||Shri|| For The Welfare of the World (English translation* of - TopicsExpress


||Shri|| For The Welfare of the World (English translation* of JAGATHITKANI) For online: - jagathitkarnioriginal.org. An Appeal I have published this book for the Benefit of people in general by putting in a lot of hard work and substantial amount of money. Therefore, it is my humble request to one and all to read this book thoroughly, ponder over its content and beware of evil designs of these banias. *This English version Issued on November 3, 1998 A.D. Salutation to the Supreme Being Many-many thanks to the Almighty, the light of the world, the All Merciful, the formless who created the earth, the sky, the entire creation and nobody could unravel the mystery of His superb craftsmanship. To describe His glory is beyond my power of expression. In fact in this book I propose to write on a subject which can be summed up as “the devils amid the deep sea”. To my horror I have witnessed strange and shocking misdeeds of the businessman and moneylenders in India (known as saudagar-mahajans) and I thought it fit to share with you what I have seen and found. Therefore, I - am humble Sadhu Anoop Das – respectfully submit to all Hindu and Muslims, Saint and sages, the pundit and fakirs, the kings, the emperors, the rulers and the subject of various countries and kingdom spread over all the continents of the world, that the dubious practices variously called as Jaduchala (witchcraft), Rakshash Vidya (demoniac science), Kafir Vidya (the science of the infidel) and Indrajal (black magic) are all acts of sin. The demon king Ravan had practiced these devilish acts and thereby the Yajnas, (the rituals of sacrifice) and thereby destroyed the thinking power of other. He practiced Indrajal or black magic and thereby engineered famine and other calamities on earth, captivated Lakshmi, the goddess of wealth and transported the entire riches to his kingdom Lanka. Similarly, king Hiranyakashipu, King Kansa, Karun and Raja Bal also committed this sinful practice. Now after Raja Bal also it is these traders and moneylenders who are indulging in this nefarious activity. The banias (people of traditionally business community) too have captured the forces of rains and death. They have thus destroyed the sense of judgment of the people by mean of diabolism and caused famine and destitution in India after the death of Raja Bal. As Ravana and had captivated Lakshmi – the goddess of wealth, in the same way they too have usurped the entire wealth of this land and carried ship load of riches across the seas just as Ravana had taken the plundered riches away to his kingdom-Lanka. The banias have engineered famine by practicing demoniac activity in order to take the entire wealth of India in their possession. India as well as other countries had once wealth in abundance. The ancient scriptures bear testimony to this fact. It is recorded in those ancient texts that in the sat-yuga(The golden era) things of common use were made of gold and even the poor had vessels made of gold and silver in their homes. There were innumerable mines of precious stones everywhere and therefore the king and the ruling elites had all that they wished for. I want to tell the people of world with certainty that till the time of Raja Bal, it was a golden era, the sat-yuga, and in that age there was great prosperity with gold and silver as also food grains available in abundance. Famine was totally unheard of since the time the mahajans (money lenders) have started causing famine on Earth, the prosperity has been disappearing. Had these banias (business community) not caused famine, the golden era of sat-yuga would have continued. After the time of Raja Bal there has been a spate of famine conditions and diseases of various kinds, the wealth has been drained out and the people at large have become impoverished. Things have been getting from bad to worse. The sinful activity of these traders (saudagars) is responsible for this situation. They have spread out their business centers to other parts of the world with the intention of monopolizing the money power in those countries and jeopardizing the future of people and their children. They are out to destroy the prosperity in other parts of the world as they done in India. Besides, they are planning to lure the kings and monarchs of foreign lands to establish their rule in India by stirring their greed for the riches of this land. Those foreign rulers will then be finished off by these saudagars who will keep themselves untouched by their scheme of destruction. They are getting the children of Hindus and Muslims killed in other countries making sure that their own children are unharmed. Following in the footstep of Ravana who had laid a trap to destroy the whole world, these saudagars too want to destroy the mighty empires of the world and one day they will achieve their objective. Ravana had thought that when there would be very few people left on Earth, he would rule the entire world unchallenged. In the same way, these banias have also laid this trap with the intention of usurping the economic power of the world. By practicing their demoniac activity they would first destroy the sense of judgment of the people of all the seven or eight empires so that they should fight amongst themselves to acquire the riches of India and ultimately destroy each other. Thus a time would come when very few people in those countries would survive. The banias know when that happens, other people will easily be outnumbered by their own progeny who will then establish their rule over the world which nobody will be able to challenge. The Hindus believe that in the kaliyuga a time will come when nothing would be left and only a small hamlet would be found at a distance of 200 miles. The Muslims say that in the 14th century (according to Muslim calendar) a severe famine will strike Earth and there will be nothing left to eat forcing human beings to eat other human beings. Such prognoses of a fearful future are floated by banias with ulterior motive, which they attribute to the wise and virtuous men of the world. Then they perform black magic or demoniac practices in order to create situation similar to forecast. The Almighty, who has created the entire universe, is merciful to all the creatures living in any part of the world. It is the unscrupulous people indulging time and again in fiendish and sinful act of black magic on this Earth who have caused calamities and destitution in the world. This sin has been committed many a time and the children would get rid of after a lot of suffering. This ancient occult art was developed and practiced by the banias themselves. They taught this sinful practice, only partly, to Ravana, Hiranyakashipu, Kansa, Karun and other and subsequently got them killed by catching them in their trap. They have kept the mystery of this ancient occult practice as a closely guarded secret and would not let anybody get wind of it. That is Why their devilish activities have not so far been unearthed resulting in unabated suffering in this world. Their sin is not known to the people because it has not been found out. I was tortured by them in the same way as Shanishchara was tortured by Ravana by practicing demoniac black magic. Since the entire exercise was done in his presence, he could gain access to his devilish activity and so he told the whole world about it. They have also inflicted suffering upon me by practicing their demoniac ritual in my presence and that is how I have come to know about