Silence Among the Lambs MOST of the Bible Remains a Mystery in - TopicsExpress


Silence Among the Lambs MOST of the Bible Remains a Mystery in the Churches today. The average congregation has absolutely no foundation in the fundamental principles of Salvation and faith according to the Scriptures. Consequently the Pastors are Preaching ‘to the Choir’, assuming that the vast majority of attendees are Safe and Secure in the Arms of Jesus! Therefore frightening anyone with admonishments about their behavior disqualifying them from the Kingdom or chastising their complacency, insisting on Obedience, is NOT part of the mix. The People assume God is well pleased with their form of Worship and approves of their life style. Since they are NEVER Warned about His Severity or Cautioned to not abuse His Long suffering, they suppose that He wants them to enjoy their lives. Work hard, earn well, prosper, buy land, houses, cars, indulge in various forms of worldly entertainments and amuse themselves with church functions and gatherings. No one has ever told them that God is Kind to the Wicked, bestowing His blessings on all mankind while He gives them opportunity to Turn from sin and Repent. (Rom2:4) The rain and sunshine of life that come in due season is the Natural Providence of God’s benevolence, NOT His personal Endorsement of the Church! MOST of the charitable deeds done in His Name are to no Purpose at the Judgment! (Matt7:21-23) But HOW could anyone Know these are the Words of Jesus, IF NO ONE ever Warns them? There may indeed be a blissful ignorance in the Comfort of delusion, but like the Rich man in Luke 16 you are STILL Accountable for your actions. He lifted up his eyes in torment, but it was too late for him to warn others of their impending doom. You who Sleep now in these churches will find yourselves one day in that fiery place if you don’t Wake up to Reality. The System tells you ONLY what it ‘thinks’ you Need to know. Just enough to keep you under, Control but not enough to disturb your slumber. You put up with it because it soothes your conscience and gives you confidence that you life is being lived as a ‘Christian.’ But at best most of you are nothing more than ‘Reformed Pagans!’ Meaning you have the motions down pat, the ‘FORM’ but inwardly you are destitute of the Spirit. Most church members are nice people, in that they will greet you, make you feel welcome, invite you back or into their fellowships. They frequently testify of what God is Doing in their lives. How He healed a grandchild, spouse or extended His comforting Grace to them in a time of need. It all seems so real and many spend their entire lives in this environment never questioning the presence of God among them, just assuming He is always there, holding them up, forgiving their sins and waiting to take them home. BUT Something is Desperately Wrong with this scenario. For the Bible Paints an ENTIRELY OPPOSITE description of the Christian life! The constant possibility of Deception (spirit of error) is echoed throughout the New Testament by the Apostles and Jesus. The Desperate need to JUDGE a tree by its Fruits to Expose false teachers is just ONE of these warnings as is the Command to CONTEND Earnestly for the faith to protect the Doctrine which According to godliness! Yet most professed Christians in the churches have no idea these passages even exist. Further evidence of the Holy Spirit’s Vacancy in the churches today is the presence of all manner of immoral behavior and wickedness. Can the Spirit of Truth Co-Exist with the spirit of error? NOT according to the Bible! (2Cor6:17-18 ) The presence of one, means the Absence of the other. IF the Spirit of Truth were present among you, SIN (open and overt acts of sin, like 1Cor5:5) would GRIVE Him Deeply and there would be MUCH Godly Sorrow taking place among the people. The Pastors would NOT be able to sweep divorce and immorality under the rug and send the people into counseling, and NEVER mention the subject in his Preaching. The Spirit Would NOT allow it! The Saints (if they were indeed ‘saints’ ) would be Covering themselves in sackcloth and ashes, fasting and praying for these people, crying out to God for Repentance and Clearing of the Wrong doing. If the violations then continued unabated, they would REMOVE the offenders from fellowship, so not to contaminate the entire church. THIS is what the Bible says to do and for GOOD reason! Otherwise sin would have the upper hand and NO ONE would Repent. With immoral activity rampant in the churches today you have PROOF POSITIVE of Strong Delusion and the spirit of error in Total Control. Why is the Professed Church in this State of Spiritual Death? Mainly because they have followed suit, according to the Scriptures, by ‘Suppressing’ the Truth in Unrighteousness! There is no ‘Love of Truth’ among them. They love the Form, the fairly tale of ‘Believe’ and be saved. The mantra that no one is perfect, you can’t Judge and Salvation is not of works! But tell them they Must Run, Fight, Endure and Contend and they will sit there smiling at you, hanging on to their pastors coat tales and do nothing. Consider the Accumulative effect of modern preaching designed wholly to make you feel good about yourself, comfort you in your distress and promise you God’s love no matter what. This is the ‘Preaching to the Choir’ going out World wide without exception that has mesmerized the masses and numbed their minds to the Truth. Millions of Church goers have NEVER heard the Real Gospel of Repentance and Faith. Therefore they have nothing to compare what they hearing now to it. For Example: 1) How can anyone Understand they are a Slave to who they Obey, When they DON’T have to Obey to begin with? 2) What impact is telling them they must Obey God Wholeheartedly to be Saved, when they are already ‘believing’ in Him since childhood? 3) Why would anyone STRIVE to Enter through the Narrow Gate, when they have been invited in while still in their sins? 4) Who would Crucify the flesh with its passions and desires when they were told that God will clean them up when He is ready? 5) And How could you Convince anyone that Faith is an Obedient heart of Love, Working to Cleanse and Purity you of sin, when Salvation is ‘Not of works?’ 6) WHO could Repent of their sin in the manner described in 2Cor7:10-11, if they are Born Depraved, wholly incapable of Doing ‘anything’ Right? The Real Gospel is so Radically opposed to what the Churches are Preaching and Teaching that the TRUTH today is considered the Heresy! That’s why you hardly ever see any genuine effect on a community. Although thousands (perhaps tens of thousands) respond to Modern Evangelism and every church denomination stages huge events, rallies, concerts and revivals, it has ABSOLUTELY NO effect whatsoever on the degradation of morals in our society today. WHY? Because NO ONE, ANYWHERE, will tell ANYONE that the SIN has to STOP in REPENTANCE!!! Therefore the sin is drug into the Kingdom with the ‘Supposed’ Converts, nurtured, coddled and excused until the Conscience is Silenced against any possibility of Spirit Convictions. You are as a Lamb being lead to the Slaughter…..’silent’ and completely oblivious to the Lies all around. Examine Yourself! 2Cor13:5. TEST and PROVE your Faith! Least you be Disqualified!! 1) Are you Grieved over the sin in your church? 2) Are you Concerned about the Content of the Message? Will you Contend for the faith? 3) Do you Guard your Heart, Keep it Pure, Share not in sins of Others? 4) What are you Priorities in life? Money, Land, Retirement, Entertainments or God? 5) Do you CARE that most Professed Christians today are wholly deceived and living in sin? 6) Are you Obeying Christ or Following after your own Desires? Remember, you will Never be told these things in Church, or Challenged to Test your faith. Everything is assumed to be just fine. The Sun is shining, the sky is blue and God is in His heaven Smiling down on you through Jesus, (pretending you’re not a vile wretch because you believe!) But the big bright bubble is going to burst one day and your whole phony world is going to come crashing down, (Just like Jesus said it would, Matt7:21-23) with you in it and everything you thought was holding it up.
Posted on: Sun, 04 Aug 2013 13:18:07 +0000

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