Sigh... Now my friends are texting me with stories... knowing - TopicsExpress


Sigh... Now my friends are texting me with stories... knowing that I cant resist a good rant. LOOK. white privilege is BULLSHIT. Just because Im the same race as the assholes who own Walmart doesnt make us the same, or even on the same team. The Walton family, totally completely lily-white, whiter-than-white, white folks, has done MORE HARM TO WHITE PEOPLE in America than just about anyone else. You wanna lead a march against THEM, well my brother, Ill march with ya. Nike? A Jewish company that destroyed most American athletic manufacturing in America. Pick ANYTHING that you claim is white or part of white privilege and Ill shoot you down. (Im trying not to use ALL CAPS, but Im a tad bit angry about this shit...) I was raised by older, poor white ELEMENTARY SCHOOL DROPOUTS, on a tiny farm in backwoods Alabama. Read that again..... So, I dont want to hear SHIIIIIIIIIIIT about what my skin color did for me... I entered the military at 17, after barely graduating high school, because I raised so much hell. That was the ONLY path open for people like me. And I served with whites, blacks, Puerto Ricans, Mexican, Filipinos, and others... in close, tight quarters. We got along, without all this BULLSHIT that our controlled media is promoting. I didnt even know what the hell a Filipino was, until I went to the Philippines. My bunk mate said this is where Im from, and lil ol redneck me said you told me you was from California... lol. STOP lumping all white people into some mythical oppressor category, as if we all somehow are magically, uniformly the same. I have worked security at white white WHITE fraternity and sorority functions, and being a working-class white man, I was treated like... hired help. Period. With rich folks, of ANY RACE, it aint about color, its about CLASS. Im not in their league, they believe, so to them, Im....... not one of them. If I can walk into a store and not be followed, its not due to white privilege, its because.... (pesky facts ahead; youve been warned!) its because most of the shoplifters arent white. And it would certainly depend on what has been happening in THAT particular store. Maybe they do have a lot of white shoplifters, in which case I would expect to be followed. Duh. And I wouldnt be upset about it. People who look like me arent killing black people by the thousands, in every city across America, and we arent responsible for the insane high school drop out rate, or the arrests, etc etc etc... Who killed that black Auburn football player last night in racist Alabama? It wasnt the KKK. Am I racist???? lol... I dont let you define what I am. Hey, offer me free tickets to see either Eminem or Darius Rucker, and see which one I grab. Offer me a chance to meet George Bush, or Dr. Ben Carson, and see which one I take. And which one I would vote for, and campaign for.. Hint: it aint Bush. The only people I truly hate are those unwashed hippy communist trouble-makers who stir up all this racial bullshit. Who benefits from all this trouble, anger and racial hatred? NOT WHITE PEOPLE. Not black people. So... why is it happening? There are NO lynchings, or random groups of white supremacists going around killing black people. In fact, there doesnt seem to be ANY white-on-black crime that I can find. Plenty of black-on-white, like those random hammer murders you didnt read about, and plenty of black-on-black, and plenty of white-on-white, but..... So... why is there all this focus on eeeeeevil white people???? Who benefits? And why wont our controlled media explore THAT? Oh, right. Because it is CONTROLLED. Stop blaming white people for all this bullshit. We aint behind it. NAME SOME NAMES. Name some of these eeeeeeevil white people, benefiting from all this racist white privilege..... Ill wait.
Posted on: Sun, 14 Dec 2014 18:21:18 +0000

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