it. Let me tell you that the kings and potentates, namely Ravana, Hiranyakashipu, Kansa, and Karun were born in the Indian sub-continent and yet they could not get wind of the secret activity of the banias who were the inhabitants of India. How then would they let the rulers of foreign lands gain access to their designs? In India the children of both the Hindus and the Muslims suffering from abject poverty can still live peacefully but for the nefarious designs of the banias who by way of black magic intend to destroy the good sense of the Indian people so that they may develop enmity and ill will and then kill each other. People in other parts of world then think that both the Hindus and the Muslims of India are basically bad elements and they would never know that the seeds of trouble were sown by the banias who had got the good sense of these people destroyed through their sorcery. By their evil designs they would get the Indian people massacred at the hand of the people holding power in other countries. So, it is my humble request to you-the Europeans and other to dismantle the spell of these people’s heinous sins. If you can achieve it the future generations in India and even in your lands will be saved of total annihilation and for that they will be grateful to you. These banias are very shrewd people and would not let anybody know about their act of betrayal. They will later on wipe out your children so that they could rule the whole world unchallenged. They have very secretly and assiduously laid a trap to lure you to invade India for her wealth so that when you have come here and got into their trap they will then make you their Target, inflict rivalry amongst you and ultimately get you destroyed at each other’s hands. These saudagar-mahajans embarked on their ambitious plan of controlling the money power all over the world after the time of Raja Bal. It is under this plan that they tempted the world powers to come to India. In this way these saudagar-mahajans have spread their network of demoniac activity all over the world. Though outwardly they will maintain contacts with everybody, yet secretly they will continue their sinful act day in and day out. You people are completely unaware of it. So please give a serious thought to what I am writing about, take a stand unitedly against their nefarious designs. It is my fervent appeal to all Hindus, Muslims, Christians and the rulers of the whole world that they should abandon greed and avarice and join their heads in order to foil the diabolic designs of this merchant community. On their success in this stupendous task depends the future of the present and coming generation of the world. Otherwise these traders and moneylenders have spared no efforts to doom them to death and destruction. The very purpose of writing this book (JAGAT HITKARNI) is to acquaint you with their wicked designs so that you could think of some counter device to frustrate their secret plans of taking in their possession the riches of the whole world by creating rivalry and ill-will among different countries and Kingdoms and provoking them to destroy each other. In the ancient times King Ravana had committed this sinful practice and consequently people had lost their good sense. He had tortured Lord Shanishchara who told Vibhishana, that his brother Ravana with the help of invisible forces was causing havoc on Earth and as a result people had lost their thinking power and a number of deadly epidemics had spread worldwide. He then requested Vibhishana to put a stop to Ravana’s sins since being his brother he must be aware of the secret activity of Ravana and also of the place where he was performing the demoniac rites. He (Shanishchara) impressed upon Vibhishana that if he failed to get such activity stopped by making public the secrets of his mystical rite and the place where it was performed, it would cost him dear So much so that his own family would be subjected to untold suffering. On hearing such fearful forebodings from Shanishchara, Vibhishana thought that since Shanishchara had come to know about his brother Ravana’s deviltry, he must not try to hide anything, or else he too, along with Ravana, would be tormented and harmed by Shanishchara. So Vibhishana, who was religious minded and God-fearing confided in him the details of his brother Ravana’s sinful act which the latter had thus far been keeping a closely guarded secret. Ravana’s Kingdom Lanka, which was till’ then hidden under the deep sea, surfaced after Vibhishana made that disclosure. When Shanishchara confronted Ravana with his questions, the latter had to tell the former, though not fully but of his secrets only to himself so that he could still retain the demoniac power to cause devastation and then establish his rule over the whole world. Realising this, Shanishchara pondered deeply and decided to tell the world about Ravana’s designs and secret activities. He let the people know that armed with his demoniac powers, Ravana had controlled the deities of rains and death and having done so he had been causing disasters at his will. It was a horrifying revelation to the people of the world, who then knew it for certain that it was under the influence of Ravana’s magical rite that they had lost their sense of judgement. They expressed their gratitude to Shanishchara who had opened their eyes by telling them about the misdeeds of Ravana. Had Ravana not tortured Shanishchara, people would not have become aware of Ravana’s sins and Ravana would have achieved his secret ambition of capturing the whole world and making people suffer misery and misfortune. Having suffered at the hands of Ravana, Shanishchara warned the people of the world to be on their guards against the evil designs of Ravana. The warning was taken very seriously by the people who then got united to foil designs of Ravana who had secretly planned to wipe out the population of the world except his own clan and to take all the continents of the world under his own Command. When people succeeded in demolishing Ravana’s devilish designs, happiness returned to them and their progeny. References to this effect are found in ancient scriptures. The Puranas and other ancient treatises contain references which describe that the demon King Ravana had set up the city of Lanka in the midst of the Ratnakara Sagara (the Indian Ocean), an unending expanse of water. Simultaneously, he created Heaven and Hell and also eighty four lakh Kundis or pits brimming with blood and pus. Thus the city of Lanka was made impregnable and anyone who dared venture into the sea in order to approach Lanka was instantly drowned. The strong spell of the Indrajal let loose by Ravana made it impossible for anyone to enter the territory of Lanka. People didn’t know that it was Ravana’s magic power which prevented them from entering Lanka. It was during the time of Ravana that the contrivance of dreams and planetary positions to create an unwholesome influence on the minds of the people was first practiced. He also produced and circulated some mystical literature of his demoniac science with a view to destroying the wisdom and the sense of judgement of the people. Ancient writings contain references to this effect. The people of the world decided to dismantle the spell of Ravana’s magic rite and got ready for that but they did not know how to reach Lanka. After some time a strategy was planned and accordingly the Kings and rulers as also the subjects of the whole world raised a huge army and captivated Ravana’s brothers and sons who were living in