Simple diet - Need to do this again next week in Doha Qatar...Ive - TopicsExpress


Simple diet - Need to do this again next week in Doha Qatar...Ive gain weight here in PI :) 1. Always have breakfast. eat first meal an hour after waking up to activate metabolism. 2. Eat 5 to 6 small meals in a day. Eat smaller sized meals every three hours. Sometimes the lesser amount will make you feel hungry in three hours, which was just in time for your next meal. 3. Portion control. Main meals (breakfast, lunch and dinner) were roughly the size of your two palms (without the fingers). Snacks were one palm size and eaten in between meals and after dinner (if needed). 4. Adequate protein. The average man needs roughly 50 to 80 grams of protein daily. Teens and athletes need more. Protein controls hunger. Have some protein (animal or vegetable) in each meal. (Guide: 1 chicken drumstick is about 12 grams of protein; an egg is around six grams.) 5. Control carbohydrate intake. We need carbohydrates but not too much (endurance athletes benefit from large intake of carbs, but the rest of us don’t need that much). Control carbohydrate intake to lose fat. Eat only 1 cup of rice or 1 piece of bread at main meals. No carbohydrate snacks. 6. Eat on time. Eat meals 3 hours or less apart. Experts say this regular feeding schedule speeds up your metabolism and encourages your body to burn fat. 7. Drink plenty of water. Our body is more than 80 percent water. Digestion and getting rid of waste need water. Moderate exercise tips 1. Moderate exercise 3 or more times a week. Our bodies were built to move around. For decades, experts have said you need to exercise to burn fat. Start by brisk-walking on the treadmill for 15 minutes three times a week. Start on a slow walk and increase the speed over 5 minutes. It has to be at a pace that challenges you more than normal walking at the mall. The guide is that you should be walking fast but still able to converse with other people in short sentences. Improvements in treadmill fitness are quite fast. By next week you should be walking 30 minutes brisk-walking on the machine. By the third week it should be slow jogging slow jogging. Then add basic resistance workout with weights two to three times a week because you need toned muscle to burn fat. 2. Drink nutritional shakes. These are convenient for sticking to an eating schedule. They allow you to feed your body while controlling the intake of calories, fat, carbohydrates, etc. They also boost your vitamin and mineral allowances. They function as meals or snacks in place of solid food meals. You will be surprise people will notice that your belly began to shrink after just a couple of weeks. In one month you will be wearing your old jeans again. GOOD LUCK to me :)
Posted on: Wed, 14 May 2014 12:47:57 +0000

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