Sikh Net : Harijiwan Singh Khalsa a Yogi Bhajan wanna-be & toner - TopicsExpress


Sikh Net : Harijiwan Singh Khalsa a Yogi Bhajan wanna-be & toner bandit, has scammed his way into guru status among his starry eyed followers in Hollywood California. See how Harijiwans female disciples adorn his path with a carpet of rose petals as he ascends to the his pedestal to bless his followers with the secrets of tantric yoga. Criminal indictment against Harijiwan Singh Khalsa gurmukhyoga/forum/index.php?id=302 The last time I talked with Harijiwan, he said to me, I dont want anybody to know my criminal past, I want to bury it, I am in the Kundalini Yoga Business now! Now Harijiwan is just trying to cash in on the craze over yoga. I never saw Harijiwan ever teach a Yogi Bhajan Kundalini Yoga class before 2005. He was only involved with sending out fraudulent invoices for copy machine toner & incarcerated in Federal prison for fraud before the year 2000! Criminal indictment and judgment in the United States District Court for the District of Colorado against Harijiwan Singh Khalsa who spent 18 months in Federal prison for fraud case no. 99-CR-00242-WYD. [image][image] Page 1 of Criminal indictment against Harijiwan Singh Khalsa You may view all the documents at facebook/album.php?aid=115847&id=1214270541&l=905c006729 This discussion below is taken from a forum with former and current Yogi Bhajan followers. I encourage everyone who considers themselves a a kundalini yoga student of Harijiwan or just a concerned member of the public to join in this important discussion: forums.delphiforums/Kamallarose/messages?msg=1608.21 It (R.I.C.O.) (The Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act) allows for the leaders of a syndicate to be tried for the crimes which they ordered others to do or assisted them, Gursant Singh says: Wow! Reading this was like a light bulb going on in my brain, I don’t know why I never remembered this before now. When Harijiwan Jr was arrested by Federal Postal inspectors in Los Angeles around 1999, we were working together at the time. HJ told me that the Federal investigators tried vigorously to make HJ confess that Yogi Bhajan and other 3HO kingpins like MSS Hari Jiwan were the leaders behind HJs frauds. Evidently these postal inspectors based in Denver Colorado had spent months and millions of dollars investigating the telemarketing scams of 3HO. HJ further told me that after he refused to roll over on Yogi Bhajan, the postal inspectors told him something to the effect of Tell your cult leader and your buddies in New Mexico and LA were watching them. TheSikhgeek says: I know many people here are aware of some of it, but I dont know if any of us are aware of the full extent to which YB(Yogi Bhajan) barely missed major take-downs by the skin of his teeth. There were so many times like this when he was nearly exposed, indicted, arrested, etc., and only little glimpses of these close calls are out there. It almost makes me believe Gursants claims of endless black magic and Hindu puja... Gursant Singh says: I know it sounds bizarre to westerners and educated people but if youve ever lived in India like myself for any length of time you may understand more of this idea that Yogi Bhajan almost seems possessed by a demon or controlled by black magic. I think YB could have gotten involved with some kind of tantric cult at an early age. I have talked to several Indians who after viewing YBs videos and hearing my experiences feel strongly there is a case to be made for YBs involvement in black magic and the occult. RoseLotus says: Others have told me the same thing, that looking in his eyes hooked and sunk them. Black magic? NLP? Gursant Singh says: Do Harijiwan and Gurmukh Kaur Khalsa use occult black magic on their students? Harijiwan teaches yoga with another world famous yoga teacher, Gurmukh Kaur Khalsa at her Golden Bridge yoga centres in both Los Angeles and New York.Look at this nonsense on Harijiwans facebook page: Light Beam to the Evening Star It should read Beam me your money! Harijiwan also advertises that he does face reading What nonsense, Harijiwan is feeding this stuff to the public in order to cast a black magic spell over them ! It is forbidden in the Sikh Reht Maryada for Sikhs to practice: “Influence of stars, Magic spells, incantations, omens, auspicious times, days & occasions, , horoscopic dispositions,” Chapter X Article XVI. Why do these 3HO Kundalini Yogis like Harijiwan teach this nonsense? Becuase it makes them piles of money!! New Ageers want to believe in Magic & an easy way to salvation. TONER BANDIT GETS PRISON TERM Article from:Rocky Mountain News (Denver, CO) Article date:August 17, 2000 Author:Gutierrez, Hector Byline: Hector Gutierrez News Staff Writer A Los Angeles man dubbed the ``toner bandit has been ordered to spend 24 months in prison and pay $155,371 to hundreds of customers in a mail and tax fraud case. Harijiwan Singh Khalsa, 43, tried to swindle more than 1,060 people of $315,218 by using fraudulent invoices, the U.S. Attorneys Office said Wednesday. Operating out of Aurora, Khalsa sent fictitious invoices for expensive copy machine toner to medical and dental providers. The invoices were fake, and the product had never been ordered by the customers, the victims and investigators learned. An accomplice, Paul Elison, was sentenced in December to six months in prison and fined $5,000. Federal grand jurors in Denver returned indictments against the two men in 1999. They operated the scheme from October 1995 to June 1996, and federal and local authorities began investigating the case after victims contacted the Aurora Police Department. The indictments found that Khalsa hired Elison, who used the alias Kirpal Singh Khalsa, to open the Supply Distribution Center in Aurora. Khalsa created the false invoices in California and printed in Colorado. The invoices charged as much as $318 for one carton of copy machine toner.
Posted on: Mon, 08 Sep 2014 15:24:44 +0000

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