India along with their forces. They were harassed. Ravana’s brother Vibhishana was persuaded by Shanishchara to disclose the sins of Ravana to all the Kings and rulers of the world and only then the people of the world could be saved. But for Shanishchara’s concern for humanity, Ravana would have succeeded in wiping out the entire human race. After Ravana, King Hiranyakashipu did the same thing. He too got destroyed the thinking power of the people under the influence of his magical rite. But again during his time the rulers and the common people joined hands to undo the effect of his sinful act and thereby saved the world from total destruction. He too had planned to annihilate the entire human population and to take in his possession the entire riches of Earth. To achieve his nefarious objective he too created swarga (Heaven) and Naraka (Hell) and also eighty four lakh Kundis or pits filled with blood and pus for performing his magical rite. Under the influence of his devilish rite also people lost their sense of judgement. Narasingh (an incarnation of Lord Vishnu) told the world about the sin committed by the demon secretly. Then people realized that all the ills on Earth were caused by Hiranyakashipu by means of his demoniac activity. This revelation brought all the Kings and rulers together whose efforts rid the world of the diabolism of Hiranyakashipu. Thus his plans to establish his rule through the length and breadth of the world were foiled and Earth saved from destruction. Thereafter King Kansa resorted to the devilish science and produced and circulated demoniac literature. He too created Heaven and Hell and eighty four lakh Kundis filled with blood and pus. It must be known to all that when the Kings and rulers of various parts of the world came to know about his sins, all of them got united and defeated him and foiled his design to massacre the people and usurp the riches of the world. Then came Karun who too produced and circulated diabolic texts etc., created Heaven and hell and built eighty four lakh pits for torturing human beings and other creatures. When the secret of his sinful activities became public, the Kings and rulers joined hands to undo the deviltry of Karun and thus frustrated his plans to destroy the world and acquire the wealth of the whole world. These four devils incarnate gave different names to their black arts so that their sinful activities continued to remain a mystery to the people at large. Ravana called his black magic as Indrajal, which was made known to the people by Shanishchara. King Hiranyakashipu called his magic rite as Rakshasha vidya (the science of the demons) which was made known to the People by Lord Narasimha. King Kansa called it Jaduchala (Black magic) which was made public by Lord Krishna. Karun gave the name of Kafir vidya (the science of the infidel) to his sinful act which was exposed by Guru Nanak. So all of them indulged in the same sinful act but each of them gave a different name to it because they feared that if they used the same name for the sin that they were committing, them they would be exposed and people would not let them continue their nefarious rites. After Raja Bal the saudagar- mahajans have resorted to the same diabolism which Ravana, Hiranyakashipu and others had practiced but the name has been changed and to all Hindus and Muslims, it is known as Kalukal (the dark age). Like Ravana, this community of traders and moneylenders too have produced and published dubious literature and astrological material which they have attributed to the great sages and saints of ancient times. The Hindus, Muslims, Christians and other people of the world are silent spectators of their designs of influencing the minds of the people by means of these books and other material. These books and commentaries make horrific forebodings that the world is proceeding fast to a stage when there will be great scarcity so much so that even the richest person will possess nothing more than seer (about a KG) of bronze metal. These books making such ominous foreboding have actually been written by these saudagars themselves but they have ascribed the authorship to the sages and rishis of the by one era so that they are not exposed. These books and commentaries spread the message that only kings will possess that one seer of the bronze metal. Imagine what will happen to the Kings and monarchs who are used to luxurious life and who have to maintain a large number of houses and elephants as well as a big army of soldiers. How will they, with just a seer of bronze metal in their possession meet their expenses? How will they buy their gilded silk fineries with just one seer of bronze left with them? We know that everything needs money. One needs money to buy clothes and garments. One needs money to buy bullocks which are necessary for tilling fields. In short; nothing can be moved without money. Without money the rulers will not be able to run their administration and their subjects will die of starvation. The saudagars (trading community) of this land have caused a series of famine and drought and have taken in their possession major part of wealth. Whatever is left will soon be controlled by them which they will load in ships and take away just as Ravana had taken away his loot to Lanka. To cover their wrongdoing they have already spread rumours that a very difficult time is about to come when the richest person will not have more than one seer of bronze in his possession. They have created a situation in which people have lost their sense of judgement and an impression has been injected into their minds that the English people are taking away their wealth whereas it is these banias who are usurping the wealth of the people. People cannot see through their trickery since they (the saudagars) have brought their thinking power under the influence of their sorcery. They are taking away the wealth in trains and ships in broad daylight and yet the people at large fail to see their sinister scheme. The banias have very cleverly spread the rumours that the English people have looted the wealth of India. Their next step would be to lure the people of other countries to come to India for her wealth. When people from other countries will hear that the Britishers have taken away the wealth of India, they will fight with the Britishers. Thus the banias will create rivalry among the people of different countries and make them fight with each other, making their own position safe and secure. The rumour of the’ one seer of bronze’ has been spread by the banias. Obviously, when the banias will succeed in their plan of looting and taking away the wealth of India, nothing will be left except a seer of bronze metal. So the forebodings of a very critical time, in which there will be famine and destitution all around and even the richest will have not more than a seer of bronze metal, have been made by the banias but have been attributed by them to the holy sages and faqirs. The sages and faqirs did not know anything about it. If they had such premonitions they would have warned the world that the banias would be indulging in sinful acts to harm the people of the world. The sages did nothing but spent their time in praying to the Almighty for the welfare of the world. Like Ravana, the banias too wanted to keep their sinister game as closely guarded secret, and ascribed such forebodings to the holy souls of the ancient times. The books written by the saudagar-mahajans say that a time will come when the sun will emit heat to such a degree that Earth