Sifrei Shira An audio \ video series of Holy Sefarim \ - TopicsExpress


Sifrei Shira An audio \ video series of Holy Sefarim \ Books The Presence Series Booklet Living in a State of Presence 24\7 Part 1—Being in a Constant State of Past Life Drives Dear friends, Please accept this 1st of [what we—my partner Yitzchok Meir Malek and myself hope to be ] a long series musical \ meditational offerings----SIFREI SHIRA—SONG BOOKS; Blessings, Yitzchak and Yitzchok BEING IN CONSTANT TOUCH WITH PAST LIFE DRIVES We all have hidden drives---hidden from others as well as from ourselves...Many of these drives are rooted in our past lives expressing themselves inside and outside of us in this lifetime These drives, when harnessed properly, can show us how to; ****get back to the garden ****draw on our generation’s capability to be redeemed ****attract to us lost Souls who are trying find themselves ****open us to carry out the messages of many souls that reside inside ****elevate the mineral, plant and animal parts of ourselves ****to harness the mystical bonds we have with beloved ones ****to be guided by the ‘smoothness’ of life [or lack of it] ****to actualize our calling in life PAST LIFE DRIVES PRAYER MEDITATIONS A. THE TRANS-GENERATIONAL PERFECTION PROCESS 1. Back to the Garden of Paradise Adam Harishon and Chava [Adam and Eve] ----The 1st man and woman, served as the composites of all humanity....Their primal choice was whether to listen or not to listen to G-ds command not to eat from [ie..ingest the consciousness] The Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil...and thereby ingest into their and humanitys system, DOUBT....They chose not to obey....They and humanity from that point onwards, were presented with the historical challenge or legacy of returning to the Garden and to Paradise, by overcoming any doubt whatsoever-of G-ds omniprescence and omnipotence---the dualism of good and evil elevated to the unity of only good.....This is the deepest purpose of every individual Gilgul/reincarnation ---to make strides forward towards this ultimate state of consciousness... EXPLORE IN YOUR MIND’S EYE &/OR IN WRITING, YOUR INNER DRIVE TO TRANSCEND ALL DOUBTS THAT G-D IS OMNIPRESENT AND OMNIPOTENT AND ALL OTHER DOUBTS STANDING IN THE WAY OF YOUR BEING IN A CONSTANT STATE OF PARADISE…………..SCAN A NORMAL DAY IN YOUR LIFE AND IDENTIFY HOW FAR ALONG YOU ARE IN THIS PROCESS & HOW FAR YOU STILL HAVE TO GO………….CLARIFY WHAT INNER STRENGTHS THAT YOU CAN DRAW UPONTO ADVANCE YOUR CONSTANT AWARENESS AND SELF ACTUALIZATION IN THIS REALM Ribbono Shel Olam----Master of the Universe---Bring us back to the Garden---the world at large, as well as each and every one of us, myself included.....Shine for me Your Light---a light so bright , that I have no doubt about what to choose....I choose only You....I make Your Will , my will...In every decision, I ask, What does G-d say?or What finds favour in G-ds Eyes?---and I choose and act accordingly.....Help me and all of us reveal Your Prescence---in everything that we do---until the world becomes an unlimited Kingdom of your Majestic Prescence....Help us now to open the Gates of this Garden of Eden Consciousness... 2. The Humanity Soul Maps There are 3 maps that serve as the basis of the historical subdivision and categorization of humanity within the context of Adam and Eves Soul map bodies....The elements of each map are represented in different points of history ....Usually the pattern is that the higher, more primal levels appear earlier in history, and the lower levels come later---an ongoing decline of the level of the trans-generational Soul levels... There is a Sefirotic map--extending across history from Keters earlier generation Souls down to Malchuts latter generations... Similarly, there is a body part map extending from the head down to the feet... And there is a Soul level map--from Yechida down to Nefesh.... We now, in these last or completion generations prior to Mashiachs coming, represent the lowest of Souls---the Malchut