Sigh. These were comments on a single post in a tea party group: - TopicsExpress


Sigh. These were comments on a single post in a tea party group: So what happened Mr. Sharpton. Your race as a whole, not all if them, have destroyed the earth every where the are. Look at our beautiful cities total ghettos. Who lives there. Your own people are afraid to be on their own streets. Many of them have refused education. They cannot even speak intelligently. What happened to this great people you speak about? Plus....there isnt ANYTHING in black Africa even close to a participatory Republic, and South Africa is going down the tubes. He stupid....Egyptians are NOT black. Your people lived on a whole sub-Saharan continent, surrounded by oceans and NEVER built a damn boat or explored the oceans. And THAT is just a start. If it wasnt for European intervention, Africans would still be living in mud huts. Being Greek, I take those words very offensive. They were swinging from the trees in some African jungle when Socrates was teaching philosophy. What empire(s) was it exactly that he and his folks built? Seems like when build them empires here and they turn them into gang occupied and drug haven ghettos. Im so sick and tired of hearing how bad us white folks are when all we do is keep paying. They better hope we never decide to stop working or else they wont have anyone to fund those government subsidies. blacks only make up 13% of our population......and yet they are in control of us......and cause 90% of the problems You and your people are stupid as hell. How is it that burning down your own town makes any sense. You and your people are nothing but a bunch of ignorant baboons and should be put on ships. Sorry Al. Just because you breed like rabbits doesnt make you an empire. Counting stars through the holes in the roof of your mud hut does not make you a mathematician or an astronomer IQ in mid double digits Wow does he have that backwards lol question whats the greatest mechanical invention that Africa has ever created? It seems to do no good now !! BC you a DUMMY!!!! N*gger please how the hell did you get your own show?? Yeah thats why they were still running around carrying spears and living in grass huts when other tribes sold them into slavery. I agree. Segregation now! Keep Whites away from blacks! Keep Whites in their own schools, cities, and countries! Dont let anyone around Whites! Yeah....then why did the invention of the wheel bounce over Africa? yea, yea and your Muslim brothers discovered the Americas... across the entirety of sub-Saharan Africa, you NEVER managed to come up with The Wheel! hahahaahah Smoke that, dickweed 9th Symphony: Ludwig Von Beethoven... Electron Microscope: James Hillier... Theory of Relativity: Albert Einstein... Modern Assembly Line: Henry Ford... First Man on the Moon: Neil Armstrong... 1st man to break the Sound Barrier: Chuck Yeager... Inventor of the Light Bulb, and proponent of DC theory: Thomas Edison... Inventor of the Telephone: Alexander Graham Bell... First Man to Fly Across the Atlantic: Charles Lindbergh... First Man to Circumnavigate the Earth: Captain James Cook... First Men to Fly: Orville and Wilbur Wright... Discoverers of Insulin: Frederick Banting and James Best... Discoverer of AC theory: Nicola Tesla... Designer of the Eiffel Tower: Gustav Eiffel... Inventor of the Steam Engine: Thomas Savery... Father of Modern Rockets: Werner von Braun...Discoverer of the Laws of Physics: Sir Isaac Newton...First Man to Climb Mt. Everest: Sir Edmund Hillary... Discoverer of the Titanic, Bismarck, and Lusitania: Robert Ballard...does anyone else see a pattern developing here, or is it just me?... Thank God for white people Al, If it wasnt for them, You would probley be back in Africa running around in a loin cloth dodgeing lions and flies blowing your @ss.. if this is true ...why did they revert back to grass huts and liveing in the bush. I love how Sharpton attempts to take credit for something done by another race. Canadians arent Mexicans but their countries are on the same continent. Nice try Al. The Egyptians are not African blacks..they are a different race that lives on the northern coast of the African continent. There are no Empires built or controlled by blacks in Africa. Africa is the most underdeveloped Continent on the planet. The only successful & modern day part of Africa is in the south.,.where the British brought it into the modern world. The vast majority of the worlds greatest inventions & scientific knowledge originated in Asia & the Middle East & Europe. If what he says is true then what the HELL happened to them? The Israelites were dark skinned and so were the Egyptians. I dont think I would be bragging about their past given what their present looks like now!
Posted on: Wed, 10 Dec 2014 17:16:59 +0000

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