Signs of weak imaan (This is very very important for everyone to - TopicsExpress


Signs of weak imaan (This is very very important for everyone to read and share with all muslims on please) You should also think and reflect on each of the below on yourself: 1. Committing sins and not feeling any guilt. 2. Having a hard heart and no desire to read the Quran. 3. Feeling too lazy to do good deeds, e.g. Being late for salat. 4.Neglecting the Sunnah. 5. Having mood swings, for instance being upset about petty things and bothered and irritated most of the time. 6. Not feeling anything when hearing verses from the Quran, for example when Allah warns us of punishments and his promise of glade tidings. 7. Finding difficulty in remembering Allah and making dhkir. 8. Not feeling bad when things are done against the shariah. 9. Desiring status and wealth. 10. Being mean and miserly, i.e. Not wanting to part with wealth. 11. Ordering others to do good deeds when not practising them ourselves. 12. Feeling pleased when things are not progressing for others. 13. Not being concerned with whether something is haram or halal only; and not avoiding makroo (not recommended) things. 14. Making fun of people who do simple good deeds, like cleaning the mosque. 15. Not feeling concerned about the situation of muslims. 16. Not feeling the responsibility to do something to promote Islam. 17. Being unable to deal with calamities, for instance crying and yelling in funeral. PLEASE READ AND SHARE THIS... The man who built the Titanic was asked, How safe would the Titanic be? With an Ironic Tone he said: NOT EVEN GOD CAN SINK IT & we all know what happened to the Titanic.. Tancredo Neves President of Brazil. During a campaign, he said he got 500,000 votes for his party, Not even God would remove him from Presidency. Sure he got the votes, but he got sick & died a day before being made President.. Cazuza Brazilian singer & poet. During a show, while smoking his cigarette, he puffed out some smoke into the air & said: God thats for u. He died at the age of 32 of LUNG CANC
Posted on: Mon, 10 Feb 2014 00:13:36 +0000

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