Simply amazing what humanity can do. Just imagine what kind of - TopicsExpress


Simply amazing what humanity can do. Just imagine what kind of space crafts we could build our technology wouldnt be suppressed. Their would be no wars to power the small cabal that has its grips on humanity. We would travel the stars as the human race and build a community locked with other star systems. Call me crazy but i dont believe that this small blue pearl in this vast void of space is the only one with life on it.. their is NO WAY. We can leave that type of world for our kids.. But first we need to realize the game that is being played. Humanity i believe needs to elevate their consciousness and realize that this time age is the new golden age. All we need to do is get off our knees and push back along with non violence.. they want violence that is all they know. stop cooperating with the machine. Who would fight the wars for these C.E.O devils? Not you not I we obey authority either mindlessly or through fear of the consequences of doing so. ENOUGH!!! The shepherd & the sheepdog have no power over the sheep except for the power that the sheep give away to them. What would happen if those sheep went off in any direction?.... let that sink in...the result would be non existent.. we have the energy and the ability thru are charkas to channel with what are helio pitch is meant to do and connect with the truth vibrations that are out their. Meditation, Tai Chi are good examples of getting the power back just imagine if all at once we all just meditated i bet the energy would be intensified.. i know some will read this and say this guy is stupid crazy.... i cant respond to closed minds nor would i ridicule you. I grew up in front of the tell a lie vision too and my perception was distorted i made it dough i disconnected from the matrix along time ago... and to this day i am still learning and only a few people can handle what i am saying does that make me better? Hell NAH!!!!! I will end this rant like this... This story is from a Cherokee Native American who was teaching his grandchildren about life.. A fight is going on inside me.... it is a terrible fight, and it is between two wolves. One wolf represents fear,anger,envy,sorrow,regret,greed,arrogance,self-pity,guilt,resentment,inferiority,lies,pride and superiority. The other wolf stands for joy,peace,love,hope,sharing,serenity,humility,kindness,benevolence,friendship,empathy,generosity,truth,compassion and faith. This same fight is going on inside of you and EVERY OTHER PERSON TOO Have a GOOD DAY. Do something out of kindness and i bet your day will go smoothly..
Posted on: Tue, 04 Nov 2014 16:20:54 +0000

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