Sick. .. bullies only looking for an excuse to cause harm wherever - TopicsExpress


Sick. .. bullies only looking for an excuse to cause harm wherever they can. These are the actions of sociopathic serial killers...oh mu badge makes it okay. I think you will fin the term used above QUITE ACCUARTE: wikihow/Determine-if-Someone-Is-a-Sociopath Sociopathy is a type of anti-social personality disorder, a condition that prevents people from adapting to the ethical and behavioral standards of his or her community.[1] Sociopathic individuals can be dangerous, exhibiting criminal behavior, ORGANIZING DANGEROUS CULTS, and causing harm to themselves and others. If you think that you know somebody who suffers from this disorder, read this article to learn how to determine whether your instincts are correct. Sociopaths have delusions of grandeur, and oftentimes feel overly entitled to certain positions, people, and things. They believe that their own beliefs and opinions are the absolute authority, and disregard the opinions of others. Sociopaths are rarely shy, insecure, or at a loss for words. They have trouble suppressing emotional responses like anger, impatience, or annoyance, and constantly lash out at others and respond hastily to these emotions.[5] Sociopaths exhibit abnormally spontaneous and daring behavior.[6] They seem to act outside of the realm of social norms, and may do bizarre, risky, or outrageous things without assessing the potential repercussions. Sociopaths can be criminals. They may be con artists, kleptomaniacs, or even murderers. Most sociopaths are not violent criminals, however. Sociopaths are professional liars. They fabricate stories and make outlandish, untruthful statements, but are able to make these lies sound convincing with their confidence and assertiveness.[7] Because sociopaths are such dominant leaders, they are usually able to attract a following of some kind. The followers tend to be weaker, more passive individuals who have been intoxicated by the sociopaths charm. Sociopaths are incapable of experiencing guilt or shame for their actions.[8] They rarely apologize for their behavior, and while aware of the emotional, physical, and financial repercussions of their actions on others, they just dont care (and may even enjoy inflicting and witnessing such effects). As a result, they betray, threaten, and harm those around them without feeling any type of remorse. Sociopaths are manipulative. They constantly try to influence and dominate the people around them, and tend to seek positions of leadership.[citation needed] Sociopaths are incapable of experiencing love... HOW TO DEAL WITH A SOCIOPATH Maintain a safe distance from the person. If the sociopath you are dealing with is not a family member or other loved one who you feel responsible for, then its best to disengage with the person to avoid the potential negative impact that he or she can have on your life. Stop contacting the person, and avoid situations/places where you may run into the person, if possible. Let the person know that you need some space, and request that he/she refrain from contacting you. If the person does not cooperate and refuses to leave you alone, then you may want to consider changing your telephone number and other contact information. If he or she proceeds to stalk you, then consider filing for a restraining order. SOME TREATMENT OPTIONS INCLUDE: Electroconvulsive therapy (ECT)
Posted on: Mon, 29 Sep 2014 17:29:36 +0000

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