Should you be concerned about an Ebola outbreak? There is - TopicsExpress


Should you be concerned about an Ebola outbreak? There is little doubt that the current Ebola crisis in Africa has shaken the world. Almost 1,000 dead and who knows how many are infected. What can you do? First be aware that Ebola is not an airborne virus and requires liquid (semen, blood, spittle) contact. When I travel I use sani-wipes on sodas, etc. I may also choose to wear a surgical mask to cover my mouth and nose. Second, maintain a vigorous hand washing routine. This is smart for normal hygiene anyways. Third, dont let the fear producing media machine get you down. Information is good, but fear sells. Fourth, pray for the best and prepare for the worst. If there is a national emergency declared just know you may have to remain in your home for a month (as Ebola contagion is 21 days). Have enough nutritional food and water on hand to last. A solar powered radio is also an essential as are flashlights. You may think this counter-intuitive of me, but pay attention to the governing authorities. Let them do their job. No one wants to see markets crash or people die or societies crumble. There is too much to lose. Remain calm and remain aware. If it all goes to hell-in-a-handbasket it is only because too many people let themselves be governed by fear. Fifth, dont be afraid. Pandemics burn themselves out. If Ebola becomes a global pandemic (which I dont see happening), the question for the Christian will always be: How can I be like Jesus to my neighbor? We are those who believe in a God who raises the dead and we do not fear death. These are the things I am doing.
Posted on: Wed, 06 Aug 2014 16:16:41 +0000

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