Simply put a Moorish Science Temple of America is an organization - TopicsExpress


Simply put a Moorish Science Temple of America is an organization or rather institution based on the principles of our forefathers, which is love truth peace freedom and justice That we may know that we are not negros colored folk black people or Ethiopians. That these were slave labels placed upon us during the tone of slavery. that our nationality is Moorish-American. And we are to be citizens of the U.S.A. and not second class citizens subject to the abuses and mistreatments that the citizens may place upon them I tried to be as brief as possible We have records of the Moroccan empire extending to America pre 1492. Moor=member of the Moroccan empire in English. That is the actual true simple definition of Moor pirates will never think logically enough to give to people. 1787 treaty with the Moroccan empire is plain but South America was named Africa then Ethiopia then America in many maps in many languages. Before then, we were speaking those dialects intimately relating to Ibrihaic and ancient Arabic (1-9 and 0) mathematics. Moors founded that, and carvings in pyramids thousands of years old aught to cover that. Jamaica for example is a country and it is a corporation, but a nation are a people not a territoriality. If the entire conscious community joined the Moorish Science Temple of America and never called themselves negros nor acted like it again. Lol. Utopia, only elites would exist in the communities we inhabit and dominate. No that cant happen. Because black power and feminism or whatever. But 20,000 people LMAO sheesh I read a law that said 10,000 can petition for their own state and incorporate to the U.S.A. just something to think about. And Fezzes are cool. Enjoy the vocabulary words below Peace and love. What is NATIONALITY? Read in: Spanish That quality or character which arises from the fact of a person’s belonging to a nation or state. Nationality determines the political status of the individual, especially with reference to allegiance; while domicile determines his civil status. Nationality arises either by birth or by naturalization. According to Savigny, “nationality” is also used as opposed to “territoriality,” for the purpose of distinguishing the case of a nation having no national territory; e. g., the Jews. 8 Sav. Syst. Law Dictionary: What is NATIONALITY? definition of NATIONALITY (Blacks Law Dictionary) Nationality is the legal relationship between a person and a state.[1] Nationality normally confers some protection of the person by the state, and some obligations on the person towards the state. What these rights and duties are vary from country to country.[2] It differs technically and legally from citizenship, although in most modern countries all nationals are citizens of the state and all citizens are nationals of the state.[1] Nationality affords the state jurisdiction over the person and affords the person the protection of the state. The most common distinguishing feature of citizenship is that citizens have the right to participate in the political life of the state, such as by voting or standing for election. The noun national can include both citizens and non-citizens. By custom and international conventions, it is the right of each state to determine who its nationals are.[3] Such determinations are part of nationality law. In some cases, determinations of nationality are also governed by public international law—for example, by treaties on statelessness and the European Convention on Nationality. In English, the same word is used in the sense of an ethnic group (a group of people who share a common ethnic identity, language, culture, descent, history, and so forth). This meaning of nationality is not defined by political borders or passport ownership and includes nations that lack an independent state (such as the Scots, Welsh, English, Basques, Kurds, Tamils, Hmong, Inuit and Māori). Individuals may also be considered nationals of groups with autonomous status which have ceded some power to a larger government. Article 15 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights states that Everyone has the right to a nationality, and No one shall be arbitrarily deprived of his nationality nor denied the right to change his nationality. Statelessness is an international problem in which an individual has no formal or protective relationship with any state. This might occur, for example, if a persons parents are nationals of separate countries, and the mothers country rejects all offspring of mothers married to foreign fathers, but the fathers country rejects all offspring born to foreign mothers. Although this person may have an emotional national identity, he or she may not legally be the national of any state. What is NATION? Read in: Spanish A people, or aggregation of men, existing in the form of an organized jural society, inhabiting a distinct portion of the earth, speaking the same language, using the same customs, possessing historic continuity, and