Silly Mistakes during Interviews Job Interviews are tricky. They - TopicsExpress


Silly Mistakes during Interviews Job Interviews are tricky. They can go wrong in the fraction of a second. Many people lose the contention for jobs even before introducing themselves. During an interview, your every move is under observation, so it is vital to play safe! Following silly mistakes during an interview are made again and again. Inappropriate Attire When heading for an interview, it is crucial to look professional and well-groomed. Many times, women show up for interviews wearing saucy dresses. Similarly, every now and then, men are seen in casual dresses. One shall look formal and professional during an interview. Arriving Late More than often, people show up late for Job interviews. Not only does it cast an impression of irresponsible attitude on your part but it also shows disrespect for the company and the employers that you are about to meet. Go an extra mile to make sure that you don’t run late. Eating after reaching the workplace Sometimes, people arrive with coffee or a bagel in hand. One should be done with the meal before entering the premises of the office. It is unprofessional to have a drink in hand while arriving for work. You should be solely focused on the interview and performing well at it. Using the Phone Before going in for the interview, make sure that your mobile phone is on silent mode. Nobody likes being bugged by irritating text message alerts during an important conversation. Don’t text or answer any calls during the interview; not only it is bad manners but it also clearly suggests that getting the job is not your first priority! Lack of Research At many occasions, potential employees could not answer the easiest question of all, “What do you know about the company”? This situation convinces the interviewer that you are ill-prepared, uninterested and bit of a slack. Do some research before going for the job interview. You should know what the company does and what your job is about. Getting Distracted The preparation of the interview also means that you are well-rested, fresh and alert. Have a proper sleep before arriving so that you don’t feel dizzy of sleepy. Also, don’t let your wild imagination distract you. Stay focused. Don’t talk too much Don’t chatter during the interview. The potential employer is not interested in the stories of your personal life. Be succinct and precise about the things that you have been asked. These were some common mistakes and interview tips. Careful attitude can make great careers
Posted on: Tue, 16 Jul 2013 08:05:01 +0000

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