level, the Nefesh level and the Heal of the Foot level [Ikvata DMashicha]... EXPLORE IN YOUR MIND’S EYE &/OR IN WRITING, YOUR INNER DRIVE TO TRANSFORM THE WORLD AS A PART OF A GENERATION THAT IS CAPABLE OF BRINGING ON THE GEULA/REDEMPTION …………..SCAN A NORMAL DAY IN YOUR LIFE AND IDENTIFY HOW FAR ALONG YOU ARE IN A POSITION TO CONTRIBUTE TO THIS PROCESS & HOW FAR YOU STILL HAVE TO GO………….CLARIFY WHAT INNER STRENGTHS THAT YOU CAN DRAW UPONTO ADVANCE YOUR CONSTANT AWARENESS AND SELF ACTUALIZATION IN THIS REALM Ribbono Shel Olam ---Help our generation to know who we are ,and to tap in to our unique strengths and to overcome our weaknesses....We represent the lowest levels...We can therefore impact reality in the most powerful ways even though we accomplish the least of all generations...Though we may be on a level that is lower than all other levels, of all previous generations---unlike them--we have a greater ability to bring the entire world to its culmination--to Messianic consciousness--the lowest levels ushering in the highest of levels.....Help each one of us individually, to open up the gates of encouragement--and be encouraged right now, by the fact that the slightest efforts on our parts, elicit the greatest impacts---and through this---help us to be the ones who bring the Mashiach very very soon! 3. The Global Soul Redemption We the Jewish people, as a result of the Original Sin, are mixed up in the Adam/Eve Soul map or body with the nations of the world...This means that the Jews, who by their nature, have an affinity for a certain nation, are exiled to that particular nation, and some of us get trapped in the host culture [ie..assimilation, intermarriage..etc..] , and others of us, have to go in to rescue them and other non-Jewish Souls who really deep down, belong to our people, and these rescuers find themselves charged with the task of bringing them back home to their roots--not in a missionary type of way--and often times not even in a conscious way...These Souls are scattered across the dimensions of time and space and soul.....Therefore , we wandering, exiled Jews, have found ourselves doing time in various places across the globe---all for the sake of bringing our people back home....all of us are destined, ultimately to come back home to our country and to our people and to our unique way of living.... EXPLORE IN YOUR MIND’S EYE &/OR IN WRITING, YOUR INNER DRIVE TO ACTUALIZE AND EXPRESS THE FULL GLORY OF OUR HOLY PEOPLE AND OF HUMANITY AS A WHOLE …………..SCAN A NORMAL DAY IN YOUR LIFE AND IDENTIFY HOW FAR ALONG YOU ARE IN THIS PROCESS & HOW FAR YOU STILL HAVE TO GO………….CLARIFY WHAT INNER STRENGTHS THAT YOU CAN DRAW UPONTO ADVANCE YOUR CONSTANT AWARENESS AND SELF ACTUALIZATION IN THIS REALM Ribbono Shel Olam---Bring our people back home---back to our Holy land, to be together with the rest of our people---to return to our unique way of living....Help us in this grand homecoming process, to see your Providential Hand swooping us up to return to our roots....Return us to our destiny---to truly be a light to the nations---showing to ourselves and to everyone , not only who we are and can potentialy become, but who THEY are and can potentially become as well....Open up for us the gate of global and national and personal redemption....remove us from the exile...Remove the exile from within us.... B. THE HIDDEN SOULS IN OUR LIVES 1. Permanent and temporary residents of our bodies and Shabbos guests Most of us are born with more than one Soul inhabiting our bodies....We can have up to 3 or 4 that reside within us from birth to death....There is one main resident --the Master of the House---while the other ones are there to help the master [the baal habayit] in his struggles and to suffer with him in his sufferings--the goal of everyone is self perfection....In addition, we have temporary residents---Souls who come into us for a short time, in order to take part in a wonderful act or Mitzva that we are doing in order to share with us, our suffering---either