video team shot the Rams walk-through. The problem again ... it did not happen. Turns out Matt was lying. Other members of the video team came forward and said, we have no knowledge of this. The Boston Herald realized it had nothing but Matt Walshs accusation. The Herald retracted the story and issued apologies to the Patriots and Belichick. And Matt Walsh confessed that he lied. It never happened. So you have the taping from the sidelines infraction which blows into a wild and unfounded claim that the Pats stole signals and had collected so much data on teams, that they had the ability to know what any team was going to call on the defense in any game. The fact is, the Patriots were never accused of doing that. Its impossible. And try to imagine the problems and issues of having that HUGE of an edge in your games ... where you know EXACTLY what the defense is going to do on every play. First, what happened to the cheating advantage when the Patriots lost their two recent SBs? Did they stop cheating RIGHT BEFORE the 2007 SB? So they cheated to get an undefeated reg. season, and then said, Ahh, you know what. We should not cheat this once. We cheat all the freaking time, but for this SB which would cap a perfect season, lets play it clean! For the Gipper! But wait, the Spygaters say, the cheating just couldnt keep the Giants down. Really? So usually the cheating helps the Pats get all these wins, but it doesnt always work? This is where all logic disappears with Spygaters. The cheating doesnt work in the 2007 and 2011 SBs. But even allowing for the nutty sometimes the cheating doesnt work claim, it still means that the rest of the time when they are cheating away, the Patriots would have to be doing all these theatrics in games, botching plays on purpose just to avoid people thinking they have this massive advantage. The Pats would HAVE to do all these theatrics, otherwise people are going to see that the Pats know what the defense is going to do EVERY SINGLE GAME and people are going to start talking about how the Patriots always seem to know what the other team is going to do. Its crazy, tin foil hat type of talk. And then finally ... the lie told by Matt Walsh about taping the Rams walk-through ... has turned into hard, accepted, 100% TRUTH to the Spygaters. Doesnt matter its a verifiable lie. Doesnt matter than the Herald retracted the story and issued apologies. Doesnt matter that Matt Walsh later confessed to making it up. Spygaters do not care about reality. They want to cheat. They want to be able to claim that the Patriots are not really any good. Guess what Spygaters. Your claims are bogus. You dont get to smear an organization just because they win too much for your liking. No one is that good. Its impossible to be that good! To cast such massive aspersions on the team. Shouting about asterisks and tainted SBs. Dude. You dont get to be that derogatory unless YOU CAN BACK IT UP. But Spygaters never back it up with facts or by acknowledging the facts. They would rather CHEAT than actually do the work that is required when you smear 14 years of hard work and major accomplishments. Spygaters are cheaters. Plain and simple.
Posted on: Mon, 19 Jan 2015 10:17:27 +0000

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