Siddhart Gautam Buddha,being the son of a king he got everything - TopicsExpress


Siddhart Gautam Buddha,being the son of a king he got everything but not the satisfaction ,not the happiness and couldnt realise the real meaning of life .he left the royal life in pursuit of the self -actualization and meaning of real life . as he was was taught all the artificial spiritual holy practices like yoga,meditation and asceticism .buddha had dis instinct in him dat by practicing dez hard things and leaving all luxurious things he can reach the zenith and can becom a superhuman who would be able to understand clearly the TRUE MEANING OF LIFE( d curiosity of evry unstable and healthy mind) he started giving him acute miseries and painful lifestyle like breath holding,hours of standstill meditation in d forest,prolonged fasting and almost starved himself to death ..he was keen to observe the Godly things and supernatural tendencies but failed and left with a skeleton body ... one day he rose and said instantly -der is no God feeling himself much more stronger and enlightened as he had his answers through mindbogling struggle and hardships he has reached to a stage which can satsfy his all urges [ whn we got answers ,v feel success] Being an enlightened man ,now he started solving and helping the problems of poors and needy and gave the 8 noble path for a healthy and happy life RIGHT MINDFULNESS,RIGHT ACTION,RIGHT EFFORT,RIGHT INTENTION,RIGHT CONCENTRATION,RIGHT SPEECH AND RIGHT VIEW these 8 fold path can be used against all d evils of life ,which u may encounter partially or wholly . buddha concluded dat this is vry obvious to hav physical and mental illness, growing old, and dying.[so dont panic ] ..things are constantly changing, {and so u have to change , if cant den change the attitude} I really enoyd reading his one book nd feels how scriptures are so full of light but how hardly we lean towards dem is d matter of question
Posted on: Wed, 06 Nov 2013 18:50:00 +0000

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