for their own Tikun benefit, or to altruistically help us...Sometimes this visit lasts a minute--sometimes it lasts for years....In addition, everyone receives an extra Soul [Neshama Yetaira] ...These are actual people coming from their other wordly home to enter inside of us for the duration of the Shabbat--to add life, flavour and consciousness... EXPLORE IN YOUR MIND’S EYE &/OR IN WRITING, YOUR INNER DRIVE TO IDENTIFY, AWAKEN AND ACTUALIZE THE SOULS RESIDING INSIDE OF YOURSELF AND THEIR MESSAGES…………..SCAN A NORMAL DAY IN YOUR LIFE AND IDENTIFY HOW FAR ALONG YOU ARE IN THIS PROCESS & HOW FAR YOU STILL HAVE TO GO………….CLARIFY WHAT INNER STRENGTHS THAT YOU CAN DRAW UPONTO ADVANCE YOUR CONSTANT AWARENESS AND SELF ACTUALIZATION IN THIS REALM Ribbono Shel Olam----Help us to maximally tap into and to rectify , all of the Souls who inhabit our body....We generally have no idea who they are or that they are there at all--but with your help, Hashem, we can sensitize ourselves to feel ever so slightly, the different inclinations that we have stirring inside of us, in quantity and in quality....Help us to know what to do in order to help all these Souls heal and rectify ---and to utilize them to help us do the same.... 2. In the Elements Another manifestation of hidden Souls, are those that are stuck in what is called the Kaf HaKela--literally The Slingshot---these are the Souls that are undergoing severe post-life rectifications....They return postlife, to this worlds atmoshere , either as homeless beings---neither here nor there--not really in this world, nor in the usual post life realities of Gan Eden ,Gehinnom or Gilgul....Their fate is a payoff-- measure for measure, for not having been either here nor there during their lifetimes--in anything that they did---they are slung from one side of the world to the other....Often these post-life Souls find themselves in the inhabit created beings that belong to one of the 4 Elemental categories---mineral, vegetable, animal or [sub]human...These unfortunate Souls, unlike all other reincarnated cycles [which come back into full fledged human beings], are aware of their previous human form and of their being trapped in a non human form at the present time, until their Tikun is completed--also a measure for measure Tikun for acting like subhuman beings in their lifetimes... EXPLORE IN YOUR MIND’S EYE &/OR IN WRITING, YOUR INNER DRIVE TO ELEVATE ALL OF YOUR SUBHUMAN DRIVES AND CONSCIOUSNESS TO A HUMAN AND G-DLY LEVEL…………..SCAN A NORMAL DAY IN YOUR LIFE AND IDENTIFY HOW FAR ALONG YOU ARE IN THIS PROCESS & HOW FAR YOU STILL HAVE TO GO………….CLARIFY WHAT INNER STRENGTHS THAT YOU CAN DRAW UPONTO ADVANCE YOUR CONSTANT AWARENESS AND SELF ACTUALIZATION IN THIS REALM Ribbono Shel olam---You are the Source of compassion---a compassion that is infinite and beyond our ability to fathom....Please direct your compassion to those poor unfortunate souls who are trapped in a world that is very difficult for them to cope with...Help them come to their Tikun swiftly, thoroughly and as painlessly as possible....Please keep us from thinking and feeling and speaking and doing those things that would condemn us to do time in such a reality...Help us to make the most of our time in this lifetime--fruitfully and in a blessed way----in a way that brings out the best in us and in others and with the recognition of your prescence---and not in a way that is anything less than decently human.... 