Should we be ashamed? Should we really hide the curves and lumps - TopicsExpress


Should we be ashamed? Should we really hide the curves and lumps and rolls and bulges and everything else that gives us shape and character and individuality? Weve been taught to believe that these things are ugly. Weve been taught to believe that these things ought to be hidden or changed. Its not easy to shake that kind of mentality considering were surrounded by it everyday, but it can be shaken. We are what we are, and once we stop trying to just fit peoples standards of beauty, we might actually start to love ourselves. It takes practice, but eventually it becomes easier to look in the mirror and think, Yeah, I look pretty dang good, curves and all. Ill tell you one thing, theres no other feeling like that of the sun kissing your skin while you lounge on the beach in that bikini you always worried about wearing in public. Sure, its scary to be exposed; even more so when you have struggled with body image issues for a majority of your life, but the day you finally say, Screw it, and let the world see you for who you really are - every roll, every wrinkle, every bulge and scar and curve, is the day you might realize that its really okay. It could be the day you actually realize just how beautiful.. You are.
Posted on: Mon, 08 Dec 2014 04:41:17 +0000

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