Side-step. Parry. Twist. Break. "How goes the - TopicsExpress


Side-step. Parry. Twist. Break. "How goes the experiment?" "Splendidly, Herr Doktor. The subject performs well beyond projected parameters, and shows no sign of slowing. We may very well run out of fodder if we wait for it to fatigue." Rip. Tear. Slash. Stink of fear. Stink of death. "Excellent. As I suspected, human limits do not apply to it. Truly, a fascinating breed of which would be ideal for further intensive study. Alas, my schedule allows for no deviations. Our current project must continue if we are to meet deadlines. The Führer will be most pleased with the results." "Heil!" "Heil, indeed. What of the aptitude tests? Were you able to discern any more details about its...condition?" Growl. Flesh. Screams. Blood. "Ah, yes, about that..after undergoing a series of physical and psychological checkups, we have determined that the subject is not merely disinclined to communicate, as we initially surmised, but rather is unable to." "Oh? Elaborate." "The subject has demonstrated understanding and cognisant reasoning that is not consistent with any kind of beast, making it at least as intelligent as a human being. It simply cannot, uh, vocalise in a coherent manner." "Are you telling me this creature is mute?" "I cannot say for sure, Herr Doktor. The subject appears to be undamaged, physically speaking. Our analyses confirm it possesses vocal cords and its tongue appears to be human-like when not in a state of complete metamorphosis. Furthermore, its reactions to verbal prompts suggest a recognition of them, if nothing else. The current working hypothesis is that it may have known speech at some point, but has since forgotten it." Red. Rend. Crush. Snap. "Perhaps. Or perhaps it never required it to begin with. After all, not all monsters are the same. And what use has a lone wolf for words, yes?" Gut. Strike. Not fast enough. Not enough. Pounce. Eviscerate. "As you say, Herr Doktor. We are already pursuing alternate means of communication. Attempts made with writing and sign language may yield better outcomes." "Very well. I expect to be informed of your progress by the end of the week. I trust there will be good news." "Yes, Herr Doktor. And...should we continue battlefield testing?" "What is the state of the current batch?" "Nearly depleted. The fodder cannot keep up. We do, however, have another delivery incoming. More of the same cargo, mostly. Some deserters, traitors to the Reich and so forth." "Then waste not, want not. Such is the price we pay for the betterment of mankind." "Yes, Herr Doktor." Smash. Pound. Smear. Devour. Howl. Victory.
Posted on: Thu, 20 Jun 2013 21:40:44 +0000

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