3. Hidden Soul bonds [Lvushim] We are connected to the primary relationships of our lives by metaphysical bonds known as Lvushim or Spiritual Garbs....These Lvushim connect us to our parents , children, siblings, spouses, best friends, masters and students in ways that transcend our normal ways of conducting relationships with these people....We feel what they feel...We are motivated beyond the call of duty to help them achieve healing and rectification...We do not lose contact with them even when one or both of us move on to the post life reality... EXPLORE IN YOUR MIND’S EYE &/OR IN WRITING, YOUR INNER DRIVE TO CONNECT TO THE MOST BELOVED PEOPLE IN YOUR LIFE IN THE MOST PROFOUND AND INTIMATE WAYS…………..SCAN A NORMAL DAY IN YOUR LIFE AND IDENTIFY HOW FAR ALONG YOU ARE IN THIS PROCESS & HOW FAR YOU STILL HAVE TO GO………….CLARIFY WHAT INNER STRENGTHS THAT YOU CAN DRAW UPONTO ADVANCE YOUR CONSTANT AWARENESS AND SELF ACTUALIZATION IN THIS REALM Ribbono Shel Olam----Enable us to do whatever we need to do to enhance our connection with our primal relations...Help us to help them, and help them to help us in any and every way possible...Please open the gates for us to express our love and caring and benevolence...Help us to exert ourselves to help them actualize themselves in both direct revealed ways, and in hidden ways as well... C. LIFES MYSTERIES POTENTIALLY EXPLAINED 1. The Smoothness Factor Every thought, feeling, speech and act that we do in life, is rooted in, and influenced by that same expression that we did in previous lifetimes....The way to know how we expressed ourselves in previous lifetimes, is to feel how smooth these realms resonate for us now---the smoother it goes, the more rectified that we are and were...The harder that it is, the more rectification is required... EXPLORE IN YOUR MIND’S EYE &/OR IN WRITING, YOUR INNER DRIVE AND CAPACITY TO UNDERSTAND HOW EVERY FACET OF LIFE ,DEPENDING ON HOW SMOOTH IT IS, CONVEYS THE TYPE OF TIKUN WE STILL NEED TO DO, AND THEN ACT UPON THIS UNDERSTANDING…………..SCAN A NORMAL DAY IN YOUR LIFE AND IDENTIFY HOW FAR ALONG YOU ARE IN THIS PROCESS & HOW FAR YOU STILL HAVE TO GO………….CLARIFY WHAT INNER STRENGTHS THAT YOU CAN DRAW UPONTO ADVANCE YOUR CONSTANT AWARENESS AND SELF ACTUALIZATION IN THIS REALM Ribbono Shel Olam----Help us resonate with what we need to still heal and fix up in life...Help us sensitize ourselves to the degree of smoothness with which we act , speak, feel and think....Please open up for us the gates of awareness and willpower and wisdom---so that we can know what we still need to heal and how to go about doing the healing --all with a healthy degree of will-power---both in regards to ourselves and to others as well... 2. Our Calling in life We come into this life with unfinished business to take care of....This includes the 1 or 2 major things that need taking care of--both negative areas to rectify and positive powers to emanate properly....In addition, we have specific challenges that call us into action and to respond to properly at all times 24/7....Both the general and the specific areas are rooted in the unfinished business that has not been taken care of in previous lifetimes, as well as the specific root-Soul and root-tasks that we have....The’ playing field that we use to complete ourselves, is life itself in all of its multiple dimensions---people, problems, goals, drives..etc..etc..---all calling out to us to respond properly... EXPLORE IN YOUR MIND’S EYE &/OR IN WRITING, YOUR INNER DRIVE TO KNOW WHAT YOU HAVE COME DO DO IN LIFE AND HOW TO DO IT , AND THEN GATHER THE STRENGTH TO DO IT…………..SCAN A NORMAL DAY IN YOUR LIFE AND IDENTIFY HOW FAR ALONG YOU ARE IN THIS PROCESS & HOW FAR YOU STILL HAVE TO GO………….CLARIFY WHAT INNER STRENGTHS THAT YOU CAN DRAW UPONTO ADVANCE YOUR CONSTANT AWARENESS AND SELF ACTUALIZATION IN THIS REALM Ribbono Shel Olam----Open up for us the knowledge to know what we are here for in this lifetime--the main reasons and drives--those that we feel that we must take care of at all costs, as well as the positive powers that we have --those realms that we are head and shouldersabove our peers....Show us how to utilize these powers in the best possible ways...Show us how to see that everything that comes our way--whether people or thoughts or chalenges, are all customized and personalized just for us...Open up the gates to see how all of this comes from You, and how we can truly fulfill our Calling in life.... BLESSINGS yitzchak, paradiseprinciple
Posted on: Tue, 28 Jan 2014 15:53:23 +0000

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