Should we treasure our bibles? Is there any point for a Christian - TopicsExpress


Should we treasure our bibles? Is there any point for a Christian to read it? I love it when things from the Old Testament and New Testament connect together. (The bible is consistent and flowing) Adding to my tool box, I have found another reason (I have many) why Christians should motivate themselves, to daily consume spiritual knowledge, thats Christ centred in the revealed word of God ~ The Bible. What kind of western church would we be today, if we all treated our bibles as precious treasure? All that God has spoken in the pages of this book are enough for every generation. Have you ever thought it might be our duty as a Christian, to learn it and take care of it? Meaning our generation has a responsibility to faithfully pass it down to the next? Thereby the Bible in Its fullness with no alterations nor addings. I think it takes faith to stand as a conservative (speaking in terms of sound doctrine) than being persuaded by the pressures of liberalism. All the while, relying on the holy spirit to help one love others who are different, in reference to the Galatian promises,whilst defending sound doctrine. That takes wisdom, God help us! Its very easy today to hinge ourselves on new revelations ~ that doesnt support sound doctrine and by its nature, attacks the very words of God! It undermines the apostolic authority, teaching and cornerstone of the church. Ear tickling philosophies are nothing more than mere empty words that distract the Christian from the wisdom and power of the cross. Read your bible daily and ask for help by the spirit. Dont function only in zeal for God, (thats idolatry) but function in full Zeal AND Knowledge for God. ~ DK [Psalm 119:18] Open mine eyes, that I may see the wonders of thy Law. ~ [Ephesians 1:18] That the eyes of your understanding may be lightened, that ye may know what the hope is of his calling, and what the riches of his glorious inheritance is in the Saint Romans 10:2 Colossians 2:8
Posted on: Thu, 04 Sep 2014 09:20:25 +0000

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