Signs of an impure, diseased, and a dead heart: * The person does - TopicsExpress


Signs of an impure, diseased, and a dead heart: * The person does not feel any hurt or pain when he commits evil deeds and sins. * The person finds both pleasure in committing acts of disobedience to Allah and a take it easy attitude after performing them. * The person looks after the less important matters and does not care about the more important ones. * The person dislikes the Truth and has difficulty accepting or submitting to it. * The person does not find comfort in being among the righteous people but finds a great deal of peace while among the evil and sinful. * The person is susceptible to be affected by misconceptions and doubts. He is attracted to discussions, debates and arguments that surround such misconceptions rather than trying to understand the Qur’an, follow the Sunnah and other such beneficial acts. This aspect can truly be seen nowadays among Muslims, especially over the Internet. Today, a Muslim may spend hours discussing, for example whether or not Hijaab is part of Islam or if Riba [Usury, Interest] is forbidden and so forth. Many times, such discussions begin by quoting non-Muslim authors, hours are wasted and no one learns any aspect of the Deen. * The person may not be affected by any kind of admonition whatsoever. Some people, for example, have the capacity of listening to many Khutbahs [Islamic lectures], but still it does not bring any change in them. Or when someone is given repeated advices and warnings from those who are knowledgeable in Deen, it doesn’t affect them. They arrogantly insist upon sticking with the falsehood. Imam Hasan al-Basree [rahimahullah] once said to a man, * Cure your heart for Allah desires that His slaves should purify their hearts. * You should know that you never truly love Allah until you love obeying Him. (Jaami’ al-’Uloom v.1 by Ibn Rajab) The heart cannot become purified until a person knows Allah, loves Him, fears Him, has hope in Him and trusts Him. This is the true realization of the statement Laa ilaaha ill- Allah. The heart will never be pure until it loves, deifies [worships, exalts], fears, and submits to no one except Allah, eventually ending up of the limbs by following and making the actions pure.
Posted on: Sun, 08 Sep 2013 01:43:24 +0000

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