Should women train differently than men? Absolutely not! This - TopicsExpress


Should women train differently than men? Absolutely not! This has to be one of the biggest misconceptions out there and I will present my case. 1- Do muscle attachment sites differ depending on gender? Nope. All muscle insertions, bellies and attachments follow the same format. Biceps, triceps, back, chest, shoulders, hamstrings, gluteus, quads, calves, they all follow the same patterns and attachments for males and females. 2- Is muscle stimulated differently based on gender? Nope. Its all nerve impulses fired from the brain. A biceps is stimulated the same way for males as it does for females. Gluteus muscles are also stimulated the same. 3- But wait... Wont women get bulky lifting like a man? Not even close! Lifting weights burns calories. Lifting heavy weights burns more calories. Lifting weight can only increase muscle size when coupled with nutrition that is in a surplus. Let me repeat that, you have to eat enough calories to promote muscle growth. I have seen it time and time and time again where women lift as heavy as they can, dont do any cardio at all and get smaller and smaller and smaller. Why? Because they are eating at a caloric deficit. We cannot grow or increase in size when nutrition is limited, it is impossible. 4- So what is the difference, why do men get bigger? Hormones. Men carry a much higher degree of testosterone. The average male has 16x more of it running through his system than the average woman does. Testosterone is a muscle building and recovery hormone and affords us the ability to train with more load, which heals quicker and thus grows faster. Women cannot gain muscle as fast as males, even if they try. Real life application- My wife and I have been dedicated workout partners, training every single workout together over the past 7 months. Her body has changed dramatically in the way her back, shoulders, arms, glutes and legs look. She doesnt do anything that I dont do and she has never looked better.
Posted on: Fri, 21 Nov 2014 00:08:50 +0000

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