Simply He told us : -PEACE- .. Think on These - TopicsExpress


Simply He told us : -PEACE- .. Think on These Things... 4Rejoice in the Lord always. I will say it again: Rejoice! 5Let your gentleness be evident to all. The Lord is near. 6Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. 7And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus. 8Finally, brethren, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is of good report, if there is any excellence and if anything worthy of praise, dwell on these things. 9The things you have learned and received and heard and seen in me, practice these things, and the God of peace will be with you.(Phil.4) The apostle Paul lays out a foundation for our Focus on Him. He tells believers were promised to dwell here. He exhorts believers to focus on the GOOD things of the Lord, to reflect on the nature of a good Father. He holds all kinds of perfect attributes, and Paul himself knew these, taught them and also dwelled in them. Then he said, as youve seen me represent these virtues of Christ in me - now you can practice them, and I promise you that by using these keys, the Peace of Abba Father God will be with you. A great Key is worshipping your Maker, or rejoicing in Him (focus) all the time. The outcome or exchange is a supernatural fruit of His peace, that constant surely will guard your heart and mind in Him!! He also grants a very interesting key on the start of it almost; first DEAL with the negatives, for example - dont be anxious/worried, leave those thought patterns behind that try to re-wind; (following) THEN, take your petitions, thanksgiving, prayers, etc.. to the throne of grace, and His peace shall overwhelm you, also as a sign that He has just responded from heaven, and angels have taken care of business, you mentioned.. Peace greatest Weapon.. 20The God of peace will soon crush Satan under your feet. The grace of our Lord Jesus be with you. (Rom.16) In Christ you are a NEW CREATION, raised with Him ABOVE the demonic forces of the present age. They may look or even stare at you very impressive, though the pressure really gets on you, when you loose your focus on the Lord God of all Peace, and intend to show to much interest in what satan is doing or saying - directly, through others, the past, etc.. IN HIM ABIDING you superceed any devil from hell. Dont become to much overwhelmed or impressed by what he did.., he never changed, and we know his ways/tricks/strategies, Paul once said. Stand by grace at the feet of the Cross - and let that (Again) be your only legal place of authority - over all darkness. Youll see the enemys camp shrink back, so soon youve gotten more revelation (light) of what Jesus finished on the Cross, and you start to enter into this revelation of the Love of Abba!! Also here there is no longer space left for intimidation or fear for you.... Master--Peace constantly said.. 19On the evening of that first day of the week, when the disciples were together, with the doors locked for fear of the Jewish leaders, Jesus came and stood among them and said, “Peace be with you!” 20After he said this, he showed them his hands and side. The disciples were overjoyed when they saw the Lord. 21Again Jesus said, “Peace be with you! As the Father has sent me, I am sending you.” 22And with that he breathed on them and said, “Receive the Holy Spirit. 23If you forgive anyone’s sins, their sins are forgiven; if you do not forgive them, they are not forgiven.” (John. 20) Here its Resurrection-Day, and the Lords first (uplifting) words were Peace be with you!! He released a substance in His Presence of Peace, did you know that? Because straight afterwards, He says that just as He was send (as a peacemaker / with the Gospel of Peace; Is.52,7) so they or we are send by the Spirit of Peace, the promise of the Father. The Father God is the GOD OF ALL PEACE.. Hes the one we find later on litteral described this way in a Scripture verse. Peace is followed by or giving evidence to people by some other fruit-manifestations, or a reach out of the Love of Father God to humans around you : it releases people, it forgives (quickly), reconciles without long-calculations. Its a nature of the Creator, living now in you. You cant help it, but desire to walk in peace with the Father, Son and Spirit, as well with all of your neighbors, so far possible. Its the NEW fruit of your spirit. Interesting that it says here, that when He spoke or imparted PEACE to them, they were overwhelmed with joy. See, the LOVE OF ABBA - splits up in many joyable tastes or expressions.. Down here we find them all interacting or connected to each other. They all proceed from a deeper place within you, there where the Prince of Peace dwells.. Part of the Fruit of your spirit... 22But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, 23gentleness and self-control. Against such things there is no law. 24Those who belong to Christ Jesus have crucified the flesh with its passions and desires. 25Since we live by the Spirit, let us keep in step with the Spirit. 