Shunned by her last surviving child: Angela Cannings was - TopicsExpress


Shunned by her last surviving child: Angela Cannings was wrongfully convicted of killing two of her three cot death children. Now her only daughter tells MoS I never want to see her again Angela Cannings was wrongfully convicted of murder in 2002 She received life imprisonment based on ruling that she smothered children Ruling was overturned by court of appeal in 2003 Since then, she and her surviving daughter Jade have become estranged Jade has asked her mother not to contact her again, telling her by text By NICK CONSTABLE PUBLISHED: 22:14, 1 February 2014 | UPDATED: 07:09, 2 February 2014 57 shares 268View comments Angela Cannings’s bond with her daughter ought to be unshakable. She is the mother who lost three of her babies to cot death and, in a shocking miscarriage of justice, was wrongly convicted of killing two of them. So it is natural to assume that when she walked free, an innocent woman, it was with a sharpened sense of protectiveness towards her remaining child, Jade, who was then aged seven. But today Jade, who has just turned 18, reveals that one of the consequences of the terrible saga was that the family fell apart, and that all ties between mother and daughter are now severed. And she declares: ‘I don’t want her to ever contact me again or be part of my life.’ +11 Angela Cannings with her baby Jason. Sudden infant Death Syndrome is blamed for 300 deaths a year, but when Cannings lost a third child to what she claimed was cot death she ended up receiving a life sentence for murder Speaking for the first time about the notorious case, Jade also claims that her mother: Consistently rebuffed her questions about her dead brothers and sister. Manipulated the media to present a falsely rosy view of their relationship. Tried to prise her away from her loving father. Provided no financial help towards the cost of bringing her up – despite a £291,000 compensation award. The relationship between Jade and her mother has deteriorated to such an extent that they have had no contact for more than a year. Jade says: ‘Soon after my 17th birthday I sent her a long text saying I didn’t wish to see or speak to her again and asked her not to contact me. ‘She responded, saying, “OK, I understand. Contact me if you want to.”’ +11 Now: Jade Cannings, only surviving child of Angela Cannings. Her mother was wrongfully accused of murder and subsequently cleared, but now Jade never wants to see her again +11 Then: Angela Cannings and her daughter Jade at eight-years-old. Jade and her mothers relationship has since fallen apart, as Jade claims, among other things, that her mother tried to drive a wedge between her and her father The reason for the discord is rooted in the four-year period Jade was kept apart from her mother, when Mrs Cannings was falsely accused of smothering her two sons: 18-week-old Matthew in 1999 and seven-week-old Jason in 1991. She was jailed in 2002 but sensationally freed the following year after the evidence of controversial paediatrician Sir Roy Meadow was discredited. The Appeal Court decided the boys had not been smothered but were victims of cot death, like the couple’s first-born, Gemma, who died in 1989 aged 13 weeks. It was concluded that a genetic inheritance was the most likely explanation. It would later emerge that Mrs Cannings’s paternal grandmother had endured two sudden infant deaths and her paternal great-grandmother similarly lost a child. More... Former husband of mother wrongly convicted of murdering her two baby sons to remarry Cleared: Father accused of smothering his baby as he suffered post-natal depression Forensic scientists are improperly swaying juries warns senior judge In her autobiography, Against All Odds, Mrs Cannings said she struggled to readjust to life with husband Terry and Jade, who ‘had simply got used to me not being around’. For her part, Jade says she found her mother oddly disengaged and unwilling to answer questions about her brothers and sister. She says: ‘Over the years I asked my mum again and again to tell me what happened. She always said, Forget about them. They’re not here any more. We don’t need to talk about them.”’ As time passed Jade suffered panic attacks, refused to attend school, argued constantly with her mother, wept when her father was out and on occasions was locked in her bedroom as punishment. When her parents eventually split, the one constant in her life – her father – struggled to raise her alone, and she feared her mother’s plan to win custody would tear her from him. Jade is now convinced she became a pawn in that battle, manipulated publicly to falsely present a loving mother-daughter relationship. It was, Jade says, symptomatic of a childhood in which her own feelings were never addressed; not in the myriad of media reports, not in the legal letters and dusty court files and certainly not in the way her mother’s £291,000 compensation for wrongful imprisonment was handled. +11 +11 Sir Roy Meadow, Pediatrician arrives at the General Medical Council hearing (left) charged with serious professional misconduct on June 21, 2005 in London. (Right) Angela Cannings arriving the same hearing. Sir Roy was charged after three women, including Cannings, were wrongly accused of killing their children, cases in which Sir Roy appeared as an expert witness ‘I don’t want things or presents,’ insists Jade. ‘I just want love really. ‘But I do want to say this: If my mum and dad had stayed together they would have shared the compensation. As it was, he didn’t get a penny to bring me up even though he was struggling so hard. What hurts the most is that she hasn’t put a little bit away for me for when I’m older. ‘I know she went to prison. But the trauma affected us all.’ Sitting in the cosy lounge in her father Terry’s modest terrace house in Saltash, Cornwall, her eyes flash with anger as she questions why her mother could not have helped her deal with the tragedy’s dreadful legacy. Jade says: ‘I don’t feel sorry for her. It sounds horrible, but I don’t. I don’t ever want to see or speak to her again. If you had lost three children like that how could you just forget them? I didn’t, my dad didn’t: why did she want to? ‘I was pleased the court cleared her but it didn’t help me move on in my life because she wouldn’t answer my questions. I can’t remember Gemma and Jason because I wasn’t born when they were alive. But I often think of Matthew because although I must have been very little, I do have memories of trying to help look after him. CONVICTED ON FALSE EVIDENCE.... Professor Sir Roy Meadow, 80, is the discredited former head of the Royal College of Paediatrics. He was struck off by the General Medical Council in 2005 after giving misleading evidence at the ‘cot death’ trial of solicitor Sally Clark, who was jailed in 1999 after the deaths of her two infant children. She was freed in 2003. Sir Roy claimed the chance of two children dying naturally in such circumstances was 73million to one – a claim the Royal Statistical Society disproved. +11 Daily Mails page 1 on Wednesday April 17, 2002, dictating the judge ruling Angela Cannings guilty. The Cannings case gained national and international exposure, and was one of the cases that made cot death national knowledge She said: ‘I think about what they might have become; what it would have been like to grow up with brothers and sisters around me. This is why I want to talk openly about all this now. If I keep it inside it will always be on my mind. Her first memory of the ordeal is the moment in November 1999 when her mother, then 35, was arrested on suspicion of killing her two sons at the family home in Salisbury, Wiltshire. Mrs Cannings was ordered either to live apart from Jade as a condition of bail or have her daughter taken into care. In April 2002 she was sentenced to life imprisonment. Jade, then six, recalls visiting her in prison but that their separation made weekly visits feel forced and loveless. Cuddles ‘didn’t feel right’ and within minutes she would be consigned to a play area in the prisoners’ meeting room. In her book, Mrs Cannings describes the ‘wonderful’ way she and Terry ‘rediscovered each other’ after her conviction was overturned.But it was not to last. Terry had been a well-paid, successful bakery manager at Tesco but was now diagnosed with long-term depression. The loss of three children, the trauma of helping his wife’s campaign for freedom and the responsibility of being a single parent had taken their toll. He lost his job. +11 Jade Cannings holding her baby brother Matthew in 1999. Angela Cannings was sentenced to life imprisonment in 2002 for killing her two sons, seven-week-old Jason in 1991, and 18-week-old Matthew in 1999. The two had died from Sudden Infant Death Syndrome, otherwise known as cot death For Jade, the bond with her father was immense. Even aged six she was effectively his carer ‘on his bad days’ – helping with the cooking and cleaning, dealing with phone calls and visitors. It was against this background that Angela Cannings re-entered family life. They relocated to Saltash in 2004 for a ‘fresh start’ but by then the longed-for reunion was already turning sour. ‘When she came out of prison I loved her,’ says Jade. ‘I thought we were a family; that everything would be OK. And within a few months I stopped loving her. She was a different person. ‘The tone of her voice was always serious and it felt like she didn’t want to be there with us. I used to cry a lot about it because I didn’t understand why she was being horrible. I would go to Dad. I wouldn’t speak to Mum. ‘In Salisbury I had done so much for Dad, but when Mum came back she took all that away. It felt as though I wasn’t trusted.’ Jade suffered panic attacks. She often refused to attend primary school and was punished by her mother. ‘She would confine me to the house but make me sit by the window and watch my friends play outside,’ says Jade. ‘There was no compassion and no attempt to help me. I was a little girl, after all. ‘She felt my dad had been too soft with me. I would ring him and plead with him to come home from the voluntary work he did locally. Then he would speak to Mum and it would all kick off again. ‘On occasions she would lock me in my room but I didn’t mind that. It meant I didn’t have to be near her.’ In 2007, four years after her release, Mrs Cannings told Terry she wanted to end their 20-year marriage. In her book she blames his depression, drinking and inability to ‘move on’. She moved to a flat in Saltash and it was agreed Jade could visit whenever she wished. But her daughter often refused to go. By November of that year, Jade was thrust into a full-blown custody battle in which Terry had been labelled an ‘inappropriate parent’. Jade’s resentment increased. ‘It felt like a betrayal. I didn’t want to leave my dad and I was worried about him. +11 Matthew Cannings, one of Angela Cannings children that tragically died of cot death in his infancy +11 +11 Gemma Cannings (left) and Jason Cannings (right), two of Angela Cannings children that died at an early age from cot death I couldn’t see why she had to do it – it was ridiculous to suggest he was inappropriate after all he’d done for me.’ The relationship deteriorated still further when Angela found a new partner and announced she planned to remarry. Jade says: ‘Right through my teens I have missed not having a mum like my friends. Someone to go shopping with or see a show. Mum was always too busy for that and it was even worse now her new partner was around. ‘Dad had a friend, a neighbour I could talk to, and she became a mother figure. I spent a lot of time looking for a proper mum.’ In 2011, Jade says, she found her in 58-year-old widow Jo Godden. She worked at a sheltered housing scheme where Terry regularly visited a friend. He and Jo had developed a close, but platonic, relationship. +11 Angela Cannings (right) and husband Terry on holiday in the early nineties. Their daughter Jade has since said that she blames her mother for trying to estrange her from her father ‘They just needed a push,’ Jade laughs. ‘So I told a friend of Jo that they were an item. People started questioning them and soon enough they were. It’s great that it has happened for Dad and me.’ Mrs Godden feels the same way. ‘I found a screwed-up, confused, lost little girl,’ she says. ‘But I fell in love with her before Terry.’ She produces a handwritten note which Jade gave her just before Christmas. It reads: ‘Dear Mum (Jo), you are the best thing that has happened to me and my dad. You have made me realise how important mums are ... you were always my mum. I just took a while to find you.’ Jade is now a bright, pretty girl determined to shrug off the spectre of failure at school (she got a single D at GCSE). She is retaking her maths and English exams this summer and will soon finish her hairdressing course at college. She is also determined to lay the ghost of her relationship with Angela. ‘Last year I found some old photos of me and her as I was cleaning out a cupboard in my room,’ She said: ‘I ripped them all up because I couldn’t bear to look at them.’ Now Jade is trying to focus on her future. She has a boyfriend and talks proudly of being an aunt to the children of her half-brother – her father’s child from a previous marriage. ‘I try to listen to them, hear their problems and help them,’ she says. ‘Isn’t that and love all children need?’ Jade adds: ‘Do I want to have children myself? I am worried about cot deaths and any genetic link, but I will still have children.’ It is a defiant message from a young woman now confident beyond her years. Read more: Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook
Posted on: Sun, 02 Feb 2014 10:25:57 +0000

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