will turn copper-red and the water on the surface of Earth will be boiling just as oil boils in a cauldron. When that time comes, what will be the fate of the Kings and monarchs? People should not be scared of such forebodings and instead they must think seriously and see through the sinister intention of the saudagar-mahajans community behind such writings. So they must understand that the sun will not emit such calamitous heat as stated in the so called ancient books yes, they, by practicing their black art, they will make Mother Earth sick, as a result of which Earth will turn copper-red and water on its surface will start boiling just as oil boils with intense heat. These practitioners of black magic are unnecessarily blaming the Sun for causing intense heat. What I want to tell you that the Sun will not emit such unusual heat and it will continue to rotate on its axis. Just as human beings have a light inside them, similarly Mother Earth too has a light as bright as that of the Sun and the Moon. But these unscrupulous people have by black magic spoiled the sense of judgement of the people who believe that these books of demonic science have been written by the holy men of ancient times. They do not know that these books and commentaries have been produced and circulated by the saudagar-mahajans. People read these books and act upon them. They spoil their days and nights but they fail to understand that these books of demonic science are not the writings of the ancient sages. Ravana and others during their respective time and now the banias are the authors of these books etc. Since their thinking power has been captivated under the spell of some magical rite, the people of the world cannot understand this fact. When Ravana and others were indulging in sinful activities, even the devatas (the divinities) could not get wind of those activities. They came to know about them only when Shanishchara removed the veil of secrecy. Therefore, it is my humble request to all the kings, emperors, rulers and common people of the world that they should unitedly get the world freed from the devilish designs of the banias because that Alone will save the posterity from total destruction. If their secret plans are not checked, they will destroy the creation of God and take the wealth of the Universe in their possession. They have opened their business centers in other parts of the world. They plan to lure the rulers of different empires to come to India and ruin the Indian people. Thereafter they will control the riches of all the empires making all the people impoverished. All the kings and rulers including the British are blissfully unaware of their sinister designs. These people knew as saudagar-mahajans in India think that as they have usurped the wealth of the Indian people, they will be able to monopolies the wealth of other countries and kingdoms as well by spreading their vicious trap. When they want to bring some foreign powers to India, they give them all sorts of logistic support and lure them to colonies India. Thus they fall in their trap and set up their rule in India. First they brought the Mecca people (the Muslim invaders) into India. They ruled this country for a very long time. Those Moghul rulers forced the Hindus to convert to Islam and people were completely unaware of it. The banias had subjected the thinking power of the people to demonic delusion and that’s why they could not get wind of this sensitive modus operandi. The land of the origin of the Muslim rulers (Mecca) no more has that abundance of riches which it once had and the people there too are feeling the pinch. Both Indian people and the Muslims in that land are ignorant of the mystery behind it. They don’t know that these saudagars have addled the brains of the people of the world by their demonic art and usurped the riches of the world making the people destitute. After the Moghul, they lured the Britishers to come and rule this country which they are doing. The saudagar-mahajans will now deprive the Britishers of their wealth rendering them moneyless, the way they impoverished the Muslim rulers. Thereafter they will seek the help of the rulers of Russia to get the children of the Britishers killed. The conspiracy will remain a secret to the Britishers and their children. The reins of power will then be handed over to the Russian rulers, who too will subsequently be made to lose their wealth to these saudagar-mahajans who will then collude will rulers of some other land to Replace the Russian rulers for ruling India. The new rulers will also meet the same fate as their predecessors. In this way the saudagar-mahajans will first take away the thinking faculty of the rulers of all seven or eight empires of the world under the spell of their demonic magic and then invite them to rule this country. When the foreign rulers rise to the bait and establish their rule in India, their entire wealth will be usurped by these unscrupulous people who will then engineer rivalry among different foreign powers making them lock horns and ultimately finish each other. The game plan of these people like one of Ravana will remain shrouded in mystery. Ravana by his magic created heaven and hell along with eighty four lakh Kundis (pits). In the same way, the saudagar-mahajans, after Raja Bal, created heaven and hell by their demonic magic which has caused confusion in the minds of the people of the world. Similar situation prevailed during the times of Ravana. But nobody tries to understand that when Ravana was indulging in that sin, Shanishchara could unravel the mystery and when he told people about Ravana’s secret activity, the people of the world got united and foiled the sinful designs of Ravana. Since in those days people had some sense of right and wrong left with them, Shanishchara could convince them with comparatively less efforts. But in this day and age any amount of efforts is not enough to convince the people because the saudagar-mahajans have severely impaired their discriminating faculty. I therefore urge upon the Kings, the emperors and the common citizens of the world – the Hindus, the Muslim and others – to get united and do something to break the ever expanding snare of the saudagar-mahajans just as Ravana’s demonic game plan was foiled by the people who had got united for this purpose at the instance of Shanishchara. The wellbeing of the future generations depends on the success of this venture. Once they decide on a particular ruler to make him a pawn in their power game, the first thing they do is take away his entire wealth by their demonic wizardry making him poor. And when that king or emperor is on the verge of starvation the saudagars help him financially and then tempt him to come to India to rule this country. He is then left with little option but to rise to the bait. I want to tell the rulers and the subjects of all the seven or eight empires (continents) all Hindus, Muslim, Christians and others that these saudagar-mahajans are extremely greedy and they want To own the entire riches of the world and thus become the master of all the people in the universe. So, if people do not pick up courage to undo the impact of the demonic game plan of the saudagars, they will be doomed. India has already gone to the dogs, and whatever little is left that too will be ruined after they have brought in the rulers of other empires. They have launched their game plan only to usurp money and become the master of the world. It is therefore incumbent on all of you to dismantle their Indrajal (Black