Shri Shri Brahmarshi Chaganti Koteswara Rao garu is delivering his - TopicsExpress


Shri Shri Brahmarshi Chaganti Koteswara Rao garu is delivering his discourse in ETV2 on Himsa, Ahimsa etc with some reference to Vedas and so I thought of sharing some of my views similar to his which I shared many times before too and hope it will be informative / useful. 1. The real violence is the unnecessary pain and suffering we inflict on others and not what you indulge in, so long as its inevitable for your survival and existence. We eat plants because they are the only photosynthetic beings that synthesize food in this ecosystem which is why they are called primary producers that makes them source of food for all beings in it and this the starting point of every food chain. No other being on this planet has that ability to convert solar energy into Bioenergy. They are dependent on us for our carbon dioxide so they synthesize food for us and themselves by using the same, in the presence is sunlight and by a process called photosynthesis. And we are dependent on them for oxygen and food. We chat grow more plants with out consuming them as you dont get seed without out consuming fruit and with our raising new plants, both their and our own existence will be under threat. So is killing microbes by breathing that happens by the way nature designed the process. So is killing mosquitoes while trying to save your own life from catching those dreadful diseases transmitted by them. 100% non violence is impractical and impossible and any justifiable part if it doesnt sanction 100% violence in which case we absolutely have no reason to exclude crimes, ourselves and even killing humans from that sanction - which we absolutely dont appreciate. And with out indulging in that minimum violence thats inevitable for our existence, we would be killing ourself thus amounting to self violence or suicide which is even severe offense. So Violence is justified in the event of greater good as a consequence of it and its actually called Violence only when its the unnecessary harm, suffering and threat to life we inflict on others. Killing animals for meat is completely unnecessary for our existence and survival and besides, the same being energy and resource intensive and major source of emissions - is an abuse of resources, threat to environment and planet and finally our own existence. 2. Bottom line: Veganism is not perfectionism which is impossible to attain but only is driven towards. we breath out and release CO2 but we dont call it pollution right? because its that way designed by nature and is inevitable for our existence and survival. We make sure that we do as less harm as possible in our best capacity and indulge in something thats essential for our survival with in the definition of ethical way of leading life. so i am killing a microbe by breathing or killing a bug by accidentally stepping on it doesnt negate your responsibility of refraining from inflicting unnecessary pain on fellow sentient beings and paying a stranger who cuts a lamb for your meal. If u defend vIolence by Violence, and say you kill that but you are killing that, you are sanctioning killing everything and till extremity then how do you defend not killing someone?
Posted on: Thu, 15 May 2014 02:19:20 +0000

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