Shri Manjul Bhargava has won the Fields Medal, awarded once every - TopicsExpress


Shri Manjul Bhargava has won the Fields Medal, awarded once every 4 years, to leading mathematics. He surely knows something about advancement of Hindu mathematics - something that the sickulars were riduculing . Indian-origin mathematician Manjul Bhargava says, his inspiration has been the classic works of Pingala, Hemachandra, and Brahmagupta etc. who derived elegant mathematical patterns from rhythms of Sanskrit poetry, classic Hindustani and Carnatic music. . A sequence of numbers 1 2 3 5 8 13 21 34 55 89... are known as the Hemachandra numbers, after the 11th century linguist who first documented and proved their method of generation -- which are also known as the Fibonacci numbers in the West, after the famous Italian mathematician who wrote about them in the 12th century. . The n-th number in the sequence tells you the total number of rhythms, consisting of long (2beats) and short ( 1beat) syllables, having n beats. So for 8 beats, the answer is that there are 34 such rhythms in total. .
Posted on: Fri, 23 Jan 2015 05:30:00 +0000

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