Siasi Ladla In our society, a lone son with a few daughters, or - TopicsExpress


Siasi Ladla In our society, a lone son with a few daughters, or the youngest in the family, sometimes even the eldest acquires a special status of ‘Ladla’ of the family. While others are put to more strict scrutiny, the ‘Ladla’ can usually get away with more. Imran Khan is the only son in a family of sisters. He was always the ‘Ladla’ of the family. Now that Imran Khan is practicing politics beyond reason, the question to ask is; can the nation afford a ‘Siasi Ladla?’ The treatment meted out to those who oppose PTI politics on the social media is public knowledge. The PTI leadership is content with public condemnation of the fascist attitude of its supporters. How did this unacceptable fascist culture develop in PTI and who is responsible? On the social media a particular group of PTI supporters based in Karachi spearheaded the vicious campaign against any columnist daring to criticize PTI with blessings from the top including Imran Khan. I am also a witness to the emergence of fascist tendencies within PTI. As an example, I am reproducing selected excerpts of a letter I wrote to IK on August 18, 2011. Quote I wish to bring to your attention a matter of serious concern that requires your immediate and urgent corrective action. A PTI inside cell is busy collecting incriminating information on PTI senior leadership as well as potential political entrants. The nature of the information varies from personal information including drinking habits termed under “vices” category to personal information such as family background, property ownerships, and womanizing. The contents of the individual dossiers can be used for black mail and defamation. Maintaining such files and collecting potentially incriminating information raises the following questions: (1) what are the motives and intended purpose of maintaining personal dossiers? (2) under what legal authority are these personal dossiers being maintained? (3) Who authorized maintaining personal dossiers in the PTI’s Central Secretariat? Unquote To my horror, I was told that Imran Khan personally took responsibility for the incriminating dossiers and refused to hold an inquiry or put an end to the practice. Since, my relationship with IK severed in September 2011; I could not pursue the matter further. Despite the growing criticism of PTI politics, I still feel that Imran Khan receives preferential treatment meted out to only ‘Ladlas.’ While the government refuses to enforce its writ fearing bloodshed, Imran Khan is bent on evoking a violent reaction as a strategy tool to wind up the government and possibly the system. The ‘Ladla’ in the family only reigns supreme as long as the patrons patronize him/her. Once the patrons decide that the ‘Ladla’ needs to be put in place, it only takes a slap on the wrist for the ‘Ladla’ to fall in line. I am afraid the same fate holds true for our only ‘Siasi Ladla’ once his errands have produced the desired conditions designated for change. With the incriminating dossier piling up against IK and PTI by the day, If and when such a change does take place, the ‘Siasi Ladla’ would be dropped from the skies with a parachute that refuses to open. Which reminds me of an old joke: A Sardarji while travelling in a plane is told by the captain that incase of engine failure, a parachute with 3 buttons placed beneath the seat should be strapped on before jumping from the plane. Passengers are told that after jumping, push the green button, If the chute fails to open, press the yellow button. If it also fails to open the chute, press the red button and the chute would definitely open with a bus waiting on the ground to collect them. As luck would have it, the plane malfunctions and the passengers are asked to jump the plane with their chutes on and told that a bus would be waiting on the ground to collect them. After the Sardarji presses all 3 buttons and to his horror the chute refuses to open, he exclaims in a free fall mode: ‘Meray naal dhoka howai, thaley bus bhee koi nahi!
Posted on: Mon, 15 Dec 2014 15:14:57 +0000

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