Shri Ekadesha Rudra Puja. Faggeto Lario, Como (Italy), 16 - TopicsExpress


Shri Ekadesha Rudra Puja. Faggeto Lario, Como (Italy), 16 September 1984. Today, we are doing a special type of Pooja which is performed in the glory of Ekadesha Rudra. Rudra is the destructive power of Shiva, of the Spirit. Now, one power which is His nature, is forgiveness. He forgives because we are human beings, we commit mistakes, we do wrong things, we get tempted; our attention is disturbed; so he forgives us. He also forgives us when we spoil our chastity, we do immoral things, we do thieving, and we do things that are against God, talk against Him. He also forgives our superficialities, jealousies, our lust, our anger. Also He forgives our attachments, petty jealousies, vanities and also possessiveness. He forgives our egoistical behaviour and also our subordination to wrong things. But every action has a reaction, and when He forgives, He thinks that lie has given you a big grace-mark, and that reaction builds up within Him, as a wrath against those who are forgiven and try to do greater mistakes. Specially, after realization, because such a big blessing there is of the realization; you have got the light and in the light if you are holding onto your plate then His wrath goes up because, he sees how stupid you have been. What I am saying is that after realization specially He is much more sensitive that people who are forgiven and have been given such a big thing like Self realization, still they do wrong things then he is much more wrathful So, in the balance the forgiveness starts reducing and the wrathfulness starts increasing. But when He forgives and as a result of that forgiveness you feel the gratitude, then His blessings start flowing towards you. He gives you tremendous capacity to forgive others. He pacifies your anger, He pacifies your lust, He pacifies your greed. Like beautiful dew-drops His blessings come on our being and we become really beautiful flowers. And we start shining in the sunshine of His blessings. Now He uses His wrath or His destructive power to destroy all that tries to trouble us. He protects realized souls at every point, in every way. Negative forces try to attack a Sahaja Yogi but they are all neutralised by His tremendous power of protection. Through his vibratory awareness we are guided into right path. All the beautiful blessings of His are described in the Psalm 23…… The Lord is my Shepherd” Is all described how he looks after you as a shepherd. But He does not look after these evil people. He destroys them. Those who enter into Sahaja Yoga and are still carrying on with their evil nature are destroyed. Those who come to Sahaja Yoga and do not meditate and do not rise are destroyed or they are thrown out of Sahaja Yoga. Those who murmur against God and live in a way that is not behoving a Sahaja Yogi, He removes them. So by one force, He protects, by another force, He throws away. But his destructive forces when they are built up too much, then we call it “now the ‘Ekadesha Rudra’ is active.” Now, this Ekadesha Rudra will be expressed when the Kalki itself will start acting, means the destructive power which will destroy all that is negative on this earth and save all that is positive. So it is very necessary for Sahaja Yogis to expedite their ascent, not to be satisfied with the social life or married life or with all the blessings that God has bestowed upon you. We always see, what God has done for us, how He has been miraculous to us, but we have to see what we have done for ourselves, what are we doing about our own ascent and our growth. Now, out of the eleven…… the Ekadeshas, means eleven,-the five come from the right side of your void, and five from the left side of your void. The first five on the left hand side come from,-if you have bowed yourself to wrong Gurus, or if you have read wrong books, or if you have been in the company of wrong people, or if you have been sympathetic towards people who have been following wrong paths, or you have been yourself one of the agent or guru of these wrong people. Now these five problems can be solved, if we completely give up whatever wrong we have been doing. As Mohammad Sahab has said that you have to beat the Shaitan, means the Satan, with shoes; but that has to be done not mechanically but from your heart. Like many people who come to Sahaja Yoga will tell me, “My father is following this Guru; that father is following that Guru,” and get involved with their father, sister, this, that and try to take them out from those Gurus,-also get entangled. Or some of them yield to others’ forces. Like I know of Maurine who was with me, and her parents and parents-in-law said that the child must be baptized. I told her, you cannot get this child baptized because it is a realized soul. But she could not that way stand up to that, and she took the child for baptism; and the child became very funny. It was doing like a mad child. So, now then she gave up all that and so she has saved. But supposing she had another child
Posted on: Thu, 26 Jun 2014 06:56:24 +0000

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