magic) in order to protect the coming generation. King Ravana, followed by Hiranyakashipu, Kansa and Karun had created, by their respective black art, what is known to both Hindus and Muslim as the heaven and the hell. After Raja Bal, the saudagar-mahajans instilled the fear in the minds of the people by telling them about the existence of heaven and hell and of the pits filled with blood and pus. The truth is that there is no such hell or heaven. It is nothing but the creation of the banias the saudagar-mahajans, which they want people to believe in. There is no hell or heaven. There is only one Mother Earth. Call it what you like. Both Hindus and Muslims read some books, thinking that they are ancient scriptures, which they are not. These so called ancient writings describe how men have to suffer tortures in the eighty four lakh Kundis or pits in their eighty four lakh lives in as many forms. These writings have been planted by the saudagar-mahajans and are part of their secret and sinful act. Likewise, the horoscope-charts etc. Which the Brahmans read and recite are also the product of the saudagar-mahajans prepared to further their devilry. The authentic scriptures tell us that Ravana had produced and circulated some writings including planetary charts which contained demonic thoughts. Some such books were written and circulated during Raja Bal’s time but it has been claimed in the body of those writings (namely Mansa Sagar) that they existed even before the universe came into being. This is to be noted that when there was no Creation and nothing existed, who was there to write or to read them? So this claim is unfounded. They are not ancient scriptures. They are nothing but the handiwork of the saudagar-mahajans and part of their nefarious game plan. You, the people of the world, are seeing with your own eyes their game plan. Ravana had set only 9 grahas (planets) to meet his purpose but these saudagar- mahajans have set innumerable planets to achieve their over ambitious plan. You, the people of the world, are seeing with your own eyes and hearing with your own ears that there is no end to planetary movements and their effects given in various horoscope-charts contrived by these unscrupulous people. Year after year there is onset of environmental disaster in different forms such as epidemics, forest fires, and widespread damage by locusts. Also, there is sudden spurt of rats and other rodents, snakes and scorpions and millions of insects which are hidden in the womb of Earth. When somebody becomes ill a number of microorganisms and worms grow inside his body. Similarly, when there is some disorder in the nature, a variety of insects grow in Earth’s womb. The annual horoscopes make predictions that in the coming year a particular epidemic or drought and famine will take a heavy toll of life. The Brahmans innocently tell people about such impending disasters. They are not to blame since they do not know that it is the saudagar-mahajans who are responsible for such calamities because in the heaven and hell of eighty four lakh Kundis, they perform some pernicious rite as a result of which innumerable harmful insects start growing in Mother Earth’s Womb. When such rites are directed against human beings and other creatures, they develop all kinds of ailment. A more powerful rite results in large scale death and destruction. These unscrupulous elements sometimes direct the effects of such rites against kings and empowers resulting in their premature death. If death occurs at the ripe age, one would accept it as a law of nature but when people die at very young age, the grief is unbearable. The astrological charts prepared by them predict that in a particular year the stars are unfavorable to the kings .Then they perform the sinful sacrificial rites on the eighty four lakh Kundis directed against the kings, With the result that the kings die young and epidemics of various kinds spread as predicted in the charts and narrated by the Brahmans. These charts make predictions about the breaking out of famine and also the loss of animals like cows, horses, Camels etc. The predictions in these horoscopes, among other things, say that in such and such year there will be bloodshed. Accordingly they perform rites which result in conflicts and bloodshed. These people, the saudagar-mahajans, with their demonic power have so much captivated the good sense of the people of the world that they fail to see through their game and readily accept the consequences. Since no effort is made to expose and dismantle the demonic practice of the saudagar-mahajans, people have lost their sense of judgement and are fighting each other. Brothers are at each other’s throats. An atmosphere of hatred and distrust created by these elements gives rise to animosity and unrestrained greed among all sections of people – both rich and poor, kings and common citizens. A younger brother wishes his elder brother to die so that he can occupy his elder brother’s property. The elder brother too has an eye on the property of his younger brother and would go to any extent to possess it. People are jealous of others’ prosperity. Similarly, the kings go on grabbing more and more of riches. They would not hesitate to liquidate their own brothers, sons and subordinates. They cannot see what is good and what is bad since their thinking power has been destroyed by the effects of the demonic rite. A king thinks that once others including his own people are killed, he will become the sole owner of the entire wealth of the country. What he fails to see is that having lost his own brothers and sons, there will be nobody to help him rule the country. The situation was never so horrifying as it is today to which you and I have become mute spectators. In the abode of God both lions and goats are coexisting harmoniously. By practicing the demonic art in the world, these devils have confused the minds of the people. These horoscopes, astrological treatises etc. are in fact the handiwork of the banias which they have given to the gullible Brahmans who have unwittingly fallen in their trap. The Brahmans are unaware of the designs of the banias. The people belonging to the community of traders have Very cunningly attributed these treatises to the ancestors of the Brahmans who have been taken in and now they believe that their forefathers were the authors of these writings. The Brahmans are mistaken. These demonic pieces are in fact the creations of the banias who have circulated them to mislead the people at large. They know that if the Kings and rulers ever try to know the details about these horoscopes etc., the poor Brahman sand their children will be the victims of their wrath. The ignorant Brahmans do not for a moment think that they are playing the game of the mahajans and that the planetary positions and predictions given in those horoscopes, are demonic manipulations. Just as Ravana had used gods and deities for circulating his demonic writings, so have these trader community people made use of the Brahmans for propagating their manipulated horoscopes. They do not realize that they are being used and that the future of their children is unsafe. How can they? Their wisdom has been destroyed under the spell of the occult rite performed by the saudagar-mahajans. They think that the horoscopes which they have been reading and reciting are the creations of their own ancestors. What they do not know is that those horoscopes were prepared by the unscrupulous mahajans fraudulently and handed over to them for circulation. Ravana had