Should we preach the Gospel only? We are body soul and spirit and - TopicsExpress


Should we preach the Gospel only? We are body soul and spirit and most Ministers only cater for the soul and the spirit. They are quick to criticize those that include the body as if the flesh is such a bad thing. Fact of the matter is, there must be balance. A person may be on their way to heaven, but cannot feed himself or his family. He might be on his way to heaven but have problems at work, his relationships with his family might be at an all-time low. Many pastors only would say, Let us pray. without giving the Biblical tools to those to get jobs, promotion and reconciliation. They would find it fine to call some Bishops, Apostles, Prophets, but if someone shares from the Bible how to live a successful Christian life, they are blasted as motivational speakers. (As if Christians do not need encouragement other than to pray and tithe and attend church.) The Church is hurting, in many places lost and without hope. We should stand together and help one another to live in such a way that the world would be envious of us as is mentioned in Mal 3. As it is, the world have no desire to live the lifestyles most Christians have.
Posted on: Mon, 27 Jan 2014 10:46:37 +0000

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