Shouldnt Canada be taking part in counterterrorism? Prime minister - TopicsExpress


Shouldnt Canada be taking part in counterterrorism? Prime minister has been always clear that Canada will take an action against international threats if they meant to hurt Canadian interest and human rights. Thousands of Kurdish, Jews and Muslims men, women and child are being slaughtered by an unnamed extremist group called ISIL in Iraq and Syria , who nearly has taken almost all iraq under their control. Government around globe has given none any code to them. they have no ideologists rather then killing govt official, massacre minorities, forcing street people joining isis fighter, rape women, oppression, beheading innocent child in the name of God and threatening westerners peace including Canada . Despite this all, where is Canadian action?. Isnt this are against human rights and Canadian interest?. Should opposition leader really need debate at house of common on weather or not Canada should deploy their troops to Iraq for humanitarian war against terrorism?. I see no reason spending time on debating. its a right time to do something potential and help Iraqi peoples sovereignty , freedom, rights and reconstruction their government. We Canadian believe on democracy, if people in the Middle East, Africa or any places get huts by means of non humanitarian acts, that hurts us too.Thats true meaning of democracy, and I think thts what Canada should stand for. I believe this government has transparency and will act sooner that wont have to regret in future for being too late.
Posted on: Sat, 27 Sep 2014 05:38:20 +0000

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