distinguished from other like groups by their racial origin and characteristics, and generally, but not necessarily, living under the same government and sovereignty. See Montoya v. U. S., 180 U. S. 201, 21 Sup. Ct 358, 45 L. Ed. 521; Worcester v. Georgia, 6 Pet. 539, 8 L. Ed. 483; Republic of Honduras v. Soto, 112 N. Y. 310, 19 N. E. 845, 2 L. R. A. 042, 8 Am. St. Rep. 744. Besides the element of autonomy or self-government, that is, the independence of the community as a whole from the interference of any foreign power in its affairs or any subjection to such power, it is further necessary to the constitution of a nation that it should be an organized jural society, that is, both governing its own members by regular laws, and defining and protecting their rights, and respecting the rights and duties which attach to it as a constituent member of the family of nations. Such a society, says Vattel, has her affairs and her interests ; she deliberates and takes resolutions in common; thus becoming a moral person, who possesses an understanding and will peculiar to herself, and is susceptible of obligations and rights. Vattel. Law Dictionary: What is NATION? definition of NATION (Blacks Law Dictionary) What is COUNTRY? The portion of the earths surface occupied by an independent nation or people; or the inhabitants of such territory. In its primary meaning country signifies place; and. in a larger sense, the territory or dominions occupied by a community ; or even waste and unpeopled sections or regions of the earth. But its metaphorical meaning is no less definite and well understood; and in common parlance, in historical and geographical writings, in diplomacy, legislation, treaties, and international codes, the word is employed to denote the population, the nation, the state, or the government, having possession and dominion over a territory. Stairs v. Peaslee. 18 How. 521, 15 L. Ed. 474; U. S. v. Recorder, 1 Blatchf. 218. 225, 5 N. Y. Leg. Obs. 280, Fed. Cas. No. 16,129. In pleading and practice. The inhabitants of a district from which a jury is to be summoned ; pais ; a jury. 3 Bl. Comm. 349; Steph. PL 73, 78, 230. Law Dictionary: What is COUNTRY? definition of COUNTRY (Blacks Law Dictionary) What is CORPORATION? Read in: Spanish An artificial person or legal entity created by or under the authority of the laws of a state or nation, composed, in some rare instances, of a single person and his successors, being the incumbents of a particular oltice, but ordinarily consisting of an association of numerous individuals, who subsist as a body politic under a special denomination, which is regarded In law as having a personality and existence distinct from that of its several members, and which is, by the same authority, vested with the capacity of continuous succession, irrespective of changes in its membership, either in perpetuity or for a limited term of years, and of acting as a unit or single individual in matters relating to the common purpose of the association, within the scope of the powers and authorities conferred upon such bodies by law. See Case of Suttons Hospital, 10 Coke. 32; Dartmouth College v. Woodward, 4 Wheat. 518, 636, 657. 4 L. Ed. 629; U. S. v. Trinidad Coal Co., 137 U. S. 160, 11 Sup. Ct. 57. 34 L. Ed. 640; Andrews Bros. Co. v. Youngstown Coke Co., 86 Fed. 585, 30 C. C. A. 293; Porter v. Railroad Co., 76 111. 573; State v. Payne, 129 Mo. 468, 31 S. W. 797. 33 L. R. A. 576; Farmers L. & T. Co. v. New York, 7 Hill (N. Y.) 2S3; State BL.LAW DICT.(2D ED.) Law Dictionary: What is CORPORATION? definition of CORPORATION (Blacks Law Dictionary) What is INCORPORATION? Read in: Spanish 1. The act or process of forming or creating a corporation; the formation of a legal or political body, with the quality of perpetual existence and succession, unless limited by the act of incorporation.2. The method of making one document of any kind become a part of another separate document by referring to tlie former in the latter, and declaring that the former shall be taken and considered as a part of the latter the same as if it fully set out therein. This is more fully described as “incorporation by reference.” If the one document is copied at length in the other, it Is called “actual incorporation.”3. In the civil law. The union of one domain to another. Law Dictionary: What is INCORPORATION? definition of INCORPORATION (Blacks Law Dictionary) Can I get shares of a few of my videos on my pages please, Id appreciate it. Actually I have three pages. If you would take the time out Www.facebook/ChapterIVIns9 Www.facebook/LordMurkEl The misunderstanding of nationality Islam Sharif A Bey on #ChapterIV #MinistryofDeath: #AngelInTrainingTV NO MOOR TALKING EP.1 LORDMURK-El: Www.facebook/LordMurkElMusic Alis Men Promo LordMurk-El/Hopkins-Bey/Cyrus L: Www.Soundcloud/LordMurkEl7 Follow me @ChapterIVIns9 Click my hash tags #ActualFacts #ChapterIV #MinistryofDeath #AngelInTraining #LordMurkElFace #NobleDrewAli
Posted on: Tue, 11 Nov 2014 12:54:37 +0000

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