done the same thing. After him this practice was continued by Raja Bal and now it is these mahajans who are following suit. They want to rule the world following in the footsteps of Ravana and others. Having lost their wisdom, the Brahman sin this day and age have been reading out these demonic horoscopes in every house and telling people about the impending disasters such as epidemics and natural calamities. If these horoscopes predict rains on a particular day, they (the mahajans) perform the sinful rite over the eighty four lakh Kundis and curse Mother Earth which results in very heavy rains all over the world. Then they perform another rite and the rains stop all of a sudden. It is like a man who, while devouring food is suddenly tormented by an excruciating pain in his abdomen and the severity of pain makes it impossible for him to eat or drink anything. Same is the case with Mother Earth. Water is to Earth what food is to a living being. When Earth is afflicted by some disease (ecological imbalance) it stops having rains. The said horoscopes predict that such and such area will have heavy rainfall while some other area will have no rainfall at all. Then for that zone about which ‘no-rain’ prediction has been made they perform the sinful rite as a result of which that zone is cursed with severe drought. As against this, other zones about which no such prediction has been made, are spared of such curse. Earth is thus comparable to man whose one part of body is afflicted with pain or some disease while other parts of his body are healthy and strong. Earth also becomes ill like a human being. The banias-mahajans practice the demonic rite of black magic which makes Mother Earth ill. The illness is manifested in ecological imbalance and so some areas have plenty of rainfall while other areas remain dry. As a human being is a living entity so is Mother Earth. When the predictions made in these dubious astrological charts say that year strong winds will blow, Mother Earth, under the influence of the magical rite, gets diseased, similar to respiratory disorder in human being. The motive of the mahajans is to create conditions in which the production of food grains comes down sharply. The less the production the more profit to these traders. Similarly, if their astrological charts of a particular year predict that fire will break-out in that year, they cause intense warming of Earth by their devilish rite. It can be likened to a human being suffering from intense heat in his stomach. In places when they intensify the effect of their black magic, widespread forest fire takes place and village after village are set ablaze. In hills and other places the entire vegetation including the standing crops is reduced to ashes. The extent to which these mahajans have caused extensive damage to Mother Earth by their sinful magical practices is beyond description. It is for you to see and realize. The agricultural production has declined a great deal. It is because Earth’s fertility has been severely diminished as a result of innumerable diseases (disorders) caused by the nefarious activities of these people. I have merely touched the fringe of the whole problem for your information. As you know the prosperity and the abundance of food grains which was there in the Sat-yuga (The golden age) is nowhere to be seen now. It is because the black magic has made the body of Mother Earth sick all the year round. The shortage of agricultural produce has made the people all over the world very unhappy. When in the astrological charts they write that in that year there will not be widespread epidemics, they reduce the intensity of their sinful rite targeted against human beings. In the same way when they predict in their charts that the animals, such as horses, camels, cows, buffaloes, goats etc., will have less severe diseases in that year, the sinful rite against the animals is toned down with the result that all these animals enjoy good health in that year. In the year for which the almanac predicts that diseases among the livestock will take epidemic form, they intensity their sinful rite targeted against animals. These people, the banias and mahajans indulge in dishonest means. They buy up and hoard milk products, especially the non-perishable ones while the milch cattle enjoy good health. Then all of a sudden they will cause the animals to fall sick resulting in acute scarcity of milk and milk products. The prices of these and other essential items begin to sky-rocket exactly as cautioned in their manipulated astrological predictions. By selling their stock at exorbitant rates, they fleece the people and earn huge profits. I want to expose the misdeeds of these traders and moneylenders and that is why I have written about each and every activity of theirs’ hundreds of times. Now they are misleading people by telling them that I have gone made. Some people under the influence of their devilish magic believe in what they say. But it is not their fault since they are not in their senses. I am cautioning people only because I am concerned about the Brahmans as well because it is they who read and recite the fake almanac in the homes of the people making predictions that in such as such year famine will break out, or some epidemic will take a heavy toll of human life. They (the Brahmans) should know that they are being used to strike the fear in the minds of the people about the impending disaster. After some time, say in 6 months’ time the prognoses become a reality as an outcome of the dreaded rites over the eighty four lakh cauldrons. When these occult rites are directed against Earth, she develops sickness. When the target is the world, the human beings develop serious diseases. If the intensity of such rites is increased These diseases reach epidemic proportion taking a heavy toll of human life. Targeted against the animals, these rites cause widespread diseases among the mute animals—horses, camels, cows etc. When they increase the intensity of the rites, these animals die without number. So the astrological predictions in those manipulated almanacs have nothing to do with such disastrous happenings. It is the sinful rites over the eighty four lakh cauldrons performed by the mahajans which turn these ominous predictions into reality. Therefore I, Sadhu Anoop Das, earnestly and humbly implore the Brahmans to return forthwith the manipulated horoscopes etc. to the banias and inform the government that just as Ravana did, these banias had given these writings of demonic science to their forefathers and they (the Brahmans) had mistakenly accepted them as the creation of their own ancestors since these writings contained the names of their ancestors. Ravana had very schemingly placed these demonic writings in the hands of different gods who were very pious. When Lord Shiva, Brahma, Rama and other gods and great souls could be misled by Ravana by performing the Indrajal how can then the people of our time escape from their trickery? How can the people of this age, whose wisdom has been captivated by the effect of the Indrajal find out or know about the mystery of this black magic? Since Ravana had tortured Shanishchara, he told the whole world about the secret of his misdeeds when the gods and the whole world came to know about the secret designs of Ravana, the great sages made a mention of Ravana’s despicable practice of the Indrajal in their sacred writings. I too, like Shanishchara, was tortured by the banias. Before that I too was unaware of the black magic practiced by them. Since I