Signs of Waterfowl Codependency: You finally move the ducklings - TopicsExpress


Signs of Waterfowl Codependency: You finally move the ducklings from inside the barn to the lean to which is their transition to the newly coyote free yard/pasture (I mean you WANT them to all go into the pasture, but so many seem to wind up in the yard). This involves chasing ducklings around the stall theyve been living in, tackling them, putting them into a big, muck bucket, blocking them as they try to leap back out, then carrying bucket loads of loudly quacking/semi panicking ducklings through the barn and garage outside and around to the lean to. This is a bit more of a workout than anticipated. Ducklings spend the day having a grand old time getting wet and creating mess. (Ducks love water. They literally cannot help themselves. With even a capful of water they can turn a place into a disaster area. Its impressive. And difficult to be angry at them when they do it because they are clearly EMBRACING THE JOY.) Meanwhile, you go to sleep (this may or may not have been at a shockingly early hour…) and are awoken, well after dark, by duckling quacking. So you get up, go outside, hike up behind the barn to the tractor garage, go in and get a bale of shavings, carry bale of shavings back down driveway and around to ducklings in their lean to, spread out half a bale of shavings right by the gate, put the leftover shavings in the garage, go inside and pick shavings out of your hair, go back to bed. Duckling silence. Its 10:30pm. The Signs of Waterfowl Codependency are: (A) You knew what the quacking meant; (B) You got out of bed and took care of it in the freaking middle of the night. #NoIDontHaveAProblem
Posted on: Tue, 09 Sep 2014 17:25:42 +0000

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