26Let us not become conceited, provoking and envying each other. (Gal. 5) You may think - that in the traditional (religious) way, you got to fight the devil off with many words, or go up in the heavens to bind this demonic force or that terrifying spirit of darkness or that bothering satanic influence on your path.. Listen, the N-T is written full of examples that share simply that we have the Fullness of Christ in us, that we are (yet) seated above - far above all principalities and powers/forces of darkness. Satan tries to manipulate, intimidate or intends to trick us out of our seat of rest & peace of our Lord. (Example, Jesus sleeping at the boat - while others go mad..) I just got a few thoughts on it, but the full Gospel of Peace is totally packed with testimonies or good reporting words that speak about an armor of His peace. Couldnt be that satan tries to play or fake our Anointed One, the One living in us and resting upon us, by trying to show up as the anti-Christ, by letting people think or believe he is the son of peace, the one bringing (false) peace to the earth?? We can chasten after demons all the time, fix on possibilities to trace devils, fallen spirits all around us..., but listen, Jesus won that war over satans camp, and in some measure HE even gave his first disciples already power and authority over the camp of the enemy, before the Cross!! We are told we are triumphant through what He has accomplished - and we can simply enter into His rest or peace - because we have the victory. Paul writes a lot to believers in the New Testament, and just as other writers he mostly addresses issues with the fruit of the spirit - the ways of the Father God and our Lord - the new Way of living or dealing with things - walking in the (total) opposite spirit/fruit... See that new nature or character, the GLORY OF GOD HIMSELF in you is all-powerful, and if you keep walking in that new fruit of your regenerated spirit, he cant take you out or get you out of self-control (Fruit too!!) or deceive or stop you from walking in breakthrough in each area of your life or in a certain assignment, AS YOU WALK, this way - led by His Spirit. Matter of focus.. Blessed are the Peacemakers... 9Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called SONS of God. (Mat. 5) A short one, but so clear it states out that peacemakers are matured in love (fruit of their new spirit), and therefore close to His heart know the deepest true secrets (Truth), that has set them free from childishness and stupidity, so in maturity they got the victory and now -therefore- can walk in a greater authority in their Call to Sonship - recognized at some point in life then by others. See, you dont have to try to scare off the devil, as hes scared to death as he sees youre death to this world, its system and mainpulative corruptive opposite fruits, attributes, weak character-traits, etc.. The answer is the Cross!! Gods foolishness ashaming all wisdom and reasoning of men (including faulty methods in church without power!)See Paul even writes that the Cross stands for pure power and wisdom, that is one of above, where all (divine) sensitivity, meekness, approach/transparancy and PEACE (admirable) come from!! So if you know this Love of the Father, demonstrated by the Son on the Cross, and accept this gift in your heart by the holy Spirit, He wont disappoint you but appoint you to bear much fruit, to be a great peacemaker, mature in your sonship, now acting like an overcomer - that has gotten greater rights or privilleges in the citizenship of Peace to rule & reign over satans camp. Supernatural peace proceeds from Agape inside you, from the relationship you have BASED ON UNDERSTANDING/REVELATION OF WHAT CHRIST THE HOPE OF GLORY IN YOU -- ... did for you and all humanity. The Gospel is grace and peace multiplied to each of us, but we need to SIMPLY learn again to focus on that only true Good Report, the only Good News of Jesus, the Prince of Peace, that has crushed satan under beneath his feet. Sure.., sons may have to stand up by times, for themselves or others (as they see the Father -intentional- say/do..) and rebuke, cast out, command a demonic spirit on the earth to simply come out, leave, let go, loose its grip over a person its life, belongings, rights-access, relationships, etc.. But because a peacemaker or son knows its authority comes from the God of Peace, s-he would be intimidated by satan, neither goes for a hunt. This person of/at peace knows by the training of its senses within - by supernatural light/discernment, from a place of rest or peace inside, what to do or say, how to act or move in a certain situation. Again, thats a simple lesson, and a child can learn it. As we make it very complicated we loose the simplicitity of the Gospel of Christ - our Peace, that has teared down (yet) the walls of seperation everywhere!! Yes, He may test you over time or in a season-long filled with grace for this purpose.., how you shall react when satan (mostly) will try to come up against you or try to manipulate you through a person or else... See, you can stay in the fruit of your spirit, that has been given to you in the holy Spirit, and that is so powerful as all these attributes along with peace make up the full fruit, AGAPE LOVE. Abide in this love of the Father daily, worship Him, give Him all your time and space, daily devotion in everything, and Hell fill it all with His total being-everything, and be Head over it - as Lord - Head over all things IN His ekklesia. Walk in Divine Love, and watch peace flow consistant supernatural through you, with also much more and deeper (increasing) revelation from the Father of lights.. His angels shall back you up, and in His house youre surrounded by His wings, and Hes consistantly empowering you to win the battle, as you keep trusting the Father God (of Peace)..Know who you are IN CHRIST, and your fruit shall increase, your focus shall be undivided, and satan will have a hard time to not look after your steps of progression in life!!!
Posted on: Wed, 10 Sep 2014 17:11:57 +0000

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