have come to know about their sinister game plan, I consider it my duty to warn the people of the world and want them to dismantle their sinful activity in the interest of the future generation. Or else, they will ruin the entire humanity in order to quench their geed of power and pelf. They have very cunningly passed on the writings of devilish intent to the Brahmans. So the people of the world should know that the banias have been indulging in all kinds of deceit. They have deceptively slipped the fake almanac into the hands of the Brahmans with the intention of ruining the Brahmans, their coming generations and their entire race. The genuine almanac which was in vogue in the Sat-yuga had been prepared to serve as a calendar of religious events and festive occasions. The banias have caused the genuine almanac to disappear and instead circulated fake ones, just as Ravana had done during his time. After Raja Bal, the banias came on the scene and like Ravana, they caused the genuine almanac and other astrological books to disappear and released their own fake almanac for circulation. These manipulated books, apart from making prediction about unfavorable planetary associations and breaking out of epidemic diseases, say that in the Kaliyuga (the current era) a time will come when brothers and sisters will have incestuous relations. In fact these unscrupulous traders and moneylenders will cause men and women to lose their moral sense and bereft of a sense of morality people will behave like animals and will not treat their sisters and daughters as such. So all the people of the world should act unitedly and rid the world of their evil designs. If at this juncture you people do not rise to the occasion, these mahajans will make the predictions given in their almanac, a reality. You are mistaken if you think that these are genuine astrological predictions. The fact is that fake almanac and other books prepared by the mahajans are doing the round all over the world like summons of the court. Besides, they have made eighty four lakh Kundis which are filled with blood and pus. On these Kundis eighty four lakh living beings are made to undergo pain and suffering. Then, as predicted in these fake almanacs, epilepsy and other diseases break out and famine conditions prevail. The solar eclipse and the lunar eclipse along with their attendant ill effects are caused. There are references in the Vedas and other ancient scriptures that Ravana had captivated the Sun and the Moon. But it is said that Ravana, as an experiment, did cause the solar as well as the lunar eclipse to see whether it would result in any environmental disturbance. He repeated it just a couple of times and it did have its ill effect on the environment. It is a well known fact that Ravana had attained the power to control the movement of the Sun and the Moon, the wind and water. Ravana was known for having acquired that power. But the unscrupulous people of the trading community have gone far beyond that. They have been causing the ill-effects of the eclipse more frequently. The almanacs tell you so. When Earth is the target of the sinful rite, she gets afflicted. The God-fearing Vibhishana, gave a serious thought to this and disapproved of his brother Ravana’s act of cursing Earth since the whole creation is based on Earth. Earth is mother to all human beings, animals, birds and other creatures with great love and care. This thought and the fear that once the people of the world got wind of Ravana’s clandestine activity they would join hands to wipe out his entire race, made him persuade Ravana to desist from his act of cursing Mother Earth. But Ravana did not pay heed to his brother’s sane advice. Mortally afraid of the people’s wrath, Vibhishana deserted his brother Ravana and dissociated himself from his sin. He thus saved himself and the future generation of his clan from annihilation. The holy scriptures bear testimony to the fact that Vibhishana was a deeply devout person and he had nothing to do with sins committed by his brother Ravana. Since he was not party to his brother’s sins, no harm visited him or his clan. Ravana ignored his brother’s advice and warning and continued to perform the rite to curse Earth as a result of which Earth became sick and lost much of her inherent strength manifested in minerals and metals and other natural resources. During the time of Ravana, there were enough number of mines of precious metals like gold and silver and so Mother Earth still retained strength in spite of Ravana’s performing the sinful rite because the intensity of the curse was not very severe. He was, however, ruthless as far as the human beings were concerned. He secretly planned to wipe out a large section of population and to destroy the wisdom of those who survived. He thought that when fewer people would be left on Earth and that too bereft of any thinking power, he will rule unchallenged throughout the length and breadth of the world. As soon as the people of the world got wind of the secret designs of Ravana to cause ruination to the humanity they got united and frustrated his sinister designs. Since Ravana did not desist from his sinful activity, he and his sons met their tragic fate. It is to be noted by one and all that in the final analysis the values of righteousness and good conduct alone triumph. Ravana abandoned the path of righteousness and indulged in sinful activity of causing confusion in the minds of the people. Since he succeeded partially in his sinister efforts, the kings and emperors, the common people, the saints and sages of the world pondered over this problem and decided to act unitedly to dismantle his demonic game plan. They were successful in their united effort which brought back the happiness to the people. They were happy because the future of their children was now safe. A rumour is doing the round that the sun and the moon lighted the hearths in Ravana’s kitchen. This is pure hogwash. In fact people whose sense of judgement has been polluted by the demonic influence readily believe in such hearsay. Dear brethren, the Sun and the Moon are no human beings to work as attendants in Ravana’s kitchen. You know every human being has heat inside his body. In the case of Earth the heat inside her is controlled by the Sun and the Moon. When the heat is intensified in the womb of Earth by magical rite, fires break out in the mountains and elsewhere. So Much heat is generated that even food can be cooked in it. In human body as well as on Earth, heat beyond a limit gives rise to unhealthy conditions. The unscrupulous people create such unhealthy condition inside Earth and in order to keep their sin as a closely guarded secret spread the rumours which make people with addled mind believe in the story that the sun lighted Ravana’s hearth. The simple gullible people fail to understand why Earth has developed various diseases (ecological and environmental disasters). They may tear Earth apart by their black magic and yet the people at large will not know the secret behind it. They do not realize that Earth is as much a living entity as a human body when she contracts any aliment. The intense heat in Earth’s womb makes her dull and dreary as a faded flower. She stops consuming nutrients and a variety of worms and microbes grow in her womb. One can easily imagine how Earth must be suffering should such a situation arise. The demonic rite performed on the eighty four lakh Kundis cursing Earth with extreme intensity of heat and cold, the manifestations are disastrous. The walls of houses