Sid says.... Mum has been doing some interval training with me - TopicsExpress


Sid says.... Mum has been doing some interval training with me every day. The idea is trying to develop mobility in my pelvis as well as increase strength and flexion in my hocks. As I am now learning to put my weight behind and not be on my forehand I need to develop strength in my rear quarters and my hocks. If I can strengthen and increase my flexion in my hips and hocks that will enable me to be quicker with my hind leg and push more which will help with the collected and extended stuff later on. Mum says there is only so much we can train every day when we are schooling so its good to do some ground exercises little and often without her on board. Mum loves a bit of ground work so we are back to doing something every afternoon in the arena. I actually quite like it... you see Mum has this bum bag that I know has treats in it yum yum. So when she has that on and she has her whip I know that we are going to have a play and I need to engage my brain to work out what she wants so I can get some foodies :-D Although as you can tell from my video I do get a little bored with it and I have to remind her that I have done enough and promptly need treating. She videoed me this morning doing my leg raises. We aim for about 5 per leg and sometimes she varies how high I need to have it and how long I need to hold it for, this all helps to develop muscles and strength. It helps my pelvis too as I need to move each leg individually so its quite a good exercise. We do this twice a day generally, after riding and again in the afternoon as part of my groundwork training. Mum makes it fun so it never really feels ,like Im doing much, it feels more like we are having a play session. We are also working on my baby passage (slow trot in hand). Mum is really pleased as I am much stronger behind due to all the canter work we have been doing and now when she taps my rear for passage I thrown in a few bucks (tee hee hee) but once settled I am actually lifting and pushing. Im still a little uncoordinated and it needs more work but about 3 months ago I could only manage about 3 steps with no real power from behind. Now I can do around 5 steps and it feels like I am pushing up and forward and have more control and balance. We dont do this every day only a couple of times a week but it is all helping with my strength and balance. Mum rode me today and mumbled that the next thing we need to work on is getting me between leg and hand and forward forward forward! Hmmm dont know if I like the sound of that, sounds like too much work.
Posted on: Tue, 16 Dec 2014 14:03:52 +0000

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