Sigh.... Ten facts, leggo. 1. Im an evangelistic, self - TopicsExpress


Sigh.... Ten facts, leggo. 1. Im an evangelistic, self professed non denominational Christian, but I go to a Presbyterian church. I believe every word spoke in the about Jesus Christ and that he is Gods son. And that only he can save your, anyones soul from hopeless, torture, flaming lake, satan, sin, death & hell, transferring him/her to eternal Paradise, infinite, joy, peace, etc heaven if believe in him fully. 2. I live with a high functioning autism. Its called ASPERGERS SYNDROME.check out autism speaks.or for symptom lists and info. 3. I have various passions, like: nature, animals, smelly, rich, blind, weird, NFL playing, homeless, all kinds of people, movies, music, exquisite taste and fine living. Im the poorest I will ever be again, today. Youll catch it. 4. This is raw, but Im taking the mask off. I am the Moses to help free and lead my bros and sissys out of Egypt. I am the big brother/advocate/mentor/ friend/counsel/preacher/servant/helper/minister to the VOICELESS, HOPELESS, SPIRITUALLY DEAD. Im the catalyst and a voice and a man with feelings, thoughts and the like. Imma a frikkjn G. So, at the age of ten I was raped by the class bully. I confessed after panic attacks and the most disgustingly wretched 8 years of my life to my mom, tearfully and in pure agony. I thought I was gay, that puberty and acne was AIDS or Herpes, nope, Im clean thank God, just allergies. Lol. I thought I would go to college, start a career and get medicine for, what I thought was a venereal disease. I thought that secret was going to the grave with me. But the weight of that situation is for Jesus, not me. Btw, I had autism and developed slower than my peers so I was easy to intimidate and extort. 5. I am so grateful for everything everyone in my life has ever done. I slept on floors, air beds, basements. I Love hugs because I got rejected for my creativity. I felt hated by life, God, family, the world for over 2 decades. I Love getting smiles. Small gifts. I save certain texts and my mom, Doreen Goods voicemail saved in my inbox. 6. I have one mom, lok and a dead dad, lol. No disrespect. But we so mushy we cant say the word dead, cmon. Rip dad I always love u tatted on my heart. Two sisters Tonya Sims. Who has great challenges but puts her ALL in everything, everything. So inspirational. Shes my Queen sister. I Love so dearly. Praying for you sis. Janis is my other sister. Shes my queen mom sister, lol. She always loved on me. Id be worse off without them. I met my two 1/2 brothers (technically speaking) at our dads funeral. Michael and Roger Pickett, Mr. Super dad, Bun B voice having, did it all. Seen it all beloved brother. King Roger. And I got a nephew, Josiah 7yo? And Jazzlyn 5yo. Never see em a lot. Tryna that. 7. I like science, stars, his things work, knowledge. 8. I can remember my cousin Frankies birthday one year. I bought a navy striped Lacoste polo, jean shorts from the mall and my NJ af1s. I have razor sharp memory on specific and a wide range of random things. Terrible, short term memory. 9. Robert Dinero, Lawrence Fishburne, Brad Pitt, Angela Bassett, Denzel Washington my favorite actors in that order, switch 4 & 5. 10. People say Im fresh dressed, stylish and all, but every clothing item, shirt, pants, shoes, etc. All Ed Hardy, Ralph Lauren, YSL, hand me downs and washed bed bug free thrift shop cops purchases. Im real.
Posted on: Fri, 15 Nov 2013 03:54:33 +0000

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