Show of many will be supporting Amanda Holloway on - TopicsExpress


Show of many will be supporting Amanda Holloway on Sunday at 7pm Central? If you havent read her post yet, I have pasted it here... Hey everyone... I wanted to share something with you all and need your support. God has really put it on my heart for the past 6 months that its time to start empowering younger teens as well as my current clients. He has put people in my path that have basically shoved this down my throat and at first I was nervous and scared about it (because lets face it - Im very happy with my place and comfy in it). He has lined me up this whole time and I didnt even know it. So, in the past week SEVERAL things have been laid at my feet and its like God is screaming in my face that now is the time. So... heres the first piece to all this. The purpose of this little square is to help girls/women understand that IG likes / FB likes mean NOTHING when it comes to their worth. Their worth is what is INSIDE - not outside. I dont know if this will ever pick up - I want it to reach much more OUTSIDE the photography industry and be picked up by girls nationwide (worldwide) but I think thats a pipe dream right now. I would love for one day people of major influence to post it. Who knows. But right now, I know that whatever is coming for this movement (and whatever God wants me to do later down the line with this thing) STARTS with this. So, if youd like to join me, I would LOVE for you post this IG square (link it to your twitter and FB pages/profiles) and encourage your seniors and anyone else to get involved. Our first post should take place on THIS Sunday evening at 7 pm CENTRAL. I would LOVE for IG to explode with this little square and begin a new standard for #selfiesundays this Sunday night. If you decide to post, please hashtag #noselfiesunday #selfiesunday #defineyourworth #loveyourself things like that. In the post, encourage your teens/clients/seniors/friends/family to share/repost/regram the post and get the word out. Lets just see what happens. Id like to post this EVERY SUNDAY and Id love for yall to as well - because lets face it, posting it ONE day isnt going to do anything... it will have to be an ongoing movement. Im so dang nervous but I love you guys. Its time we come together for the betterment of these wonderful teens and the way they see themselves.
Posted on: Wed, 07 Jan 2015 22:58:09 +0000

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