Simply SMH@ how so many people get upset with me because I simply - TopicsExpress


Simply SMH@ how so many people get upset with me because I simply do my job and call out hypocrit politicians who do not keep their word. I ruffled many a feather when I said the same about Pres Bush yet the same people who complained about Pres Bushs executive actions NOW have no problem or make excuses for Pres Obama....HE EVEN DOES now (make excuses that he called Pres Bush out for) even though he ran on the opposite. It was the reason that so many WHITE Repubs crossed over and voted for him because he ran on doing the opposite of what Pres Bush did that riled so much of his Repub base. When I call out Pres Obama, Speaker Boehner, Mitch (makes me sick) McConnel, and the John (I served but forgot how to serve) McCain out people from whatever side they are affiliated with get upset but my question is are you on their side or the Constitutions side, better yet Gods (honesty/truths) side? Sickening at how many people are simply home team and have no true honor to hold his/her politician accountable for what they said or for the platform that they ran on BEFORE they were elected. Pres Obama made many a promise that he has broken JUST LIKE MOST POLITICIANS DO yet Im supposed to look the other way because hes black? No sir, forget that because I have a moral base that is based on Christ and He was plain and clear at how much he disdained hypocrisy (check out what he said about the pharisees and saducees)! Its okay to support your politician but you do know that agreeing with him/her or making excuses for and not holding them accountable when they lie, are duplicitous, or break promises puts the individual in odds with Gods word. I remember how many times during the various speeches that led up to his election how the Sen Obama made point after point about the abuses that occured during the Bush administration and I AGREED with him from various parts of the Patriot Act which could be later used (ironically now is being used) against honest citizens for political purposes to lack of transparency in government (hmm, where have I heard that before?) yet now that I call him AS WELL AS Repubs for their duplicity I am castigated simply because I seek the truth not matter the political affiliation. President Obama ran against much of what President Bushs administration and the people (again AND many of the devil white Repubs that voted for him or he would not be Pres right now...dont forget it!) including myself cheered yet now that he not only has kept many of the policies and even embellished them after promising to remove them the people now give him a pass and revile me because I am still against them...makes no sense to me!!! You have a choice not to agree with this or any point that I have made here but as the super-hypocrite Al Gore said a much Inconvenient Truth!
Posted on: Thu, 04 Sep 2014 14:57:48 +0000

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