Sierra Leone always has a unique history: a nation of free slaves - TopicsExpress


Sierra Leone always has a unique history: a nation of free slaves to a nation that witnessed one of the brural wars in human existence. But we were to choose a different path of doing things: ways to lift our nation from the shackles of war and mismanagement, into a much more better one to the advantage of all. It is as a result of these I have thought it necessary to share the findings and conclusion of the TRC with those who were not privy to it. I will do the posting in bits(daily) because of the volume of the report. Today, I submit Part One of the Foreward of the report done by Rtd. Bishop Humper, the then Chairperson of the Commission. The establishment of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission (the Commission) in Sierra Leone after eleven years of bitter civil conflict was appropriate, necessary and indeed, highly significant for the healing of a traumatised nation. The Report is all inclusive in that it does not only expose perpetrators and identify victims but also serves as a mirror through which all Sierra Leoneans can and, indeed, are encouraged to examine their own roles in the conflict. The Commission was a product of the Lomé Peace Agreement between the Government of Sierra Leone and the Revolutionary United Front (RUF). The work of the Commission has laid the foundation for reconciliation and healing for all of those affected by the civil war. Victims and perpetrators are beginning to find a common ground on which to stand, live and develop the country together in peace and harmony. The Report of the Commission (the Report) calls for introspection and a retrospective examination of the political, historical, economical, social and moral activities of both the state and the nation. While particular attention has been paid to the plight of victims, the motives and perspectives of those who committed terrible atrocities were intensively explored. The Commission endeavoured in its report to address the questions: “Why Sierra Leone?” “What went wrong?” “What needs to change?” “How will we effect the change?” The Report is intended to enable Sierra Leoneans to understand the conflict and to come to grips with the problems which gave rise to it, many of which continue to plague Sierra Leone today. In this way, the Commission hopes the Report will serve as a roadmap towards the building of a new society in which all Sierra Leoneans can walk unafraid with pride and dignity. The Commission’s findings force us as a nation to confront the past. They reinforce the belief that the past cannot, indeed must not, be forgotten. Forgetting or ignoring the past means we cannot learn its lessons and are at greater risk of repeating it. Through attributing responsibility for the different causes of the conflict, and the many violations of human rights committed throughout it, we create accountability and state unequivocally that we reject impunity. With this knowledge and understanding we vow to build a society that will be able to prevent such causes and violations from recurring. The Commission’s recommendations touch on every aspect of the life of our nation. They will go a long way towards promoting restorative justice in Sierra Leone. The recommendations do not only deal with the technical and policy measures required to build a peaceful and stable future, they also call for a fundamental change in the attitudes of Sierra Leoneans. With common resolve and commitment on the part of every citizen and the ongoing support of the international community, we can say that the prospects for sustained peace and the development of Sierra Leone are indeed bright. Our ultimate goal of peace and reconciliation will be reached if all living within its borders sincerely respect the human rights of all, without exception. We must reaffirm our resolve to live in a nation where justice reigns, where nobody is above the law, where unity and tolerance is the order of the day, where genuine democracy thrives, and where love and concern for each other and our country is paramount. True reconciliation requires real consideration for the total well being of all our citizens.
Posted on: Sat, 19 Jul 2014 21:15:16 +0000

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