Sick and tired of seeing and hearing about how the patriots - TopicsExpress


Sick and tired of seeing and hearing about how the patriots cheated. So they used some footballs that were one psi shy of official weight. The score was 45-7 how much difference does anyone really think it made that they used very slightly deflated balls? What wouldve it done for the colts? Let them score 10 more points? It still wouldnt have mattered. THE PATRIOTS ARE A HANDS DOWN BETTER TEAM THAN THE COLTS! Get over it folks. The patriots and the colts have met a total of 78 times patriots taking 49 of those wins and the colts taking 29. Thats in the history of the NFL. Now someone tell me that since the beginning of the National Football League that the patriots have cheated to accumulate wins well over half the times the 2 teams have met. Statistics show me that the patriots were simply just a better team and always have been and Im sure always will be. So all of yall sore losing haters can take those deflated balls and shove them where the sun dont shine. Im sure being theyre deflated theyll fit in yall poopers a lot easier. #coltsfansneednovasoline #shovethosedeflatedballsupyallsbuttimsuretheyllfitnoproblem
Posted on: Tue, 27 Jan 2015 14:02:33 +0000

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