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Sign up to receive our daily articles and receive 2 FREE MP3 Teaching Downloads by Jeremy Lopez automatically. (New Subscribers Only Please) *The Seeing Process of a Seer *What Next God? Discouraged After Your Prophetic Word. A $20.00 Value Rooted on the Rivers Edge E-Book PDF Download By Kimberly Murray Price: $14.95 Sale! $6.99 Click HERE to order. I will say of the Lord, He is my refuge and my fortress: My God, in Him will I trust. Psalm 91:2 Picture a reception area, an entrance way into the complete protection of the rest of the verses in that psalm. It is our password or way of entry into a protective place when we say; I will say of the Lord! As we proclaim it, as we say it, as we decree; I will say of the Lord! He is my refuge and fortress, we will ENTER in to His safety! IN HIM I will I trust! But how do we get to this point? I believe that we are at this place in time right now, where we will have to come to the realization that we must DWELL in the secret place of the Most High and live, exist, under His shadow. For only He alone is Almighty and safe enough to protect us. A Well Worn Path to the Secret Place The Scripture says, No one who puts his hand to the plow and looks back, is fit for service in the kingdom of God. (Luke 9:62) We often flippantly quote this without fully acknowledging the seriousness of this statement. We have seen again and again, devastation brought on by many failing in the body of Christ, from highly visible individuals to those working in the back stockroom of a business. Deviant and secretive behaviors inevitably will be exposed and found out. Sadly many believers who have been called to walk the righteous walk, the walk that depends upon the Lord - and yet when he speaks, when he commands, when He challenges, they do not follow. Psalm 32:7-10 address this matter. YOU are my hiding place, YOU LORD will protect me from trouble, and surround me with songs of deliverance. And the Lord replies, I will instruct you and teach you in the way that you should go: I will counsel you and watch over you. Do not be like the horse or the mule, which have no understanding but must be controlled by bit and bridal or they will not come to you. Many are the woes of the wicked, but the Lords unfailing love, surrounds the man who trusts in the Lord. Unless the believing bride learns what it means to have a well worn path to the hiding place, the secret place, (secret meaning - a place alone, hidden with the Lord), a place of uninterrupted dialogue, instruction, and worship, then she will continue to have public exposures on all levels and among all peoples represented in the body. When we hide ourselves with the Lord, He instructs us. He warns us about the trouble ahead. He sings over us, songs of deliverance and He rejoices over us because of our obedience. Solitary Places of Life On the outside, there was nothing that marked the Lord as any different than the common ordinary man except for one thing. He was separated inside. He knew when it was the spirit of the Lord driving Him into the wilderness, and also that it was not good to be alone for too long. Jesus Christ does not make religious hermits as Oswald Chambers states. He makes us men and women fit for a world as it is. He does not Expect us to Work for Him but with Him The narrow way I speak of combined with the solitary places of life, creates an incubator that the Lord can use. As we submit ourselves to His instructions in times of meeting with Him in the secret place, He WILL instruct us as He stated! We must not be like a mule or a horse that forever needs to be prodded and forced into discipleship. A true disciple, one who was willing to not simply be called, but follow obediently working with the Lords plan, will rarely have time to be self-promoting or shouting too loudly about their own, divine destinies, knowing that each day spending time meditating upon the Word of God, fellowshipping with Him in a place of rest and instruction is all that one needs for the tasks at hand. The hallmark of true discipleship will always be noted and noticed by the discipline of one who has worn a well-beaten path to the place of intimacy and personal deep fellowship with the King of glory. Obey My Voice, and I will be your God. Our destinies for good or evil are completely determined by the voice we choose to obey. Listening to the Voice of the Lord… …And obeying what He says, will bring blessings. Not always as speedily as our consumer minds prefer. Nor will they always come in the format our flesh would desire or dictate. But indeed, the blessings will come! Ignoring the Voice of the Lord… …Will bring many curses. It is impossible to obey God without first hearing His voice. His voice tells us what He expects and what He requires. And it is always for our good, and the good of mankind. Corporate and Congregational Jezebel - Exposed An entire organization can have a functioning Jezebel Spirit and then wonder why God never moves among them. This can be a denomination. Many denominations were manufactured by Jezebel. If you cant kill the prophets, divide them up. This can be a movement. Every move of God starts out right and then drifts off and abandons the value of self-examination and humility, which in turn, rejects the next pure move of God. A Jezebel tactic! This can be a church body. If only the approved and special team have input, if church leaders put a stop on who can bring the word, if there is intention to control things, you got a Jezebel on your hands. And this stink will control every little detail of every ministry opportunity for others in the body. The spirit and rebellion of this type of person will sweetly smile to the key leadership, but shame, abuse, and spy on the sheep. And this spirit will lie! Often, marriages of those with this behavior are in turmoil. Yet…they seem to be able to point out the flaws of others and never have their own confronted. It can be a leader. This is why I honor and recommend an outside apostolic leader above a group board of elders or core leadership teams. Biblically, there is and was great safety and godly help for young churches and more established ones when the humble apostolic Fathers were called upon or were sent to bring loving but Godly order to the often upsetting events that would happen in daily ministry encounters. Thank God for men of God who ignored Jezebel! Who fought hard against the allure of her control! I know of many fellowships where she manifests with approval. She is evil. (It can be a HE as well!) Dont let her in! And, if she somehow has weaseled her way into your fellowship, if you stand as a senior leader, if you are the Jehu who can throw her down, if you dont, no one will! Be strong. Be courageous. The life of your fellowship is at stake. It will be hard. Jezebel is hard working, makes herself (can be a him except in the spirit) indispensable, uses emotion to get her way, ingratiates the power structure, makes it seem impossible to get rid of her, which is the exact reason why you must. She Will Rule Your Roost The words you will use about why you cannot throw her down are, You have no idea of all the things she does for me, how much of the load she takes off my shoulders, how much we would miss if she werent here. I dont have anyone to pick up the load of she is gone. Dear Directors, Leaders, Pastors - Allow me to introduce you to your house Jezebel. You just described her. Now THROW HER DOWN...She is killing you and the move of God among those in your fellowship and relationships. Mary Lindow
Posted on: Fri, 05 Sep 2014 14:18:43 +0000

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