and forts start burning. The ignorant masses take it as a natural disaster because the unscrupulous elements who are the engineer of such calamities would not let people know about their misdeeds. With their demoniac magic they can cause blazing fire instantly. They are capable of even bringing the sun and the moon closer to Earth. In the earlier eras people could come to know about the demoniac science was defused and their entire clan was wiped out fearing the same fate, they do not dare tinker with the positions of the sun and moon. They attribute the effects of their misdeeds to some holy men and float predictions of events much before they actually happen. In order to hoodwink the people at large, they circulate stories of miracles like the one of Shamstabrej faqir. The said faqir, they say, skinned his body with his own hands with the result that his flesh uncovered by the skin was Showing on his body. Nobody would allow him to be around. He brought a lump of meat from a butcher and wanted to roast it. Since nobody entertained him. He pulled the Sun down and roasted the piece of meat with its heat and then ate it up. As a result Earth as a whole started burning. This is a pure fiction. It cannot be true. How could the Faqir with his skinned body escape from being roasted when the Sun with its blazing heat was so close to him? How could he survive? Another thing, the master of the universe, cannot set ablaze the whole world just to please one individual. Moreover, it is also beyond us to imagine that anybody can peel off his skin just as one takes off his clothes. This needs to be pondered over seriously. These are the stories circulated by the people off so casually. A number of similar stories have also been circulated attributing such miraculous feats to some yetis (sages) who, according to them, had the power of bring down the Moon and the stars on Earth. Through these stories they make people believe that when the sages and faqir (holy men) exercise their powers of bringing down the stars, Earth develops one set of problems and when the Sun and the Moon are brought down, another set of problems arises. On the one hand these unscrupulous elements make people believe in these miracles and on the other hand they instill in the minds of some faqir and sages that they actually possess miraculous powers. They are then prompted to tell others that they hold supernatural powers and can do miracles. Thus they are made famous. Following in the footsteps of Ravana, the banias of the present era are throwing the dust in the eyes of unsuspecting people by circulating stories of miracles. They are waiting till the people become fully convinced about the possibility of such miracles. Then one day suddenly these unscrupulous elements will attempt to disturb the solar system by their demoniac science resulting in great havoc wherein the great powers of the world will bite the dust and they will be ruling the entire world. Stories of saints and faqir in India possessing amazing power are being spread worldwide. In course4 of time the rest of countries in Europe and elsewhere will be infested with such miracle-wielding holy men. People all over the world will be taken in by the game plan of the mahajans who have been telling people that it is the curse of the holy men which has brought the downfall of great emperors. As a matter of fact the downfall is engineered by the mahajans themselves. They have deluded the holy men who blurt out something or other incoherently as if these were the words of magical power. Simultaneously, the mahajans perform the demoniac rite to curse the kings and emperors. As a result, they start fighting and killing one another or are faced with some serious problem. Having lost their rational faculty, the kings and emperors approach the so called holy men to seek their blessings and forgiveness. They do not realize that the miracles attributed to the holy men are nothing but a means to hoodwink them. Even if the holy men are persuaded not to utter curses, the banias and mahajans will bring disaster to them by means of their demoniac magic. Ravana had adopted the same modus operandi. He too circulated stories of holy men wielding miraculous power. He made the holy men utter some words and sounds and thereafter many kings and potents lost their empire and even their lives. Ravana did not spare even Lord Rama who had to go to banwas (exile) as a result of his demoniac magic. The banias too are using the holy men, faqirs as a cover to hide their magical rite. References of holy men wielding miraculous powers are found in some ancient books. Just look for these books and you’ll find in them references to the effect that such and such rulers, including the Britishers will rule India for such and such period. Some of these books are found in the homes of the Hindus and the Muslims. Some of you may have seen and even read these books. Books found in the Hindu homes bear the names of the Hindu holy men, while in books found in Muslim homes; names of Muslim faqirs are given. These books have been published and circulated by the unscrupulous banias. They have deliberately not claimed the authorship of these books so that their identity remains undisclosed. In this way the axe will fall on the poor Hindus and Muslims whose children will be done away with by the foreign rulers when they discover the contents of these books. These unscrupulous elements have created confusion in the minds of the foreign powers ruling India. Bereft of sense of judgement, these foreign rulers do not understand that prognoses made in these books cannot and will not do any harm to the world and its people. It is not the almanacs, but the demoniac rite performed on the eighty four lakh Kundis, which brings disaster to the world and the forecast made in the almanacs is proved true. The rulers of foreign land, ruling India do not realise that until and unless the unscrupulous elements, actually responsible for such disasters are caught and exposed, the current sequence of disasters, death and destruction will not stop and will take other countries in its grips. The unscrupulous banias would not let these rules apply their mind and come to the right conclusion that these evil minded elements are the real cause of their woes. It is they who have produced and circulated almanacs and other writings making ominous forecast. The sacred writings and scriptures preaching righteousness, which date back to the Sat-yuga, were taken by the banias in their possession. In their place, the banias, circulated, just as Ravana did, fake and manipulated books with demoniac content. They make horrendous forecast and then perform the sinful rite on the eighty four lakh Kundis which results in the forecast becoming a reality. The mahajans have circulated all sorts of stories making fearful prognoses. People are told that the global warming will increase to such a high degree that Earth will turn copper-red and water will start boiling as oil boils in a cauldron. Such stories are circulated much in advance so that when such phenomenon actually occurs people will not know who caused it. Things are not as simple as we think them to be or as we describe or explain to others. It is like this. When our body is infected with some disease it is very painful when some poisonous substance oozes out of ulcers. The intense heat generated in the body gives rise to a variety of disease which sometimes affects the brain.....
Posted on: Fri, 21 Jun 2013 06:40:43 +0000

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