Show Gods Love To His People Dont just tell people about Gods - TopicsExpress


Show Gods Love To His People Dont just tell people about Gods them. You can help feed the hungry, clothe the naked, care for the sick, and visit the prisoner (see Mathew 25:35-36). Trust God to show you how you can help meet the practical needs of His people so they can be open to receiving His love. I heard a story about a man who went to Russia with good intentions of telling people about the love of Jesus Christ. During his visit, many people were starving. When he found a line of people waiting hopefully to get bread for the day, he approached them with Gospel tracts I hand and began to walk the line telling them that Jesus loves them and handling each of them a tract with the salvation message on it. To be sure, he was trying to help, but one woman looked into his eyes and said bitterly, Your words are nice, but they dont fill my empty stomach. I have learned oftentimes people are hurting too badly to hear the good news that God loves them; they must experience it. And one of the best ways for those individuals to experience Gods love is for us to meet their practical needs, in addition to telling them they are loved. We must beware of thinking that words alone are enough. Jesus certainly preached the good news, but He also went about doing good and healing all who were oppressed (see Acts 10:38). Talking is not expensive, nor does it require much effort, but real love is costly. It cost God His only Son, and allowing real love to flow through us will also cost us. Perhaps we will have to invest some time, money, effort, or possessions----it will cost us something!!!!! What can we do? We can care, we can be informed, we can pray, and we can take action. We can support ministries and organizations that are helping others, or if God asks us to, we can even choose to work in these arenas. If full-time work is not an option, we can consider doing something on a project basis or taking a short term mission trip. God loves all people, and He is counting on us to do something about the hurt in the world. (Joyce Meyer - Trusting God day by day)
Posted on: Thu, 23 Jan 2014 09:02:25 +0000

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